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amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 06, 2008 04:29AM

I have been thinking about it for a while.
when does the amritvela start and finish ? This is an extremely important question as this time is khaass and bhagti done at this time is powerful and builds up energy for 8 pehar naam abhiyaas.
Many amritdharis use the modern clock of seconds, minutes, hours to discover amritvela.THats not right as this clock was not available during the Guru period.It was about pehars and gharriyaan I feel. Amritvela is about sunrise. It starts some time befor the sunrise.(Bhai Sahib has written 1.25 pehars before sunrise).
Someone told me amritvela only lasts uptill before twilight but thats wrong.
Because in scandinavian countries or countris in arctic, twilight can last for days.
In toronto today, sunrise will happen at 7.29 am so is it right to say that the amritvela shud last till 7.29 and not 6 or 5.30?
Plus many people do their gurmat ishnaan well before amritvela which is also wrong. this gurmat ishanaan has to be done in amritvela before naam/bani abhiyaas.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: gsingh (IP Logged)
Date: February 06, 2008 08:37AM

I think that getting yourself stuck in a world of rights and wrongs isn't very smart. People that do ishnaan at 1am are dhann, they can spend their next 5-6 hours in gurmantar and bani. True ishnaan is that of bani/gurmantar.

Personally, I think in Toronto amritvela changes with the seasons, but hav also been wondering about this for some time.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Aparadhee (IP Logged)
Date: February 06, 2008 08:41AM

many gursikhs in india start abhyaas at 11.30ish at night. including pooran ji


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: February 06, 2008 08:48AM

No need to make things complicated.

Getup everyday 2.00am, ishnaan, Naam/Simran. Job done.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Ekta Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 06, 2008 11:33AM

Gursikhs like Bhai Rama Singh and Puran jee do ishnan at 11.30pm, so is that wrong. I think its no bid deal Harinder Singh, the earlier u wake the more lahaa,


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: High Spirits (IP Logged)
Date: February 06, 2008 05:37PM

VjkK Vjkf.

I'm not an expert on this topic (not an expert on anything saying that!) but I heard someone say (can't remember who/when) that when Kaljug goes to sleep thats when Gurmukhs wake and do bhagti.

Going by that wherever one is in the world, people go to sleep at around 10/11/12 and then wake up again at around 5/6/7am to go to work etc...In between this time everything is calm and quiet perfect for abhiaas.

Also a new day starts at 12am, so going by the shabad by 4th Paatshaa Sahib Sri Guru Raam Daas jee [Gur Satgur kaa jo sikh akhaaeae s(u) bhalake uth har naam dhiaavai] as soon as a new day starts its hukam to remember Vaheguroo.

As the Tapoban Singhs are very rehatvaan Premi's it would be good to know their routine and points.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 12:20AM

NOBODY is bigger than Satguru jee's rehit.ONLY Waheguru and Satguru are 100% correct, rest all are less than 100%.Even Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee is <100% correct and to be honest I dont see anyone of Bhai Sahib's avastha in the present AKJ.
THese type of arguments are one of the main reasons of disunity withtin the jatha and in the panth. Philaanna gursikh dint keep sarbloh, so no need for sarbloh. Philannaa gursikh dint have dudh da pehra, so dudh da pehra is bakwaas. Philaanaa gursikh gets up at 12, so all this effort to find the amritvela timings is pure non-sense and waste of time.
If somebody can get up at 12 or 1 thats nice but that wont be amritvela.
Plus gurmat ishnaan has to be done at amritvela as only this ishnaan equals ishnaan of Sri Amritsar Sahib.
Yesterday I read a section of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Jee's book gurmat bibek and BHai Sahib has written that amritvela starts 1.25 pehars before sun rise.
Pehar is a puratan unit of time, so if we want complete accuracy, we shud not be using present clock and assume 1 pehar= 3 hours. We need to use the puratan clock(i hope people dont kill me for this, hahahahaha).
What we need to do is to divide the time between sunset and next day's sunrise into 4 equal parts and use mathematics to calculate 1.25 parts.
For example. today in india, sunset will be at about 6 pm and tomrrow sunrise will be at around 7 am. So number of amritvela hours=1.25 * 13/4=4 hours 3 minutes(approx). So amritvela will start around ataround 3 am i e. 4 hours before sunrise.
So if tomorrow in India somebody does ishnaan before 3 am, that will be a maha maha paap, hahahahahahahahaha, joking.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 12:59AM

<<Getup everyday 2.00am, ishnaan, Naam/Simran. Job done.>>

If there is some gursikh in Reykjavik, Iceland and he reads ur post he will miss a majority of his amritvela in the month of june.
See this: [www.timeanddate.com]

Sunrise happens as early as 2.55 am.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 01:08AM

<<I think its no bid deal Harinder Singh, the earlier u wake the more lahaa>>

Imagine you live in some aadivaasi pind where the sun sets at around 5,30pm in summers and by 7 there is complete dark and everyone is asleep and there is complete silence. Now if you get up at 7 pm, do ur ishnaan and japp naam/bani for 6 hours uptill 1 am, will u consider this to be amritvela?NO. If you do this, thats great but it wont be amritvela.Same way trying to start amritvela at 11 or 12 in cities etc is a similar case.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 01:13AM

<<I think that getting yourself stuck in a world of rights and wrongs isn't very smart>>

This statement can be true for a lot of scenarios or situations but to have this belief or philosophy for everything is wrong. Sometimes one has to dig a bit deep and discover rights and wrongs.I agree ke avein phallltu ch complication ch painna barbadddi karaun vali gall hai, lol haha. par amritvela is amritvela, no compromise on this.Pooraa te sahee amritvela karan vaste bhaven sun nu he chittar pherrne pain, oh ve theek hai,lol


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: learner (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 03:45AM

Just reading this thread made me think a bit. i recently was blessed with amrit, and initially my amritvela was very good..but however it has recently slipped a bit and it is about 5/6ish when i get up now, my body is just used to getting up at that time i think. Im trying not to get too down about it, and i refuse to give up because it is my intention to get up everyday at amritvela but of late it has not been happening as i would have liked.

i was speaking to some elder gursikhs and they told me how much of a blessing amritvela really is and how you have to earn it and that it does take time for you to fully implement it in your life in terms of your body getting used to waking up alot earlier than previously. But you need to show Guru sahib that you are in it for the long run and that no matter how hard you find things you will keep on trying your best until you succeed with his grace.

If anyone has any advice i will be happy to receive it. thanks



Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Daljeet Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 07:19AM


Some gursikhs say that in gurbaaNee there are no shabads written in raag between 12-3am they feel its safe to say guru sahib allowed this time for us to sleep, BUT it doesn't mean that you can't start simran from 1 or even 12am. There are other baaNeeaa like Japjee Saaheb which are not prescribed to be sung in raag.

Like some gursikhs have said don't make things complicated wake up as early as you can before 6am and allow yourself enough time to do full kesi ishnaan, and abhyaas/nitnem.

Ideally amritvelaa is before the crack of sunrise.

Bhul chuk muaaf jee.



Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Ekta Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 02:41PM

Bhai Sahib has mentioned gursikhs in his book who woke up at 2am. This is a trivial matter Harinder Singh, because of earths motion different places sun rises at different times.

I dont think bhai sahib slept much, Harinder Singh he must oif waken up at 12am,1am or 2am. He would of porberly immenced himself in naam!!


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 12:15AM

<<<Some gursikhs say that in gurbaaNee there are no shabads written in raag between 12-3am they feel its safe to say guru sahib allowed this time for us to sleep>>

Pyare veerji,THanks for this information.
Actually, seconds, minutes, hours, 24 hour-day, 365 days-year are all man made units of time and dint exist during the Guru Period.During the Guru period natural units of time like dinn(sunrise to sunset), rainn or raat(sunset to sunrise) were used alongside man made units like pehars and gharriyaan.Some gursikhs assume 1 day=24 hours and divide into 8 equal parts to calculate pehars. That does not seem correct. There are 4 pehars of dinn(sunrise to sunset) and 4 pehars of raat(sunset to sunrise).So 12-3 am pehar in reality is the penultimate pehar of raat or 3rd pehar of raat.Since there is no raag for the 3rd pehar it MIGHT mean that amritvela starts from the last stages of 3rd pehar. That is 0.25 or 1/4th of 3rd pehar(in which the gurmat ishnnaan has to be done and this ishnaan has the same phall as that of the ishnann of Sri Amritsar Sahib(Guru Raamdass Maharaaj jee's sarovar) and then the 4th pehar(uptill the sunrise) shud be used for gurmantar abhiyaas alongside Guru updeshi nitnem bani(which from the time of Guru Gobind Singh jee Maharaj are the 5 banis told to us by the Punj Pyare).Many many gursikhs start nitnem after the sunrise but reading Bhai Sahib's pustakk gurmat bibek, I have started to do this nitnem within amritvela i e. before sunrise alongise gurmantar abhiyaas.Bhai Sahib has written that its ideal to do naam/bani abhiyaas side by side.Anyways, thanks once again for this information.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 12:59AM

Just got this great information. Instead of dividing dinn(sunrise to sunset) or raat(sunset to sunrise)into 4 equal parts to calulate pehars, we need to do th following: [www.gurugranthdarpan.com]
Prof Sahib Singh Jee, when doing the arth of tukk "vissuye chassiyaa gharriyaa pehraa thithee vaaree maah hoyaa" in Sri Kirtan Sohila Bani has written about the meanings of these words. Basically all pehars are of same duration and 8 pehars =1 dinn raat(which is the same as 24 hour day).I was wrong in my earlier posts(kindly forgive me for that). So 1pehar= 3 hours.Amritvela is 1.25 pehars which is 3 hours 45 minutes. So amritvela starts 3 hours 45 minutes before sunrise.Tomorrow expected sunrise in india is about 7.04am. So amritvela starts at 3.19 am.


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Aparadhee (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 09:29AM

what if tomoro i have my ishnaan at 3.18? lol


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Ekta Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 04:42PM

Harinder Singh I think you should concentrate on ur jeevan, misleading people is not a good thing. You should be inspiring fellow gursikhs to wake up as earlier as possible. Satguru jee knows everyones attentions!! I can see Guru Nanak Dev Jee ever sleeping, he must of been ranged in naam day and night. This is something we cant understand!! When gurmukhs reach the high levels, they dont sleep, they immence themselves in naam!!


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 11:15PM

<<what if tomoro i have my ishnaan at 3.18? lol>>

I will beat u with my gandassaaa,hahahahaha.

<<Harinder Singh I think you should concentrate on ur jeevan, misleading people is not a good thing. You should be inspiring fellow gursikhs to wake up as earlier as possible. Satguru jee knows everyones attentions!! >>

these are hurting and strong words. I am crying,lol. Anyways,I apologize if my words make u feel i am trying to misguide or mislead my fellow gursikh brothers.
What I wrote about amritvela timings is not my own philosphy. Its written by Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Jee in book "Gurmat bibek" section "rehit bibek". Kindly read this section. Basically amritvela is 1 pehar raat rehendii ie 3 hours BEFORE SUNRISE. Gurmat ishnaan done at this time is AMRITVELA GURMAT ISHNAAN and Bhai Sahib has written that this ishnaan is a big part of sikh's daily bhagti routine.We dont have to enter into minutes or seconds or microseconds to find exact amritvela timings and exact ishnaan timings. Roughly amritvela is 1 pehar BEFORE SUNRISE so ideally morning jungle paani and daatan(brushing teeth) shud start 1.25(3 hours 45 minutes) pehars BEFORE SUNRISE.
Now if someone wants to get up before 1.25 pehars thats great, I am not saying this is wrong. But if someone gets up before amritvela to do extra bhagti, that person shud not be sleeping before or within the amritvela as that will be a loss.And if someone does ishnaan(to remove laziness and clean the body) before amritvela , thats nice but I am not sure whether this ishnaan is equal to ishnaan of Sri Amritsar Sahib.
And yes,you by giving examples of some gursikhs and advocating that amritvela is not 1 pehar before sunrise and there is no such thing as amritvela gurmat ishnaan, u are misleading people(I know u are not doing it intentionally as u seem to be a very nice sikh and I am ur kuttaa as a result).So pyare dear brother, read the "rehit bibek" section and ur current philosophy shud change if u read this section carefully.
Bhull Chukk de maafi bakshannii
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Ekta Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2008 10:26AM

Thank you Bhai Harinder Singh Jee, u put moorkhs like me at to ashame!!


Re: amritvela timings
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 13, 2008 07:50AM

pyariya, u are a king. I am moorakh and neech.
I feel that Bhai Sahib was of the firm belief that every sikh shud be doing daily amritvela ishnaan at Sri Amritsar Sahib. People who live near Darbar Sahib shud be doing their amritvela ishnaan at Sri Amritsar Sahib and people who dont have this bakshish shud be doing gurmat ishnaan at amritvela and Satguru jee will give them the same phall as that of ishnaan at Sri Ramadass Sarovar.
Regarding amritvela timings, all this creation(matter or 5 tatt) has been made by energy(Naam). Our Naam abhiyaas starts with the sound form of Naam and I have a feeling that at amritvela this sound energy of gurmantar has some special connection with things happening in the universe at that time and thats why its very important that amritdharis do loud naam abhiyaas of 2.5-3 hours at amritvela. Amritvela is the key to gurmat bhagti.Sunrise honn ton pehlaan pehlaan jinna khandaa kharrke unna changa te sunrise ton pehlan he saun janna ghatte ve jaan valli gall hai

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