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Extracts From Kurbani - Part 1
Posted by: Jagjit Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 18, 2008 08:35AM

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, vaheguru jikefateh

Pyare jio, this year we commemorate 30 years since the Saka of Amritsar 1978. It was a pivotal moment in modern Sikh History. Much has occurred in the last 30 years, and today the Sikh Nation still witnesses Punjab with problems of drugs, dera-ism, corruption, injustice, abuse of Sikh institutions and lack of Sikhi spirit. These problems are worse today than 30 years ago. However at this time we remember those who gave their lives to bring positive change. They lived their lives as Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh ji beloved Khalsas, and never refrained from the Khalsa Path.

The events and personalities of Saka Amritsar 1978 are recorded in the book “Kurbani”. For those who wish to read the book, it can be accessed on

Over the next few weeks, I will put sending out extracts from the book, in commemoration to the Shaheeds of 1978. In this first part below, Gursikhs who met Bhai Fauja Singh ji remember him.

Friendly Stranger

Towards the end of my stay in Amritsar, while walking around the Parkarma one morning, I noticed a Singh ahead of me. I admired the strength of his projection and noticed the chakar around his head and thought to myself how great it looked on him! No sooner than the thought came into my head, he turned around quickly, folded his hands and bowed saying, “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh” and then placed his chakra over my turban as I also bowed. What a surprise indeed!

I felt a little bad for thinking such a thing and tried to give it back to him, but he insisted I keep it saying; “It is yours my sister”. All I could say in return was “Waheguru”. There is a true bond of friendship we established that would always remain unbroken. Happy am I that I was able to enjoy this beautiful chance to be with him.

Bibi Krishna Kaur, America

Guardian Angel

I had travelled to Amritsar alone and spent most of the first parts of my stay there very much alone except for the growing friendship with my only true friend.

When things were down and darkest and my body and soul were crying out for help, a man in a black turban appeared and in his company my spirits soared. He was a shy and very humble person. He later told me when the Guru sees one of his Sikhs in trouble he always sends another to help. This is a Truth!

This Singh inspired me to become a Sikh of the True Guru - it was Bhai Fauja Singh. He showed me by his love and devotion how to truly live as one.
A Gursikh

Natural Leader

Throughout my time I have seen many Jathedars, Leaders, Parcharaks etc. However, I have never met anyone as Chardi Kalaa as Bhai Fauja Singh - he was a living example of Gurmat. Let me give you just one example of his true greatness, reflected through his humilty.

The Jatha would hold well-attended Smagams throughout India. These were usually held in the big parathan (old/ ancient) Gurdwaras. I regularly booked leave from my airbase and attended these Smagams.

Bhai Fauja Singh was highly respected by all of us naujawans; he was a natural leader and we were all in awe of him. He was a great general. Day and night he would spend in Naam Abyass, while doing sewa for the thousands of Sangatan.

Back in the 1970`s, very few of these Gurdwara Sahibs had modern facilities. The Sangat would go into the nearby fields to relieve themselves. After the Smagam, Bhai Fauja Singh gathered all the naujawans and told us how pavitaar (special/ pure) these places were. The Guru-ghar should always be immaculate he would tell us and we should not only clean the Gurdwara premises, but the fields around it as well. He gave us all buckets and told us to follow him into the fields. I saw him with his bare hands pick up feaces and put them in the bucket. Here was one of the great generals of our Panth, a renowned leader, and yet here he was displaying immense nimarata (deep humility).

How many of our contemporary leaders, parchaaraks and so-called sants would have the humility to do sewa like that? He was a Nawab Kapur Singh of the modern era.

Bhai Amolak Singh, Austrailia

One God: Waheguru
One Guru : Sahib Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
One Group : Guru Khalsa Panth!

This should be the Motto of Our Generation


Re: Extracts From Kurbani - Part 1
Posted by: Khalsaspirit (IP Logged)
Date: February 18, 2008 05:30PM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh,

Khalsa jio,

Good reminder about what happened three decades ago. Bhai Sahib was great puratan rooh and those roohs appear in panth time to time. 30 years later seems like history is repeating again...

Guru Mehar Karay

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


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