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Effects of Bibeki
Posted by: hsc13 (IP Logged)
Date: February 29, 2008 11:01AM

Sadh Sangat Jee,

I am thinking of adopting Bibeki as part of my rehit. As I am the only amritdhari in my family, it has been difficult for me in the past to seriouly adopt this rehit. I will have to do all of the cooking myself.

I was wondering, how will bibeki affect my personal jeevan - will I be able to do more simran and have a more consistant amritwela? and how soon will I see the results?

Any comments and advice will be very helpful.

Thank you.


Re: Effects of Bibeki
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: February 29, 2008 11:20AM

I was wondering, how will bibeki affect my personal jeevan - will I be able to do more simran and have a more consistant amritwela? and how soon will I see the results?

As per my understanding, what happens primarily is that one's concentration in simran increases. One still has to do the effort of japping Naam and will have to strive to keep amritvela. If one keeps bibek but does not do effort to keep amritvela and do Naam Abhyaas, the whole purpose of keeping Bibek gets defeated.

Naam being the spiritual medicine, Bibek and other outer rehit is to a Sikh as Sanjam (parhez) is to a sick person. If one just keeps sanjam but takes no medicine then how will the sick get healed. Similarly if a person takes medicine but does not keep sanjam, then how will the medicine work. Suppose a doctor tells a sick person that so and so medicine is to be taken at such and such time and one must abstain from such and such food. What happens if one does not take medicine on time? What if one does take medicine on time but does not abstain from eating the food doctor has prohibited. Will the medicine work? No. Same way Naam roopi aukhad (medicine) and rehit roopi sanjam go hand-in-hand.

Keeping Bibek is a rehit of Guru Sahib and by keeping this rehit (and any other rehit for this matter) we get khushi of Guru Sahib. Khushi of Guru Sahib results in spiritual benefits.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Effects of Bibeki
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 02, 2008 04:55AM

pyare veer hsc13

before amrit chakk, my weight was about 90 kg. But after amrit chakk, i used to do my own cooking(i was a terrible and LAZY cook), i just lived on rice and fruits and lost about 20 kg and my aandriyaan got visible,hahahaha and my mother and sister were extremely tense seeing my aandriyaan and haddiyaan, hahaha. But in the last 3-4 months, my diet has considerably improved and my weight is about 80 plus. SO MAKE SURE, u learn some decent cooking before keeping bibek. DIETARY BIBEK IS MUST if u wish to japp naam, bass gall khatam, bibek ton binna naam nahin japp honnaa te satguru je dee khushi vi nahin millnii. dietary bibek ton binnaa, khuaari he khuaari he hai.
So what u need to do is learn some decent simple cooking(no need to go into complex dishes), keep bibek and do sangat at amritvela for naam abhiyaas, bass fer charrdikala aape he ho janneee.


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