Sarbloh Degh Questions
Posted by: samosasingh (IP Logged)
Date: March 17, 2008 12:49PM
I would like the Sangats help in getting some information on Sarbloh. I want to go to my village in India and promote that they should make degh in Sarbloh at the Gurdwara, I do think that they will change if I can make a good case.
Could you please provide some explainations of the imrportance of sarbloh in Gurmat.
Abouts when did the panth stop using it and why?
What about for ex in Darbar Sahib or any other Takths is Degh made in Sarbloh? How do they keep the Bataa from rusting while for ex. the degh is countinoulsy given to sangat all day, or the degh is made and some is always left for sangat who comes through the day.
What about those who say that this is just over Karam Kaand. That Banee is about being practical, and that there can't be any promotion of any one single substance as all are godly made.
Are there any quotes from the rehatnamaa's that support degh being only made in sarbloh.
One person said to me "How can the vessel in which you put the degh matter? It is about making it with love and devotion. Guru Jee has no preference to a single substance.
Why is it that only AKJ type is supporting this and not for example SGPC, Singh Sabha, Sikh Missionary, Taksal, Samprdaya's who seem to say that they are Puratan?
I find that in India mostly they use either steel or aluminum Bataas for degh. Is it just because it's easier?
Can you provide any other info/facts/stories etc, etc on this subject.
Much Appreciated
Re: Sarbloh Degh Questions
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 12:32AM
A "degh" prepared in non-sarbloh utensils IS NOT DEGH. People can call it extremism, kattarpan, taliban or whatever.
Sarbloh jee is MAHAAN and the whole panth shud seek protection of Sarbloh Jee.
Akal purakh kee racha hammnai
Maha Kaal jee de rachiyaan hammnai
This mahaan mantarrr is at the starting of Sri Akal Ustatt in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Jee. According to my understanding, sarbloh here is not a kirtam naam of Waheguru jee but is a reference to sarbloh jee.
Can we prepare khande baate da amrit in steel, mittii, platic, aluminium, ceramic utensils ?????????????
Then how can we even think of preparing Panchamrit(this amritmayee degh is prepared for the lotus mouth of Satguru Jee and its only when Satguru jee does tarass and bhoggs the degh, that neech kalyugi keerrraas can eat the degh).
Re: Sarbloh Degh Questions
Posted by: Manmat (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 07:52AM
If we follow what the Guru Says instead of people who cant go wrong.
Everyone, shud strive to keep full rehat. we dont know when were gunna die, so do ardas that guru sahib bless up with a gursikhee jeevan
Sri Gobind Singh Sahib Ji says:
jwkI rhiq n jwxIAY
gurmMqR nhI cIq[
aunkw Bojn KwiekY
ibsrih hir isau pRIq[
One who has no rehit
And does not meditate on the Gurmantar;
If you eat his food,
You will loose the love for God.
Before Sri Guru Amar Das Sahib Ji became the third Nanak, he met a Sadhu who once ate in his house. On leaving, when the sadhu realised that Bhai Amar Das was without a Guru, the Sadhu became angry and told Bhai Amar Das Ji that, by eating with him, he the sadhu had lost all his spiritual wealth which he had earned after many years of meditation. Bhai Amar Das Ji cried the whole night.
This shows that if one eats from someone who is without a Guru (has not taken amrit) and does not recite the Gurmantar, one looses their profit of Naam. So how can they ever cross over? By eating by someone who is unrighteous, they too become unrighteous.In the book Gurmat Bibek by bhai Sahib Randhir Singh, it says that to not keep Sarbloh Bibek after being blessed with Anmrit is like taking your Kacchera off after having taken Anmrit
When we eat from a faithless cynic, this affects our naam. It influences the 5 fires/demons and thinking. Just as when people say, ‘we are what we eat’ due to physical health, this also includes for our spirituality.
There are various rehitnamas that showed the importance of Bibek for a Sikh. Bhai Daya Singh rehitnama contains the following bachans: "Bhojanaad Moundit naal chhakey, Tankhaiyaa", which means, one who eats food with a non-Sikh, is guilty of a breach of conduct. There is also another rehitnama by Chaupa Singh which says "Guru kaa Sikh...apaNy langar rasoee vich Sikh rakhey. Hukaie, Topeeaa, BhaadNee, chor, yaar, jooaybaaz, kurehiteeyaa na rakhai" which means, a Guru ka Sikh...should keep only a Sikh in his langar and kitchen. Smokers, hat-wearers, shaven people, theieves, gamblers, kurehitees should not be kept".
The langar is Gurdwara nowadays is made by kurehatees,jewellery wearers etc, khalsa jee this is manmat and we can not recieve guru sahib poree kirpa if we eat from there. A profit of naam is getting lost
Re: Sarbloh Degh Questions
Posted by: Balpreet Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 19, 2008 06:55PM
To answer some of your practical questions, Degh is prepared in Sarbloh karahis in almost all Gurdwaras. It is served in Sarbloh batas in many historical Gurdwaras such as Pippli Sahib Amritsar, etc. At the Takhat Sahibs such as Akal Takhat Sahib and Kesgarh Sahib, degh is also kept in sarbloh batas.
Sarbloh only rusts with water. Degh does not rust the batas because of the ghee.
For more information on importance of Sarbloh, read the article in the Gurmat Articles section on Bibek.
Re: Sarbloh Degh Questions
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 23, 2008 12:57AM
There are jeevan vaale nihung singhs(lots of khuaari among nihung singhs, but jeevan vaale nihungs do exist and such nihungs are the diamonds of the khalsa panth)
who keep very strong sarbloh da pehra, they dont even use polished iron.
Now, I have a feeling that such nihungs have quite a lot of information about puratan rehit than even AKJ or damdami taksal etc.