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Kamaaee waaley?
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 26, 2008 11:50AM

We hear this term attributed to mahaan Gurmukhs every now and then. "Kamaaee waaley". What exactly does this mean? Does it refer to doing hours and hours of Bani each day, or does it refer to those who have done a lot of Naam Simran/Naam Abhiyaas for several hours a day? Does it refer to those who have KEPT strict Rehit or who have LIVED Rehit? Is it those GurSikhs who applied Gurbani to every aspect of their lives or those whose lives reflected Gurbani itself?


Re: Kamaaee waaley?
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 27, 2008 06:06AM

Naam is Dhan, the real Dhan. One who has dhan is called kamaayee wala. So the word kamaayee wala to me means one who has earned the dhan of Naam. Keeping rehit and keeping sanjam is for the sake of Naam. The end result is accruing Naam. One’s who have done Naam Abhyaas Kamaayee in this janam are called Kamaayee walay.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Kamaaee waaley?
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: February 27, 2008 09:42PM

sat sri akal

To what extent i understd kamaayee wala term is one who devoute his maximum time in Naam-Simran.He follw the following strict schedule:

1) to rise-up early in the morning, at 3:30am Amrit vela , take bathe and thn do dialy Nitname and sukhan di bani sukhmani sahib.

2) thn during the day in all eight peher one who do simran..
aath pahar har ka naam le.. sat updesh sevak ko deh..

aath pahar jo har-har jappe. gur ka sevak parkat, nhi chuppe..

3) during the work they dont do wrong to anyone or control on factors Kaam, khrodh, lobh , moh , aahankaar.

4) dont hurt anybody's sentiment
Tum ko tumhara khoob.. humko hamara khoob.
manas ki jaat saabe ike pahchanbo.

5) during evening SANDHYA time do his dialy Rairaas Sahib ji, Dukh Bhanjan sahib,and Sohla Sahib

6) retrospection of what u did whole day

One who do above said all is cald kamaeee vaala


Re: Kamaaee waaley?
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 29, 2008 06:40PM

Today I was listening to Gyani Pinderpal Singh Ji's katha from Sukh Sagar Radio Southall UK. He said that kamaaee cannot be done by oneself, it comes from SatGuru Ji's meher, His kirpa, His bakshish. We are mere beggars who can only beg. It is upto Him if He gives anything to us or not. I think that is the wondrous nature of kamaaee as well as kamaaee waaley. They are the blessed ones who have received this daat from SatGuru Ji.


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