ਰਹਿਣੀਰਹੈਸੋਈਸਿਖਮੇਰਾ॥ ਓੁਹਸਾਹਿਬਮੈਉਸਕਾਚੇਰਾ॥

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Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : Harpartap Singh
Date: 7/25/2004 11:11 am

VahegurujikaKhalsa, VahegurujikiFateh!

Sangat ji,

It was an amazing achievement today - young Singhs and Singhnia from all over the UK, from all jathebandhies came together to stop the extremist Islamists from having a platform to do Nindhia of our beloved SatGuru and Dharma.

The cowardly al-Muhajiroun cancelled their rally and went to the middle of nowhere in Essex. And the reaction from the public? Almost every single one was - 'well done guys - keep it up'. The banners said it all - 'SIKH, British and Proud!', 'Those who cannot see God in everyone, cannot see God at all' and 'Sikhs against al-Muhajiroun'.

The National Front did turn up - and there was no trouble.

The anti Fascists turned up and praised us for taking a stand. To all those who urged us to stay at home and bury our heads in the sands - I hope you will keep your negative opinions to yourself in the future! When disrespect is going to be shown to Guru ji, never let us turn away...

The best part was at the end when the whole Jatha sat down in the heart of Trafalgar Square and did five Chaupai Sahib paats followed by Ardaas and Jaikaray! The Police and the onlookers did not know what hit them! :o)

Let us thank Vaheguru ji for today and ask for His/Her guidance in the future so that ALL Sikhs, of all Jathebandhi's and Sampradhai's and of all ages will continue to work together and do Seva for our Panth.

Please forgive me if I have made any mistakes or offended anyone.

Harpartap Singh
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : TRIGGER
Date: 7/25/2004 4:11 pm

Also a special thanks to Al-muharioon, you have acheived miracles for the sikhs today: sikhs showing unity! wow!, doing parchar???? no way!.... and wait for it .... getting somewhere on time!!! Many thanks, today was not possible without you guys. Long live al-muhajiroon and keep making the Sikh Panth more and more chardi kala. Thank you.
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/25/2004 7:26 pm






Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : jagroop singh
Date: 7/26/2004 1:45 am

Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

Singhs and Singhnian,

Well done - may Siree Guru Sahib Ji bless you.

i wasn't able to go to London but i am sure i missed an amazing experience.

Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : GurSa Singh
Date: 7/26/2004 2:08 am

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

It truely was an amazing day.

Well done to all the Chardi Kala Naujawan that did turnout!!!!!

Well Done to
the Naujawan Jathas from
East London
North London
and above all Coventry for boosting the atmosphere.

Well Done to the Naujawan monay who wore dastaars.

Well Done to all the Naujawan GurSikhs who acted as superb ambasdors to Guru Ji.

Well Done to the Naujawan that led the Chaupai Sahib Path.

Good work Naujawanow! You did the Sikhs proud!!!

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : tarunjeet singh
Date: 7/26/2004 4:17 am

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ki fathe

Yesterday was truly amazing, there was such an amazing spirit. Thats what I call khalsa fauj. i was so proud to stand there wih my fellow brothers, the cowardly Al musharoom legged it when they found out the Khalsa where coming. It was amazing we started off meeting at the Gurudwara in Coventry early in the morning, we then arranged for all mona to wear a dastar, then we asked Giani ji to do an ardaas for us and that Guru ji do rakhaya of his Sikhs. Then all the wa there and back we did keertan on the coach everyone felt the pyaar of sangat it was like Guru gobind Singh was there with us. And when all the SInghs sat together and did 5 chaupia saihb paat and ardaas that was amazing. The whole event was all positive, we went there scared off the dusht handed out our litreture got Sikhi in the media , showed the media that we are against Almushroom and won't stand for anyone taking a dig at our Guru's.

And to all the " Sikhs" who didn't come, you need to reflect on why you didn't come especially those who are amritdhari as supposedly you have given your head to the Guru yet you couldn't even turn up to defend your Guru agaisnta few hundred looney fanatics......


Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ki fathe
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : uksingh
Date: 7/26/2004 6:45 am

here's amessage from another forum

if those who originally wrote/emailed the police and mayor
could do thefollow up letter

Please dont forget to send a letter expressing some thanks to the mayors office and the Met. It will be good PR for now and certainly good for the future when we need to raise support againt these Morons
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : Anon Singh
Date: 7/26/2004 11:04 am

Anyone who didnt turn up should hang their heads in shame.

Over 1000 BNPs and NFs turned out, when we left you could see their huge flags all over the square. About half a million of us in UK, and only about 100 Sikhs turned up. Major congrats to anyone who actually turned up, and also the fact that the Muslims did a runner.

Imagine if there were more Sikhs than NFs, then we would lose our reputation as paper tigers.

Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : maha paapi
Date: 7/26/2004 12:50 pm

paaji harpartap your seva was good thank you all, in a way everybpody who came were sevedars for a cause. I myself am guilty of telling people not go especially bibia in case of trouble , i made that mistake i apologise, i woke up on the day and a thought str5uck me. If anything untoward happens i would never forgive myself, i need to be there no matrter what snap decisiuon i came to the meeting .

mixed emotions about the event, good and bad. Good we came, but we need to liase with other groups and with the public to get this group banned along with HT and Khalifa all created by bakri. Before bakri came there were no crusading problems. We could have used that time exposure to bullet point why we were there, ask the public what they think of the groups activities? is it moral, legal? if not why is this group allowed to carry on? we need to get that message across to the media while we had the chance. But everything still went well.

But nothing is stopping the muhajrioun doing this next year. So paaji we need to prepare for that time to hit out on a big scale. Im sure they will play more mind games but we have to go no matter what even if they do not say anything about sikhs they will pick on jews its the principle and inciting racial religious hatred against anyone we must show we the british public are united in their face. they will always knock sikhi unoffically if not out in the open, so we need to challange that extremist ideology and question it in their faces next year.

It would be good if we had speakers organised to adress on a loudspeaker so we could communicate well with others ( public), perhaps next time visual presentation of the universal message of sikhi and tolerance .

It was vah to see so many different groups united (even if theres just 200 of us). I would just like to point out there were faces there i never expected from my local area who are known as gangsters on the other side of the bandstands who also had our back covered , who knows what the Guru has in plan it cpould be a turning point from above maybe in future.

i dont think it was appropriate to raise khalistan slogans as that had nothing to do with the event, we need to stick to the agenda that is al muhajiroun and highlighting their wrongs. recently a 16 year old white boy was stabbed to death by 3 bengali muslims who came running from a mosque and stabbed his skull. Nobody has been prosecuted, we should also highlight these cases and ask why was it in the past when these bakri groups were nbon existant this was unthinkable but now? we havew to connect with the grievances of the british public as well as making our own point.

now if the muhajiroun did turn up it would have been ugly so we have no choice but to attend in very large numbers organised for next annual meeting and stay in groups have a gathering point for sikhs nationally comin from everywhere then march down together. We ( east london) lot went first on our own expecting ytrouble it shudnt have been like that, we shud have stayed together withthe northern lot waiting for them. we need more people comin from west london too the bulk were northerners and u have my 100% respect all the way thank you very much :-)

I dontthink we should to jakairey when the bnp come either remember they do noit know what itmeans, we have no pangah with them at that event even if we disagree with their policies overall on that day its just the muhajir group.

stay in chardi kala

Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : tarunjeet singh
Date: 7/27/2004 6:55 am

**A Copy of the Press Release**

Sikhs unite against Al-Muhajiroun

In a show of tremendous unity, Sikhs from all over Englands converged onto Trafalgar Square to contend the Islamic Rally set by Al-Muhajiroun on Sunday 25th July 2004.

Over 500 Sikhs from the Midlands and London departed in the early hours of Sunday morning to peacefully protest against the controversial statements made earlier in that week by Al-Muhajiroun against their religion. But the statements were short-lived, for as the Sikhs gathered at Trafalgar Square it became apparent that the Islamic Fundamentalist group had cancelled the illegal rally due to “fears of safety”.

Several coaches carrying Sikhs from Birmingham and Coventry arrived in the early afternoon and were met by Sikhs from Southall. As the Sikhs walked united up to Trafalgar Square, even the towering buildings of Londons skyline seemed to bow in respect of the mass of blue and black turbans which fell upon the roads. Once at Trafalgar Square, police officers quickly intervened the crowd of Sikhs and escorted them to a cordoned area by the Opera house where they were met with jubilant cries of “Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akaal” from fellow East London Sikhs. On the other side the protest from the British National Party could be seen being the reason for the police escort to stop any trouble.

Once together the Sikh presence was immediately noticed by walkers by who stood to take in our protest which was headed by peaceful slogan banners of “Sikhs Against Al-Muhajiroun”, and “God loves all Religions”. The BNP had also noticed the Sikhs and although they had come to protest against the Al-Muhajiroun, seeing the lack of Muslim presence they quickly turned their attention to the Sikhs who remained to our strength, very calm and peaceful. Since the Sikhs had come to show their presence against the Al-Muhajiroun and meet their challenge, they had no concern with the BNP so were not put off nor did they get involved.

Instead in a show of the genuine spiritual strength, the 500 strong crowd all sat down cross-legged and participated in reciting “Chaupai Sahib”, a prayer to thank God for the success of this protest. As Chaupai Sahib was being recited a wave of undivided love and compassion was felt by all present and hundreds of passer by’s stood in amazement at this truly spiritual spectacle where the Sikhs ignoring all chants from the BNP became totally absorbed in the prayers. Following the prayers, all Sikhs stood to participate in Ardaas which was completed with five ecstatic cries of “Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akaal”. You can only but imagine the feeling of 500 Sikhs all engrossed in this event.

With this finale, the Sikhs having accomplished their task left Trafalgar Square having humiliated with humbleness the Al-Muhajiroun attack. Words are only words until followed up by action and that action must be the right action. Al-Muhajiroun could not follow up the verbal assault with real action, the Sikhs did, with grace and humility and following the guidance from their Guru. Well done to all the Sikhs.

The gathering had been a success, the “Al-Muhajiroun” had cancelled its rally, been prevented from challenging the Sikhs and blaspheming the Sikh religion in front of Trafalgar Square. More so a message had been sent out to “Al-Muhajiroun” that contradictory to their perception about our religion, Sikhs are alive, Sikhs will not just standby and Sikhs are and will always be UNITED.

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : partinder singh
Date: 7/27/2004 10:55 am

well boys and girls, it was a sucess, and id like to thank god for the sangat that arrived, HOWEVER, for those "sikhs" who stayed at home, hang your heads in shame, remove turban and karra, and realise it was the snakes like you, who would of cowered in 1984 or may of cowered then...


party singh
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : KiSingh
Date: 7/27/2004 11:47 am

> well boys and girls, it was a sucess, and id like to thank god
> for the sangat that arrived, HOWEVER, for those "sikhs" who
> stayed at home, hang your heads in shame, remove turban and
> karra, and realise it was the snakes like you, who would of
> cowered in 1984 or may of cowered then...

I second that party singh
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : maha paapi
Date: 7/27/2004 1:03 pm

no do not judge anyone please, thats not fair. Pray for everyone to have the same courage you had to walk to the spot. let us stand together as one.
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : KiSingh
Date: 7/27/2004 3:53 pm

> no do not judge anyone please, thats not fair. Pray for
> everyone to have the same courage you had to walk to the spot.
> let us stand together as one.

I second that Maha paapi
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : tarunjeet singh
Date: 7/28/2004 2:46 am

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ki fathe

Wednesday 28th July, 8 pm , Cross Rd Gurdwara, Coventry, Feedback session of Sundays Events, Video footage of what happened etc. Please come if you can and spread the word!!

Tell everyone you know not to put photos of sunday on the net as some idiots are passing it to the wrong hands as they can there identify which seva dars are from which city!

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ki fathe
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : another singh
Date: 7/28/2004 9:50 am

Partinder "Party" Singh,

That's very wrong for you to insult other Sikhs for not coming. Although what SIkhs did here was successful, don't boast that what you did was right, everyone else in the panth is wrong. That's a very egotistical approach my brother.

Try to imagine those Gursikhs who survived the 78 Massacre boasting in the same fashion as you are: "take off your kakaars, you are no longer sikhs for not coming to protest against the nirankaris".. That's very "snake-like" as you put it, to tell those who didn't show up to remove thier kakaars.

What kind of thinking is that? No matter how important this is, never should a Sikh criticize like that. It feels like you just cancelled out all that seva you Gursikhs did there, by doing this kind of boasting of yourselves, and nindya of others.

Be compassionate. It was a great seva. But don't criticize the Sikhi of those who could not show up.
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : :)
Date: 7/28/2004 12:28 pm

it's up
& click on Al-Muhajiroun at the top of the page or for the direct link:

Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : ns
Date: 7/28/2004 1:03 pm

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!!

"another singh" makes a very valid points indeed. There were sikhs who wanted to come badly including myself. Due to certain constraints I couldn't come, and if you want to know what those constraints were I could right a 4 pager right now and yes they are sikhi related. The exemplary sewa done here was excellent, but criticizing will surely ensure that future Sikhs will not be coming at all. What about those mona Sikhs who went with turbans on and just for example one of their cousins who didn;t go and was criticized as above you will no doubt ensure the mona who went and his cousin in future will not turn up. This is also the same kind of failure to a certain extent on the June 84 march which happens every year, apart from this year because it was the 20th anniversary the numbers on that march have not been big any way and are slowly going down. Amritdahri Sikhs or non amrit dhari both have to remember to control the ego:::

" mandaa jaanee aaapp kooo avar bhalaaaa sansaar" Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!!
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : jagjit singh
Date: 7/29/2004 2:42 am

waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

Pyare jio, those who seem to have criticised those for not turning up need to be more open minded. Many more of us would have turned up, but were informed on the our way, what was happening. Also many did lobby and write letters.

Some Singhs in slough even went as far as arranging to go with Police Criminal Intelligence officers, who were kitted out with hidden cameras, who would have recorded conversation between us and muslims from Al Majouroun, to see if we could extract evidence that could be used against the organisation. This was all ready, and organised. But in the end not needed.

I also think that we should now keep the pressure on and collate evidence from all towns where Al-Mahajoroun are active. Sources for info should be sikhs, hindus, jew, africans, anglo, which can be presented to David Blunkett as part of a campaign to ban this organisation.

waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : tarunjeet singh
Date: 7/29/2004 5:00 am

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ki fathe

Bhaji how open minded do you want people to be, they are only stating the facts, i.e These people have in the past held rallys in trafalguar square and converted Sikh girls on stage , they have slandered our Guru's and Sikhi , it was our duty as "KHALSA" to go there and protest agaisnt them at bare minimum. the fact that people have said that singhs and Singhnia should feel embaraced for not going is not out of ego, it's out of LOVE/PAIN. Love for Sikhi. PAIN becasue my Sikh borthers and Sisters sat at home and couldn't be bothered to turn up and face the enemy. The majority of people I spoke to said they weren't coming becasue they thought there migfht be trouble, that make me sick, whats the point in wearing Bana, and Big kirpans, and shastar to keertan programs, but when it comes down to the crunch you don't show????

Sorry to offend anyone this is not directed to any individual but more as a wake up call for the youth. We should be sant/sapahi, when it's time to give your head don't think twice!!!

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa
Vaheguru ji ki fathe
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : Harpartap Singh
Date: 7/29/2004 7:07 am

VahegurujikaKhalsa, VahegurujikiFateh!

Let's keep this positive and be constructive as to what we can ALL do in the future.

This was only one example of people doing Bayadhbi pf Guru ji. We should be thinking about what we can do to stop this happening in other ways.

To those who discouraged the Singhs and Singhnia not to go, I think it is valid to question them. Why break the spirit of someone who has decided to do something pro active?

BTW a Panjabi wedding has been set to be held in a hall with an attached bar in three weeks time. They plan to take Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji there. The family were approached with alternative courses of action nearly 2 months ago and have refused to change their plans. What does the Sangat suggest we should do?

Now everybody is aware of what is proposed - no excuses for inaction (including me)...
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : tarunjeet singh
Date: 7/29/2004 7:30 am

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Check out The times newspaper today and the Punjabt times newspaper for coverage/photos of the event

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : Ardass is what done i, not US!
Date: 7/29/2004 11:10 am

Waheguru ji kakhalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh !

I just want to thank everyone that did not attend the demonstration too, for it was their ardassa that stopped this event from taking place.

Many youngsters I know done ardassa for this event not too take place and their adrassa were heard.

Tarunjeet Singh Jee i am happy to see all your enthusiasm, but i think we need to look a little closer to home to get to the root of the problem.. Unless the root of this issue is resolved these rallies will keep happening and our youngsters will keep converting. We can be all macho and turn up at some rally against Muslims but when it comes to sorting our own house out we don't even speak a word. We talk about biaydbee of Guru Sahibs and Sikhi.. what about those many Gurdwara's that are setup under the banner of caste 'Ramgarhia' Gurdwara ... that is the biggest insult we could do, where our Gurus have totally abolished this so called 'caste system' we as sikhs are accepting this biaydbee within our own house. Gurdwara Sahib is a place where we go to learn and seek, if the ethics of that place of teaching is against your fundamental views then of course our youngsters are going to drift away from Sikhi.

There are many things we need to protest against, lobby against, fight against within our own house as well as trying to 'sort out' other people.

Bhull Chuk Maaf

Waheguru ji kakhalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh !
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : jagjit singh
Date: 7/29/2004 11:49 am

Waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

Pyare jio, I make no excuses for anyone. I often have thought the same things. There are times when i wondered why sikhs are rarely visble at Anti-BNp rallies, or other rallies, etc.

Everytime something happens and Sikhs turn up, Guru Ji is always with them and they always are blessed with Fateh.

We are going to see these times often. I have seen anti-HUt rallies, anti-BNp rallies, etc. There was the situations in London when RSS put Guru jis photo on there poster, and singhs went. Or as Veer harpratap singh ji mentioned about Guru Maharaj at weddings in midlands. In slough, frequent run-ins with muslims, as there was 3 last week.

The reality I believe is that we do not do seva, but seva is taken from us by Guru Ji himself. Guru jis places us in these places at these times, and ensures our actions bring about the Chardi kala of the Panth.

My point is simply, yesterday it was one sikh, today another, and tomorrow another. It is all as Guru jis will. So just accept his blessings, and do not condemn others. It is far to inspire them instead, as many did on Sunday.

The weekend was very significant, and hopefully more people will realise how strong sikhs can be when united. But it will be much better if Al- maharojoun is banned. That will only happen, if every town, as Slough has began is actively using agencies to collate evidence, to bring its leaders and the organisation on to a banned list.

waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : GurSa Singh
Date: 7/30/2004 2:19 am

The Sikh Times out today have a whole spread on the protest. Some good pictures...
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : Daas
Date: 7/30/2004 4:20 am

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa. Vaheguru ji ki fateh,

It is interesting to read these views as it reminds of the typical mentality our people have, to condemn another for not going is like saying "Guru ji we are you true sikhs all the rest are frauds", Guru ji will smile and think "oh my beloved sikh even though you have gone on a good cause you have washed away the good deed with the nindiya of others", there are many sakihya in our history showing that Guru Ji only accepts the seva which has been done with humility, also the seva of any Gursikh is only parvaan if the sevaa is done without houmai.

I have seen so many message boards now with this story on, I do applaud those who went and hope Guru ji blesses them with more seva but as a number of people have written the battle isn't with these finatics, it is within ourselves and the sangat, the reason they are so finactial is they are brain washed with these views from a young age, we aren't able to educate our youth in our golden history, Gurbani, kirtan & simran, and then we wonder how on earth these people try to convert these lost souls to their religion ???

There is no justification in saying what some have said, no matter how pumped up you feel, the fateh is the Gurus, as so is the khalsa.

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh....
Re: Rally for Islam? More like Rally for Guru Granth Khalsa!!
Posted by : GurSa Singh
Date: 7/30/2004 5:34 am
