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question about vinegar
Posted by: gsingh (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 08:14PM

I have a question, many will find it insignificant, but I will be grateful for an answer.

Vinegar is made by fermentening ethanol (the type of alcohol that people drink). The fermentation process is never 100% completed, therefore a small percentage of ethanol always remains within vinegar. The amount is considered insignificant and it is way too small to intoxicate anyone. Vinegar is used in ketchup, mustard, salad dressings, canned beans, and alot of other things.

As of now I don't eat out, but do eat processed foods. Maharaj kirpa karan, I plan on stopping this very soon as well. My question is: Should eating vinegar or vinegar products be stopped because it contains small amounts of alcohol, or is there no problem with it?

I will be grateful for an answer as this question has been on my mind all day.


Re: question about vinegar
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: March 21, 2008 01:24PM

I dont think Guruji was anywhere against "-OH" "ol" group.

when we take some alopethic medicines some biproducts or intermidiate products are sometimes alcohols. This means we should stop taking c,H,O in our diet .

I think by saying "Maddh pitte matt door howe.." Guruji clearly means

WINE tht intoxicates u and takes u away from NAAM SIMRAN. not any -OH grp


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