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Punjab Dera's and media against Sikhs (Watch this news vedio)
Posted by: australiansingh (IP Logged)
Date: June 24, 2008 06:02AM

Lets unite so we can show this indian media...... SIKHISM is a reliegion of love not hatered.

PLSS watch this and give ur comments



Re: Punjab Dera's and media against Sikhs (Watch this news vedio)
Posted by: oothpathang (IP Logged)
Date: June 24, 2008 10:09AM

I didn't see any anti Sikh comments on this video. But the media is trying to deliberately show Sikhs as violent type of people while not showing the type of people the Dera Sacha Souda people are. They need to report it in a more balanced way.

Sikhs need to counter such negatively by making videos of our own and post them on the net to educate others of the criminal activity Dera Sacha Souda is in.


Re: Punjab Dera's and media against Sikhs (Watch this news vedio)
Posted by: Anonymous User (IP Logged)
Date: June 27, 2008 09:28AM

Das once attended a meet of Hindu Harliners(more militant then RSS).they gave some info about Indian Media.

NDTV is more working with leftist as Pranab Roy has fmaily realtion with Sitaram Yechuri or Brinda Karat(das has forget the actua leader name).

IBN stands for international Baptist News.So there is need to control western based media operating in India vide Multi National Firms by Brthrn living in west.

A das sees that many churches in west,which were auctioned are now converted to Gurudwaras.Sikhs can buy stakes in media run by western guys in India or can start an own media.


Re: Punjab Dera's and media against Sikhs (Watch this news vedio)
Posted by: staffsv (IP Logged)
Date: June 28, 2008 03:58PM

Well, not talking favourism but Uk'r sky channel radio - Punjab Radio is raising VOICE OF TRUTH all the time only if we all understand.

Yes, they do ask for money , but the only reason is that no Media Centre would be able to progress without money.

They are trying their best to get sponsored for gurbani programmesso they don't have to give any type of other adverts that stand away from Gurbani.

Their mission- All Punjabis to gather on one platform.

Lets make some success somewhere by giving our support in the format we can.

Whats the fun of statring hundred thousand others and don't get to listen to any OR otherwise talk aginst each other.

I hope no body would mind me saying all that as these are my opinions.but TRUTH ALWAYS REMAINS THE TRUTH.

Guru Fateh Ji


Re: Punjab Dera's and media against Sikhs (Watch this news vedio)
Posted by: Matheen (IP Logged)
Date: June 29, 2008 08:24AM


Punjab radio blares out nindya of Gursikhs in most of their 'Dharmic' programs - hardly truthful!! The rest of the time, they broadcast bhangra.

'Sweetsikhi' is ok depending on who the presenters are.


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