ਚੁਕਾਰਅਜ਼ਹਮਹਹੀਲਤੇਦਰਗੁਜ਼ਸ਼ਤ॥ਹਲਾਲਅਸਤਬੁਰਦਨਬਸ਼ਮਸ਼ੀਰਦਸਤ॥੨੨॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮੁਖਵਾਕ ਪਾਤਿਸ਼ਾਹੀ ੧੦॥)

Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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the 5 Ks
Posted by : another singh :)
Date: 8/01/2004 12:24 pm

I recognize and accept the need for the 5 Ks and the Amrit Sanchaar for all Sikhs. I do not claim to understand the exact reasons or all of the uses that the Great Guru had in mind when he imbued us with the 5 Ks. I personally view them as gifts of love but they all do have their extra benefits and I am interested in knowing more about them.I would like to hear from the Sangat what they know of all of the various uses of the Sikh Uniform (more than just the 5 Ks). I guess I'll get the ball rolling:

Kara: SARBLOH - prevents possession of the body by ghosts etc.

Kirpan SARBLOH: external protection, ghosts etc are afraid of sarbloh kirpans.

Kesh- multiplies benefits from simran when we reach certain stage via rom rom simran. Helps focus concentration.

Dastar- something to do with the spiritual energy created/collected when we do simran. Keeps it from dissipating too quickly???

Kachera - so you don't get caught with your shorts down!

That's all I know. Please add more.
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 8/01/2004 7:30 pm

Kara SARBLOH - to give you more iron through the skin, to remind you of right and wrong

Kirpan SARBLOH - to remind us to stand up for justice and to be used when needed

Kesh - its just natural

Dastar - keeps our kesh neat and tidy!

Kashera - reminds you of your vow of chastity
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : yea
Date: 8/01/2004 7:53 pm

Kanga- Cleansiness
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi gyani
Date: 8/01/2004 8:11 pm

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji kI Fateh.

Why all the excessive obsession with GHOSTS/SPIRITS ?? I find that this Forum has a lot of posts on such ghosts spirits roohaan etc "disturbing" Gursikhs.... I dont get it.

Gursikhs and Gurbani need not be at all concerned with such evil things...Gurbani mentions such beings sparingly....BUT here we have TWO out of FIVE Kakaars especially meant to "protect" us from "ghosts" ???

Elsewhere i read gursikhs sayig ghosts come to "steal" your kamaii, one veer even has a ghost sitting on his legs every night and he takes swipes at it with his kirpan......in all my 56 years of living as a gursikh...these few months i have heard more ghost stories than all the others...

I live in a mUslim Country.... to the Muslims....GHOSTS/EVIL SPIRITS/Shaheed faujaan( their own version)/Jins/magicians/whatever ABOUND by the Hundreds of thousands.... meet any malay man or woamn and he/she has a story of a ghost/spirit/jin making her Knees pain, her kidneys swell, have cancer.....one lady i met last week had severe knee pain... she went to a Bomoh ( medicine man/religious man)...and he told her she had gone to a pond, and accidentally "kicked a Jinn" easing himslef...and thus her knee pain ???? Evrey where we can purchase Koran verses to chase away evil spirits... etc etc holy water, charms.....

If we GUrsiksh let out imaginations run wild we will soon end up like that with ghosrts and spirits haunting us everywhere....and "holy water" providers will have a field day.

Ghoists live on a different plane...we on a different one. The two seldom meet and with All Powerful Gurbani we need not fear anything at all.

Dass jarnail singh
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : Babber Jatt
Date: 8/01/2004 9:31 pm

Uh u forgot kanga, while its not kes its keski.
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : gursikha(n) kee har dhooR deh
Date: 8/01/2004 10:51 pm

this is what i've thought of our kakaars as-

kara: reminder to diffrentiate between right and wrong; the arm that wears a kara should never be doing anything wrong

Kirpan: symbol of duty to fight oppression, help the downtrodded, AS WELL AS protection as a last resort

Kes/keski.... kes: vaheguroo's gift to us, symbol of holiness/spirituality, as said above, helpful in "rom rom" abhyaas... keski: keeps hair protected, symbol of holiness/spirituality, head protection.. (someone please elaborate more on keski...)

kashera: abstain from kaam, also as a reminder of difference between right/wrong

kanga: keeps kesh clean, reminder of cleanliness

please add more, especially to keski..
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : Mehtab Singh
Date: 8/01/2004 11:12 pm

waheguru jee ka khalsa, waheguru jee kee fateh

kachera - sexual restraint

bhul chuk maaf

waheguru jee ka khalsa, waheguru jee kee fateh
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : sarjitsinghkhalsa
Date: 8/01/2004 11:40 pm

these is the uniform of gods army khalsa belongs to god
Re: the 5 Ks
Posted by : Singhstah
Date: 8/02/2004 5:12 am

I don't think the kirpan and kara are too ward off ghosts and evil spirits, even if they do i don't think thats the manin reason for having them, kara i think is to remind you god wasnt born and neveer dies, and reminds u not to do somthing bad like steal some money cause when youre about to do it you will see your kara. Kirpan is a symbol and a weapon, symbolwise it reminds you to protect the helpless people in need weponwise well u know