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Posted by: mandeep (IP Logged)
Date: March 21, 2008 10:24PM

LAIBAR SINGH CASE:“Flimsy” Supporters Have Played A Cruel Joke On Paralyzed Sikh Refugee
First they grabbed loud speakers to let out a lot of hot air and made themselves out to be buffoons while bringing the racist wrath of the mainstream community and media but now we know that it was all an ACT! Despite their abandonment, Sikh/Indo-Canadian community and Laibar Singh’s true backers – No One’s Illegal led by young Indo-Canadian woman Harsha Walia and backed by immigration lawyer Zool Suleman -remain solidly behind paralyzed Sikh refugee. These flimsy supporters who were only out there for their own selfish reasons now want him out ASAP so that the $50,000 bond can be saved. This is a disgrace as these people have no ethics and it is clear that they were simply out to get publicity for themselves. Laibar Singh would have been much better off without these CIRCUS CLOWNS!”

By R. Paul Dhillon

SURREY – A headline in Friday’s Province reads: “South Asians will give up Singh for $50,000 bond.” It all seems to have come down to the $50,000 bond and the only way it can be saved is if they send the poor disabled Sikh refugee Laibar Singh packing back to India, even though he has resisted that from the very beginning.

The LINK was the first news media outlet to report that the best course of action for Singh’s troubles was that the community raise money to give him to take back to India where he can use the funds to get better care for himself and live out a relatively rounded life with his family. We made the suggestion based on the fact that after the hype created by his flimsy supporters, the reality would set in and all of them would abandon him because they wouldn’t want to be liable for the costs associated with his care. That is exactly what happened.

However, these flimsy supporters grabbed loud speakers to let out a lot of hot air and made themselves out to be buffoons while bringing the racist wrath of the mainstream community and media but now we know that it was all an ACT!

Despite their abandonment, the Sikh/Indo-Canadian community and Laibar Singh’s true backers – No One’s Illegal led by young Indo-Canadian woman Harsha Walia and backed by immigration lawyer Zool Suleman - remain solidly behind paralyzed Sikh refugee.

Howver, these flimsy supporters who were only out there for their own selfish reasons now want him out ASAP so that the $50,000 bond can be saved. This is a disgrace as these people have no ethics and it is clear that they were simply out to get publicity for themselves. Laibar Singh would have been much better off without these CIRCUS CLOWNS!”

New reports indicate that those seeking to save the $50,000 may not have much luck as the Canada Border Services Agency will most likely keep the $50,000 bond posted as a security for Singh, since the deadline has passed.

The donations for the bond came from a number of Sikh temples and private individuals including Guru Nanak Sikh temple, where Singh is staying, which put up $10,000 of the cash, another $10,000 came from the Amrit Parkash temple at 80th Avenue and 123rd Street. Surrey's Dasmesh Darbar and Satnam Trust each donated $5,000. Private donations came from Harbans Singh Kandola, who gave $10,000, Radio India put up $5,000 as did developer/realtor Jagmohan Singh.

Satinderpal Singh Gill, a trustee of Dasmesh Darbar temple, said it is "too bad" if the community's money is lost to the CBSA.

Singh has been living at Guru Nanak since December when the temple granted him sanctuary. The Canada Border Services Agency has tried twice to apprehend Singh for deportation, but crowds of protesters foiled both attempts.

Religious sanctuary isn't recognized under Canadian law, but CBSA has said it will not forcibly remove Singh from the temple.

While the so-called Sikh leaders have abandoned Singh and are bent on handing him over to CBSA, Harsha Walia and her group No One Is Illegal remain steadfast behind Singh.

Walia challenged a so-called moderate president of Guru Nanak Sikh temple Balwant Gill to state plainly whether his temple is revoking sanctuary, or not.

"If Balwant Gill is saying he does not want to keep Mr. Singh, he should say so," Walia said. "If so, he needs to find another gurdwara (temple).

Swarn Singh is president of Abbotsford's Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib temple where Singh lived for five months last year. He was present at the March 1 meeting, but resigned from the committee because he opposes handing Singh over for deportation.

"They should help this handicapped guy. That's what a gurdwara is for, to help people in need. They're wrong," he said.

Singh's lawyer, Zool Suleman, said Singh has applied to remain in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds and awaits a decision.


Posted by: mandeep (IP Logged)
Date: March 22, 2008 09:52PM

are community humilated itself in front of canada,


Posted by: dashmesh_regiment (IP Logged)
Date: March 25, 2008 03:03PM

balwant gill who is wanting to send singh home is one of your anti khalistan friends. only shows anti khalistans are shamed.


Posted by: mandeep (IP Logged)
Date: March 25, 2008 05:47PM

actually at those rally's khalistanis showed up to and they disapeared to, they tried getting some sort of credit.


Posted by: inderjeet1012 (IP Logged)
Date: March 25, 2008 09:01PM

hehe...........here we go again..........


Posted by: oothpathang (IP Logged)
Date: March 26, 2008 10:49AM

Who is this Laimbar Singh? and why don't Sikhs just raise 50000 dollers and send him to India to live a comfortable life there? 50,000 dollers equals 20 lakh ruppees. That's alot of money in India to have. He could just live off the interest.


Posted by: mandeep (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2008 03:04PM

Leadership in our gurdwaras is corrupt period, be it khalistani or moderate gurdwaras their all dumbasses and ego driven, what happened is a bunch of ppl started screaming to keep him in canada to get recognition and for their own selfish purposes, they thought they could get the community to raise the money to keep him in canada and they could look like heros at the end of it, but reality is with bad leadership you ain't going to get anything done cause ppl don't follow horrible leaders, so money wasn't raised and now their own money is on the line and their all running away like cowards letting the media humilate us. They started screaming and making noise for their own selfish political gain but now we get to see were they really stand.


Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: March 29, 2008 08:33AM

I believe tht "leadership is gurudwara" is the thing what we ourslf had let to happen. I m aware of Gurudwaras being managed by Singh SABHAs across india and believe me GURUDWARAs of Singh SABHA are so nicely managed tht noone is fully in credit of everything.

In singh Sabha Gurudwaras they use to form a commitee and divide their tasks and such gurudwaras are running so smoothly and in maryada .


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