Khalsa Jeeo,
I'm based in Slough, UK and am currently trying to, on a long-term basis, get Amritdharee Sangat who travel to either Canada or India to bring back LaReevaar Potheeaa(n), Senchiyaa(n) etc. with Satkaar via their hand-luggage. This is because by shipping them the usual way the amount of Satkaar afforded to GurbaNee is very limited.
In compliance with the Gurmat Asool of not involving maya when it comes to Seva related to GurbaaNee, we do not accept any payment when providing these resources to Sangataa(n) and neither do we give any money to obtain these resources.
If you or anyone else you know can help by either buying or collecting these resources from other Singhs in Canada/India and bringing them back to the UK with you, please email me:
We're hoping that, on a long-term basis, the Sangat will continuously inform us when they are going to India / Canada or when others they know are doing so, so that this Seva can be carried out, thereby allowing us to humbly assist Sangat to do Paath the way Maharaaj Jee intends.
Please can you pass this email onto other Gursikhs who may be able to directly assist or can pass this information onto others. Also, please kindly post onto email distribution lists or forums that you are a member of.
ARTICLE: Regarding LaReevaar Saroop:
www.tapoban]. org/phorum/ read.php? f=1&i=117835&t=116807#reply_ 117835
ਆਤਮਾ ਸਿੰਘ
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2008 02:02PM by admin.