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Shiv Sena all set to break apart
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 28, 2008 05:22AM

Finally some leaders realize that the Shiv Sena stands not for Hindus, but for haters.


20 Shiv Sena leaders resign from party's Delhi Unit

Twenty leaders of the Shiv Sena's Delhi unit resigned en-masse from the party on Thursday to protest the saffron group's anti-north Indian stand.

The move comes a day after party's North Indian leaders led by Jai Bhagwan Goyal resigned en-masse to protest outfit's "outrageous conduct" towards non-Marathis in Maharashtra.

"The resignations have been send to Bal Thackeray," a party leader said and reiterated full support to Goyal. Goyal, who was associated with the Shiv Sena for the past 20 years, announce on Wednesday that he would form a separate party and claimed the support of the state units of Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab.


Re: Shiv Sena all set to break apart
Posted by: oothpathang (IP Logged)
Date: March 28, 2008 12:07PM

I think that the Shiv Sena's main opposition was to the large influx of Biharis into Maharashtra and not to North Indians as the media has portrayed. Punjabis for example were never shown opposition in Maharashtra in the recent violence. Only Biharis were.

Also, the break away faction of Shiv Sena did this to create a popular following in Maharashtra amongst Marathas. It was more of a publicity stunt. The Shiv Sena are not longer as active as they once were in Maharashtra, but still are powerful enough to stir Maratha nationalism.


Re: Shiv Sena all set to break apart
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: March 28, 2008 11:04PM

I dont see Shivsena as any threat to Sikhism.
Shivsena is just like another political party struggling for its existance.

Bal Thakery was a cartoonist and He had taken a political priviledge by climbing religious ladder. He spreaded his own way of legacy of threat, fanaticism, hatred etc amoung people to take political milage.

Iqbaal had written "majhab nhi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna "

Shivsena ideology of working is just reverse to iqbaal, and hatred run more faster thn anything.

In the present condition Shivsena is "lacking of leader" and thus is melting down. Now shivsena wants to cover their face of Hindutava Under a sheet of being MAHARASTRIAN coz they know religion is the natonal cause and they cant win a Vidhansabha election without having local cause.
Their are no takers of RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY of SHIVSENA and BAJRANG DAL , BJP, VHP anymore in india Coz india is growing and no-one is having enough time to be spent on RAM-MANDIR in Ayodhya. also people have became sick of this.

I think SAD shld also learn a lesson from this and shld start doing some progress and (creating jobs) in PUNJAB rather thn concentrating on taking ploitical milage from Religion.


Re: Shiv Sena all set to break apart
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 29, 2008 05:19AM

I agree with sidhu veerji. Years ago in Oklahoma there used to be a Christian preacher who would stand outside my university's library and start preaching loudly. People would walk past him and not even bother. Those who were free would stand and listen to him, and pass sarcastic comments and make fun of him. An Indian friend of mine said once "If all Indians in India are educated and employed, all the communal party leaders in India who incite hatred would face this same destiny".


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