Punj Kakkaar rehit
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 09, 2008 03:15AM
Chakking khande baate da amrit(taking birth in Guru Ghar) is equivalent to a baby taking birth. This amrit chakkna is the pratham rehit(rehitnamas are the source of this statement). AFter amrit chakk, we are given 5 things(5 kakaars) by Satguru Jee(its equivalent to a mother giving 5 things to her newly born baby.
Now this newly born baby wears karra in his arm, uses kachehraa to cover 1st and 2nd gates(from the bottom) of the body, wears a keski to wrap the kesh and cover the head, keeps kangha near the joora(this joora is done with the help of keski) but the thing I am not able to understand, where does this newly born baby keep his kirpan ?????
These days we use 2 additional things(gatra and miyaan) to keep our kirpan. But then shudnt this make gaatra and miyaan kakaars(which they are not).The abhilaakhi is needed to get pesh just with a clean body(as this body is a bhetaa in order to get amrit from Satguru). After the bhettaa of body and getting amrit, abhilaakhi gets 5 kakaars. He does not get gaatra and miyaan.
So somehow i feel, that in 1699, during amrit sanchar abhilaakhis might be keeping their kirpan kakkaar besides their joora near to their kangha.
Having said this, people who use miyaan, gaatra for keeping kirpan, I dont think they break the 5 kakkaar but the correct place to keep kirpan might be jooraa. Basically, a solid sri sahib covered in miyaan and attacked to a gaatra shud be worn all the time as its part of shastar rehit(according to shastar rehit, a sikh shub be shastardhari all the time and shud not get shastar-less even for a nanosecond).
Re: Punj Kakkaar rehit
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 10, 2008 06:49AM
Interesting thought but I have always heard that kakaars are practical things and keeping kirpan in Dastar does not seem to serve anything practical i.e. the kirpan in Dastar does not serve any practical purpose. A kirpan in Dastar cannot be used to do bhog to Degh nor to defend. So, kirpan in Dastar, albeit is kept by many Singhs in Dastar for spiritual reasons, cannot be a kakaar because it cannot help in self defence nor in bhog for degh.
My understanding has been that kirpan is a kakaar that must be kept in gaatra and myaan (cover).
Kulbir Singh
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2008 12:11PM by admin.
Re: Punj Kakkaar rehit
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 11, 2008 08:00AM
<< So, kirpan in Dastar, albeit is kept by many Singhs in Dastar for spiritual reasons>>
Exactly, thats the reason for this kirpan,lots of activity keeps on happening on our dasam duaar, this kirpan also has a special shape. Duniaa de malakkk Satguru Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj Jee used to wear a similar kirpan, its darshan can be done at TAkht Sachkhand, Hazur Sahib after aartii.
<< it cannot help in self defence nor in bhog for degh. >>>
A Sri Sahib MUST MUST BE WORN in gaatra and miyaan(miyaan is obvious, because keeping sri sahib without miyaan is beadbi) ALL THE TIME. not even for a NANOSECOND, this sri sahib be removed.
Bina tegh keshan devon na deedaare(rehitnamas).
Ideally one shud keep a big shastar(tegh or gandassa) all the time as well, but in western countries its not possible.
Regarding the practical purpose of kirpan inside keski, whats the practical purpose of kadaaa? I know we can wear shastar type karra and use it as a shastar but thats the main reason we wear kadaa. The very word kadaa has some link with word hathkaddiii. Kada is an article of sikh faith, so that sikhs can remember that their hand does not belong to their mind, but to their Guru. Same way this kirpan is to remind the sikhs to fight for aan and for kirpaa.
Re: Punj Kakkaar rehit
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 15, 2008 09:53AM
<<kakaars are practical things >>Thats hurting, THEY ARE OUR BODY PARTS,INFACT MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR BODY PARTS.
Sikhs have become really practical these days, If we apply this logic of practicality, wont it be better to keep kangha in bana pocket or have gaatra for kangha too.this will help to do seva of darra during the day.But NO, the place for kangha is keski jooraa(dasam duaar). Same way kirpan is kept in this joora(not the dastaar or dumalla). This kirpan has a special shape(that of gurmukhi one, it represents ikankaar saroop of waheguru jee) and this special shape allows the kirpan to join with joora.The topmost point of the kirpan is not sharp and but is slightly round(same as gurmukhi one, ie. the ikk of ikk-ounkaar)and as a result does not hurt the hair/head.