for anyone who judges non gursikhs and claim their not sikhs, then they should also say that since maharaja ranjit singh wasn't a gursikh and many ppl in his govt were hindus and muslims and many of his soilders use to drink that sikhs never had an empire that it was a punjabi empire that had sikhs muslims hindus. Maharaja ranjit singh did start drinking at a young age to impress fellow sikh soilders, he ordered his army to teach the pathans a lesson and burn half of peshware down.
As well when they talk about men who fought for india's freedom they shouldn't talk about udham singh kartar singh or bhagat singh, but then again these three were the biggest freedom fighters india produced who came from sikh backgrounds.
Are you the same Mandeep as Mandeep99 that has been ticked off on the Sikh Sangat forum for subtly trying to always pull down Sikhi and gursikhs?
Here is what one poster had to say about Mandeep :
I personally find the original poster of this thread very tactfully and subtly attempts to undermine Sikhi in his/her threads. Probably that’s why the person is under moderation. If you hate Amritdhari ppl so much then say it out loud like a man
sikh is the only religion tht spreads equality, love, and peace between every human. Amritdhari people are those who comes forward and take the responsibility of taking sikhism to new hights and spread the lesson Of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji .
by disrespecting a amritdhari i think ur making ur life a curse. who-so-evr this guy is :((
bundha i don't attack amritdhari never did, if you don't mind could you show me were i attacked, its just not all the so called amritdhari's who judge mona and non amritdhari's are crying cause i speak truth.
bundha i don't attack amritdhari never did, if you don't mind could you show me were i attacked, its just the so called amritdhari's who judge mona and non amritdhari's that i attack and these so called amritdhari's are crying cause i speak truth.