Neeldharis are actually a offshoot of Kukaas (Naamdharis). Their leader Harnaam Singh split the gaddi out of Bhaini and became the leader of Neeldharis. Neeldharis claim that originally Kukas used to wear Blue only but later resorted to wearing White only.
Neeldharis believe that Harnaam Singh will rise and come back to save the world just like Naamdharis believe that Baba Raam Singh has not passed away but is still alive and will soon come to lead the world. Neeldharis are a form of Guru-dumm but not as blatant as Naamdharis or Radhaswamis.
Neeldharis firmly believe in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. According to them. Guru Granth sahib Ji is the only Living Guru and all shud worship Guru Sahib. There is no Guru Dumm thing actaully. They wear full attire of GuruSikh. They are very strict in their Rehat Merzada.
Please dont think wrong about Neeldhari, They are SIKH and strongly believe in GURU Granth Sahib Ji and In Ten Gurus.Shame to those person who thinks Neeldhari are Hindus.Neeldhari lives in Rehat Meryada.Therefor they look different,becuase they always live in rehat maryada given by Ten Gurus.
NeelDharis firmly believes in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.Hum Santan Ki Rein Pyaare..Hum Santan Ki sarna...Sant hamari oat satani...sant hamara Gehna. to those people who think guru dumm can u cross the Ocean without the help of the sants. they are actual jewels to the Human Being