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The Future of the Khalsa: Bhai Nand Lal Granthavali, Full
Posted by: DAVINDER SINGH (IP Logged)
Date: August 14, 2008 05:14AM

Does anyone who where I can find this online?
I was just informed by Davinder Singh that this isn't a real rehitnama

Re-reading the book has made me realize that this is indeed a false Rehitnama and doesn't have any basis to support from Bani of Guru Sahibs....

Has anyone come across the Gurmukhi version of the Granthavali?

By the way it starts off with, "Nanad Laal Sunnoo chitt layee-----------------'

I remember listening to Bhai Daljinder Singh live in the early 2000's at a Punjab smagam, since that time I have never come across any singh who has done the mehnat of trying to recite this.

Anyway, please see my blog post below.....

The Khalsa will...
Bhai Nand Lall wrote two Rehitnamas, both published in the
complete works of Bhai Nand Lall (preserved in Bhai Kahan
Singh’s library) entitled Bhai Nand Lall Granthavali.

The first was written in 1695 A.D. as the Colophon indicates; it
starts with the lines gur-sikh rehit sunho mere mit: Listen my
friend to the Rehit of a gursikh. It is Guru Gobind Singh
addressing Bhai Nand Lall and answering some questions about

The dialogue is between Sri Gurdev vach and Nand
Lall vach Utterance of the Guru and that of Nand Lall. The
second Rehitnama is about the Khalsa Holy Order Rehit
entitled Tankhahnama. The Khalsa who does not obey the
injunction of the gursikh Rehitnama can be given corrective
punishment for laxity in his prayers, meditations, and moral
errors. Disciplinary punishment generally includes prayers and
service of sangat and repentence.

This Rehitnama ends with
Guru Gobind Singh’s vision of the future Khalsa Panth:
Listen, Nand Lall, we declare the Truth,
We shall in time establish our sovereignty;
We shall blend four castes into one,
We shall inspire people to utter the Name of God;
We shall ride the Steeds of Freedom.
We shall fly the falcon of royal sovereignty,
Seeing which oppressor shall fade away.
We shall make one Sikh strong enough,
To fight a hundred thousand men, who oppose the Panth
We shall exalt the Khalsa spiritually,
When they fight relentlessly for righteousness.
The spears of glorious victory will arise aloft;
The royal elephants shall carry fluttering flags,
Then thousands of cannons will be fired for freedom,
The Khalsa shall be victorious from East to West.
The Khalsa shall be free and sovereign and will rule,
No one will dare to resist its mighty power.
After suffering from internal conflicts all shall unite,
He alone shall be saved who takes refuge in His Presence.
From p. 282: E.Trumpp and H. McLeod as Scholars of Sikh History
By: Bhai Tarlochan Singh Jee

posted by DAVINDER SINGH at 11:38:00 PM


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