Posted by: silahiwala (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2008 01:10PM
1. If an amritari wants to go to panj to recieve naam drir then do they have to have amrit poured onto/above dasam duar again. Need to know as another gursikh may be in situation of begging for naam drir.
2. Does the same apply for a patit/bujar kurethi, do they again need amrit poured above dasam duar.
Please do not get offended by following but:
Please give response according to maryada of AKJ organised Amrit Sanchaar's in UK.
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 12:32AM
<<Does the same apply for a patit/bujar kurethi, do they again need amrit poured above dasam duar>>
Yes, the complete amrit sanchar ceremony has to be repeated. As patit means, amrit broken. It has to start all over again.
<<If an amritari wants to go to panj to recieve naam drir then do they have to have amrit poured onto/above dasam duar again. Need to know as another gursikh may be in situation of begging for naam drir. >>
NOt sure, depends on the punj I feel. If they dont do the complete amrit sanchar ceremony, tht means that the Punj haveassumed that the name is properly activated and there is just the need to do naam drirh(in which person is told properly about the gurmat way of japping the gurmantar).However, there are so many loose amritsanchar ceremonies happeing in the panth in which there is no larrivaar saroop, people doing seva in punj have no jeevan, no bibek, eat from the hands of niguras and cigareete smoking bhayas, I feel its better to beg for a complete amrit sanchar when getting pesh in some PROPER AKJ smagam(lots of khuaari has happened even in AKJ amrit sanchars).
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Manmat (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 09:16AM
vjkk vjkf
AKJ UK have a high standard of rehat given to person who goes pesh,
but, they dont give sarbloh bibek as a rehat though
If you can wait, then i suggest you go to India
and get pesh Bibeksar Sahib,
or either Tapoban Sahib in Canada, here Sarbloh Bibek is given as a essential rehat
of the Khalsa
vjkk vjkf
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2008 11:33PM
<<If you can wait, then i suggest you go to India
and get pesh Bibeksar Sahib>>
pyare manmat veer, i doubt he is asking about the sarbloh bibek rehit. He seems to have taken amrit from outside the AKJ and now wants to get naam drirrta from the Akj punj.
Anyways I myself got pesh at Sri Bibeksar Sahib roughly 20 months back.I was not given sarbloh bibek rehit back then(it might have changed now) and my amrit sanchar ceremony gave me lots of dubidha.If I have to get amrit chakk again , i wont be getting pesh there.There is lots of politics, internal conflicts, disagreements on rehit, naam jappan de vidhi everywhere including Sri Bibeksar Sahib. Tapoban Sahib, well... from this website it seems to be a very nice gurmat centre(i hope politics and groupism hasnt entered there because this is ghor kaliyug and its almost a chamatkaar if some group is totally haumme,groupism free). So i feel Tapoban Sahib shud be the best place to get pesh at present.
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Sardar (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2008 02:49PM
what if u did a bujjer kurehit but ur not sure u actually did it but at the same time ur not sure if u actually did nt do it? then what? how would help someone out like that? not that it happened to me, not that i know if someone i know could be in s astae like this...but just asking...i know its a weird quesetion
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Aparadhee (IP Logged)
Date: February 11, 2008 04:11AM
harinder singh ji, are you sure you got pesh at bibeksar ? lol das was under the impression they give really strict rehit at bibeksar amrit sanchars, as alot of the gursikhs who do the seva keep babbar bibek themselves. das was not aware of any politics which occurs there, but has only ever heard good things about these amrit sanchars and the gursikhs associated with them. i suppose these days wherever you go politics is taking over :-(
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 11, 2008 05:59AM
---------1. If an amritari wants to go to panj to recieve naam drir then do they have to have amrit poured onto/above dasam duar again. Need to know as another gursikh may be in situation of begging for naam drir.
2. Does the same apply for a patit/bujar kurethi, do they again need amrit poured above dasam duar.
All these things are at the discretion of Punj Pyare. Why should it matter to the jigiasu whether he or she will receive full amrit again or just choola. All that matters is that one gets accepted for Naam Drirr. How Punj Pyare want to do Naam Drirr to the jigiasu is irrelevant. As they say in Punjabi, eat mangoes and don't count trees.
As for patit/bajjar kurehiti, they surely have to receive full amrit again, including pouring of amrit above their Dasam Duaar.
Kulbir Singh
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 15, 2008 04:40AM
<<harinder singh ji, are you sure you got pesh at bibeksar ? lol das was under the impression they give really strict rehit at bibeksar amrit sanchars, as alot of the gursikhs who do the seva keep babbar bibek themselves. das was not aware of any politics which occurs there, but has only ever heard good things about these amrit sanchars and the gursikhs associated with them. i suppose these days wherever you go politics is taking over :-(>>>
I never said Sri Bibeksar Sahib is a bad place to get pesh. It might be the best place in India to get pesh. There are some nice kamaayee valle sarblohi singhs doing seva in Punj but there are some not-so-charrdikalla, a bit challak people who out of haumme want to do seva in Punj.
Reality is that there is no ideal amrit sanchar thats happening on this planet right now and that includes india, canada, greenland and antarctica. The MINIMUM condition for an IDEAL amrit sanchar is to have 5 jyot vigaasis. The IDEAL condition for an IDEAL amrit sanchar is to have 5 Baba Budhaa jees. Thought I feel in the future, the amrit sanchars might be very near to this ideal amrit sanchar.
I find 2 mathematical numbers very interesting 0 and infinity. Waheguru/Satguru jee has zero haumme(sunnn) and infinite naam and NO BODY ELSE has this. Baba Budha jee who was given the title of "sikhi de hadd" might have naam=10^100 and haumme=1/10^100. Baba Banda Singh Jee Bahadur might have naam=10^90 and haumme=1/10^90. Bhai Nand Lal Jee might have naam=10^87 and haumme=1/10^87. bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Jee or Baba Deep Singh Jee might have naam=10^85 and some present jyot vigassi AKJ singh might have Naam=10^30. Greater the Naam in the Punj, stronger the amrit sanchar.These days amrit sanchars,well.... abhilaakhis shud feel lucky if they get 1 jyot vigaassi in their Punj.
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: singhstah (IP Logged)
Date: February 17, 2008 10:51AM
bhai sahib, i really think that someone who becomes ik mik with Vaheguroo will also have zero haumme, the whole point is that the haumme is the barrier between the sikh and Vaheguroo, even someone with only 0.0001% haumme would not be one with vaheguroo
bhull chukk maaf
Re: Pesh!!!
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 18, 2008 04:47AM
<<bhai sahib, i really think that someone who becomes ik mik with Vaheguroo will also have zero haumme, the whole point is that the haumme is the barrier between the sikh and Vaheguroo, even someone with only 0.0001% haumme would not be one with vaheguroo >>
Veer, there is a gurbani tukk:
bhullan andarr sabh ko abhull guru kartar ||
That means that everybody other than Waheguru/Satguru/Guru Sahibaan can commit a mistake. Bhai Gurdasss Jee who was given the high honour of writing vaaran, he must be having an extremely high avastha and must have become ikk mikk with Waheguru before writing vaaran but even he wrote a tukk that had sooksham haumme in it and there is a sakhi about this, I guess u will knowing the saakhi.Basically if u divide a bacteria into 10^10000 sub parts, well.. that sub part will be nuthing, but it will be something, like it will have a vajood or existence.