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Voluntary Work
Posted by: isinghd (IP Logged)
Date: February 19, 2008 03:32AM

I am seriously thinking of becoming a community first responder (CFR) in my local area. This involves voluntary work where CFR’s are alerted to non trauma related incidents at the same time as an ambulance. Once onsite, a CFR can carry out basic defibrillation work and cardio pulmonary resuscitation (mouth to mouth for those who do not know).

My concern is that if I have to perform CPR, I will no doubt one day come across a smoker or drinker. If this was the case will I fall foul of Rehat?


Re: Voluntary Work
Posted by: yes (IP Logged)
Date: February 20, 2008 05:15AM

As far as I am aware, we cannot consume tobacco products, alcohol etc. However, I doubt that you would get punished if you are doing Seva and giving CPR and that person does happen to drink/smoke.

As long as you are not knowingly consuming these products, it's fine.

What do others think?


Re: Voluntary Work
Posted by: Khalsaspirit (IP Logged)
Date: February 20, 2008 08:09AM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

Khalsa jio,

Good work keep it up. As far as CPR is concerned we do not know in what country you are and what there laws are but one of our Singhni is in medical field in U.S and certified in CPR. According to her, in procedure of CPR always her first priority is by chest compression and if for any reason you have to give it by mouth you must wear the mouth protection. Without protection you should not give this CPR but by chest it should be continued. It is not just because patient may be drinker or smoker but also patient might have any kind of serious disease which will be harm full to you when you make direct contact with his/her saliva. You should not risk your life having that contact, but if that person is your family member or you know that person’s medical condition (let’s say any GurSikh) then CPR can be given by mouth. This is up to your discretion and as long as you have mouth protection then to any patient it can be given. So, if you are certified in CPR then it is a good idea to carry the mouth protection all the time with you. Keep it in your car, home at office and any where you feel may come handy.

This is a good seva to protect some one’s life and having above safety measures (which may protect you inhaling some thing wrong) while doing CPR through mouth we think it is not effecting one’s Rehat.

We should not forget Bhai Kanhaiya jee gave the drinking water to needy ones and even to those who were meat, sharaab (liquor) and hukka (tobacco) consumers and on top of that they were enemies of Khalsa army but still Guru Gobind Singh Jee praised him when some Singhs complained about him.

Guru Mehar Karay,

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


Re: Voluntary Work
Posted by: isinghd (IP Logged)
Date: February 20, 2008 08:48AM

Dear Khalsaspirit,

Thanks so much for the advice. The idea of not performing this role over a technicality was really bugging me. I had no idea face masks were available.

I am now in touch with St John's ambulance in the UK to see if they provide these as part of the pilot scheme.


Inderjit Singh


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