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Re: Dasam Patshah di Bani....
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: January 28, 2008 10:19PM

<< The problem with padd-chhed is that it does not contain all baani >>

yes it does not contain all bani, infact it contains the bani of the mortal who did pad-ched. Its maha maha paap. People dont know that Gurbani is a sumandar whose depth can never be measured. This means the words of Gurbani are also sumandar. As our avastha increases, we get to know the deeper meanings of words and sentences.
to alter the words and sentences, well such people deserve serious punishment.


Re: Dasam Patshah di Bani....
Posted by: yes (IP Logged)
Date: January 29, 2008 03:50AM

Does Tapoban have a hand-written Lareevaar Saroop of Guru Granth Sahib Jee or is it printed?

Would there be a difference between hand-written Lareevaar and printed Larrevaar Saroop?

How long does it take to write all of the Bani out and who is allowed to do this Seva?

Was Dasam Granth written in Lareevaar form as well?

So many questions lol


Re: Dasam Patshah di Bani....
Posted by: Marad Khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2008 07:21AM

yes Wrote:
> If Guru Gobind Singh Ji was being humble then what
> does that make the other Gurus?
> If they all had the one Jyot then how come they
> act differntly in this sense...
> pardon my ignorance.

Was Guru Arjun Ji Sahib any less "humble" because Guru Ji added His own Gurbani Himself to AAd Granth Ji ???
The Ten Nanaks are ONE JYOT - they all acted as ONE.


Re: Dasam Patshah di Bani....
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 15, 2008 12:01AM

<<Does Tapoban have a hand-written Lareevaar Saroop of Guru Granth Sahib Jee or is it printed? >>

Thats a great question. I know people might call me ritualistic or crazy or trying to act siyaannaa, etc etc... but I feel paper and ink also matter alongside the larreevaar script. These days we have synthetic paper(which is formed by mixing of 5 tatts by humans and all synthetic things have only harmed the nature and living beings).Same notion stands for ink. Maya not only pollutes the mind(soul) but also the 5 tatts.
So ideally a saroop of Satguru jee shud be prepared by:
1. using puratan natural paper(which will be sucha and maya rahit)
2. using natural ink(which unlike synthetic ink will be suche and maya rahit).
3.Person/s who shud be doing seva of writing shud atleast be jyot vigaassi and shud ideally be Baba Budha Jee(who is sikhi de haddd).
Such a saroop will have maximum tejj of Satguru jee's jyot.
Regarding printing, I am totally against printing.I find it BEADBI. If somebody finds my views completely mad,I dont care 1 bit,lol.


Re: Dasam Patshah di Bani....
Posted by: Atma Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 15, 2008 03:43AM


Veer Jee,

- Would there be a difference between hand-written Lareevaar and printed Larrevaar Saroop?

The look and the layout would be different. Many if not all the the very puraatan beeraa(n) would feature a dot instead of a kanna to represent the 'aa' sound. One hopes the former would have been created with lots of shardaa and satkaar. Puraatan beeraa(n) feature continuous akhars and do not make 'an effort' to signal the beginning or end of words at the end of ang/format limits.

- How long does it take to write all of the Bani out and who is allowed to do this Seva?

There seems to be no agreed maryada. Search on this phorum with the words 'raam singh' and you should find a thread where i mention Bhai Raam Singh and the way he did this seva. Time depends on the amount of time put-in and the regularity of the seva.

- Was Dasam Granth written in Lareevaar form as well?

Most certainly yes. Bhai Gurdaas Jee's Vaaraa(n) and all other 'canons' have been committed in this format. It is only the ease-loving 'sikhs' of kaljug who decided that they knew better than maharaaj jee and decided to decide his exact updeshaa(n)...an act of maha munmat in the words of gursikhs such as Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh.


ਆਤਮਾ ਸਿੰਘ


Re: Dasam Patshah di Bani....
Posted by: yes (IP Logged)
Date: February 19, 2008 04:11AM

Thank you for those great replies Veer Harinder Singh and Atma Singh...

Another question popped into my mind while reading your replies- printed Saroops is clearly against Gurmat and they should be Lareevaar, so I wanted to ask what is being done at the moment to change this? I think, if I remember correctly a Gursikh called Bhai Joginder Singh Talwara was campaigning to change this? Who has taken on the Seva now?

And also, what does the Akal Takht Maryada say about printed Saroops- is it for or against?

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