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changing style in punjab
Posted by: Sardar (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2008 02:46PM

WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh!

all these people who are proud to be "punjabi" and "sardar" in india are adapting their own style of turban, "tikhi-pug" or "pointy-turban", even Amritdharis. no one cares about how to tie a proper dastar according to Gurmat.. its all about "style" in india these days...Sikhi is also dying out as people wanna be more "punjabi" than Sikh...jokes on Sikhi are seen extremely funny...these "Sikhs" love them...these "ragis" come up with kachi bani totally insulting Sikhi, Sikh Ithihaas, Gursikhs and our Gurus...people in return laugh like oh no it's some joke...weak hearted wanna get up and be the "Kharkoos" of tomorrow lol...think theyre gonna get Khalistan and azaadi lol...think it all takes is a lot of aggression lol...dont understand what is bir rass...no Sikhi...no peharwa...no love...these are "Sikhs"?...whats happened to India?...what dont people realize?...dun believe?...take a trip to india(if there are any seats left on the plane..lol)....

WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh!


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: February 12, 2008 03:17AM

<<<< these "ragis" come up with kachi bani totally insulting Sikhi, Sikh Ithihaas, Gursikhs and our Gurus...people in return laugh like oh no it's some joke... >>>>

???? Please give an example.


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 12, 2008 05:15AM

Dont worry pyariya. Khalsa shall rise. Have faith on Satguru/Waheguru jee. U people just take a trip to india, but I live in this place,I know its pretty bad par ih dharttii Satguru jee de hai, Khalsa pher vaapas aavega.


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: inderjeet1012 (IP Logged)
Date: February 13, 2008 10:49AM

fateh sangat ji

just an off track question...........

harinder singh ji..........where exactly in india do u stay?? punajb or delhi

btw.......weak hearted wanna get up and be the "Kharkoos" of tomorrow.....lol..........so true


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Sardar (IP Logged)
Date: February 13, 2008 03:07PM

Bundha Wrote:
> <<<< these "ragis" come up with kachi bani
> totally insulting Sikhi, Sikh Ithihaas, Gursikhs
> and our Gurus...people in return laugh like oh no
> it's some joke... >>>>
> ???? Please give an example.

have you heard the latest album by the guy known as the "Jagadhari Wala"...he sings about Baba Buddha Ji but the music and the lyrics sound like hes not serious but making fun of a Gursikh. Baba Buddha Ji was not just any regular person, he was a saint and He blessed Mata Devi Ji Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji.

Inder, people think religion has nothing to do with being a warrior. If you read about the Shaheed Kharkoos, they were not just any regular people. Sikhi was their top priorority. But these people dont seem to care about Dharam...think aggression is whatts giong to lead them Khalistan.


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2008 04:09AM

<<think aggression is whatts giong to lead them Khalistan.>>

Thats true, but there are 2 types of people in this category. One who just pass their time talking about khalistan and others who are bholle bhalle people but dont have gursikhi jeevan but have love for Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj and feel hurt seeing the state of the panth and what happened to panth in 80's. Before getting amrit chakk, most of my friends were jatt boys, though they did lots of naughty(i miss their humour,lol) and manmukhi things, but they all had HUGe satkar for Dashmesh Pita,they had lots of anakh and used to stand by their friends in difficult times and had big heart when it comes to money. Infact they were much better than some "amritdharis" i have met after getting pesh.
I feel people belonging to this second category can become very good sikhs if proper parchar is done to them. That was the quality that Baba Jarnail Singh Jee Bhindrawale had. He used to change such people into amritdharis. My father was clean shaven uptill 84, dint have much clue about sikhi, he just met Baba Jarnail Singh jee Bhindrawale once and became sabat soorat and did lots of honest seva of the panth after that. So dont underestimate non-amritdhari people who show a bit of aggression for khalistan. Pata ne kiss de mastakk te kee likhiyaa hoyiyaa hai.

What a Play!


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2008 04:14AM

<<harinder singh ji..........where exactly in india do u stay?? punajb or delhi >>

new delhi.


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Sardar (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2008 01:33PM

yea i think that's it, nomore talk. good post Bhai Harinde Singh Ji.


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Bhopinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2008 07:23PM

Try and be more straigtforward in your theme.Nowdays people do kirtan in gurudwara and act like gursikh and when it comes to choosing a lifepartener,who cares,its not whoome u choose but what u choose.As far as turban is concerened some people think about shapes to much,dam it atleast wear one.I for once have no regret for anything or anystyle one ties his turban.

As for Khalistan it is in blood you can be born like that or u think of it as agression.I dont want you to ever think about it ,but please stop giving judgements.As far as i am concerened i am done with these fake arguments,good luck to you.


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: inderjeet1012 (IP Logged)
Date: February 15, 2008 05:47AM

<harinder singh ji..........where exactly in india do u stay?? punajb or delhi >>

new delhi.

ohh great.........i dont know why i had a gut feeling that you were from new delhi as i too am from delhi but in usa nowadays for studies..........will come for a visit in summer...........singh ji i would love to meet you.........i hope you can spare sometime for daas........


Re: changing style in punjab
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 15, 2008 10:37PM

<<will come for a visit in summer...........singh ji i would love to meet you.........i hope you can spare sometime for daas........>>

NOt sure, where I will be this summer onwards. Anyways u can email me. I have lots of time for my fellow sikhs. Who am I to spare time for fellow sikhs? Its a privelage to meet people who believe in my Guru and serve my Guru.


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