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Covering head in Gurudwara/Darbar Sahib
Posted by: yes (IP Logged)
Date: February 25, 2008 03:45PM

I understand the concept of wearing a Dastar etc.. but why do non-Sikhs have to cover their head in the Gurdwara? And why are caps not allowed in the Darbar Sahib?


Re: Covering head in Gurudwara/Darbar Sahib
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: February 27, 2008 12:48PM

in the ancient times all people keep their hairs and cutting of hairs was the punishment given to the people who were Thiefs,rapist, plunderurs,etc by the society. so that the convict can realise its mistake.. it was like Hooka-pani band.

But later on whn governance shifts to king and some rulers they started punishing people even small mistakes of theirs..

Going Further...

KHALSA Means TRUE(Pure) it means the purest i.e keeping urslf in the guise the God had given u .. Khalsa is synonym of saabt-soorat and reverence of one God.

now lets come to covering of head issue...

** In ancient India as a mark of respect people use to cover their heads in front of elders. or kings, or God
** other way round if u look into ANY country's ARMY a JUNIOR always wear CAP or Turban Or scarf in front of his SENIOR. (mark of respect)( otherwise cap wouldn't have ever born)
** It is in order to show ur respect to the supreme authority the God Or Sri Guru Granth Sahib sikhs and other people use to cover their heads.

now why cap isnt allowded..

Sri Guru Govind Singh Sahib had given the sikhs a different identity (a warrior khalsa with Turban) he directed his sikhs to wear turban and take the responsibility of trueism,saintism, patrioticism,etc
Guruji wanted his sikhs to be different from the MUGUHALs and other cap wearing communities thus he openly said

Howe sikh sir topi dhare .. satt janam khustee howe mare..

caps are nt allowded inside gurudwara's in order to tell gurusikhs not to use these items ..TIE Turban and be branded as GUR-SIKH (khalsa)
for Hindus and muslims wearing cap may be fair .


Re: Covering head in Gurudwara/Darbar Sahib
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 29, 2008 12:36AM

Waheguru/ SAtguru is the only male that exists and the whole humanity is female. Now this male Waheguru jee wants His female souls to keep hair and alwasy keep their hair covered with a dastaar(not a topi). NOw why Waheguru jee wants this? Because its His mauj, His wish. We female souls cannot question the likes and dislikes of Husband Waheguru jee. If non-sikh female souls want to visit the House of Waheguru/Satguru jee, they they shud atleast be covering their head.


Re: Covering head in Gurudwara/Darbar Sahib
Posted by: sss (IP Logged)
Date: February 29, 2008 12:11PM

I hope you mean "male" in a metaphorical sense, because God is not restricted to the characteristics of man and woman


Re: Covering head in Gurudwara/Darbar Sahib
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: March 03, 2008 12:27PM

COvering head is symbol of marking respect in front of someone sacred or elder or senior to u .
this tradition is utter common in indian culture , any Military culture , and any religion . muslims wear skull-caps, cristens wear huge tight skullcaps as well
hindu's use to wore topi .. it is as similar as tht , further refer to my above answer,,:))


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