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Re: Sant in Sukhmani Sahib
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 24, 2008 02:34PM

never mind, we all are wrong, bhai randheer singh was also wrong for using th eword sant in his books. sorry for our mistakes.


Re: Sant in Sukhmani Sahib
Posted by: mpsingh86 (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2008 12:04AM

Bhai Kulbir Singh JI,

You say Sant doesnot have power equal to Satguru, Then Why Guru Arjun Dev ji sent his wife(Mata Ganga ji) to Baba Buddha ji to Get one Mahabali Son(Guru HarGobind Ji).


Re: Sant in Sukhmani Sahib
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2008 06:41AM

mpsingh86 jee,

You say Sant doesnot have power equal to Satguru, Then Why Guru Arjun Dev ji sent his wife(Mata Ganga ji) to Baba Buddha ji to Get one Mahabali Son(Guru HarGobind Ji).

You have misunderstood me. I wrote that the word 'sant' has been used for Vaheguru, Guru Sahib and Gursikh, in Gurbani.

Regarding why Guru Sahib sent Mata jee to Baba Buddha jee, I guess this was to fulfill Gurbani hukams like:

ਚਾਰਿ ਪਦਾਰਥ ਜੇ ਕੋ ਮਾਗੈ ॥ ਸਾਧ ਜਨਾ ਕੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਲਾਗੈ ॥

If one seeks to have everything (4 padarath) then one should engage in the service of Sant. Here I think Sadh Jan means Gursikhs or sangat.

Mata jee served the senior most Gursikh and a Brahmgyani of that time and got what she wanted through bachans of Baba jee. How does this belittle Guru Sahib or reduce the status of Guru Sahib to equal that of Gursikhs? Guru Sahib's status definitely stays higher than Gursikhs, no matter how great a Gursikh becomes.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Sant in Sukhmani Sahib
Posted by: dalbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 31, 2008 11:04AM

i guess it pankati is about sants and guru sahib ji
let me know if i am wrong
i would be helpful if gurmukhs on this forum would list pankatis where sants is referred to guru sahibs and some pankatis where sant is referred to gursikh sants

sMq kw mwrgu Drm kI pauVI ko vfBwgI pwey ]
santh kaa maarag dharam kee pourree ko vaddabhaagee paaeae |
The way of the Saints is the ladder of righteous living, found only by great good fortune.

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