ਪ੍ਰਥਮਰਹਿਤਯਹਿਜਾਨਖੰਡੇਕੀਪਾਹੁਲਛਕੇ॥ ਸੋਈਸਿੰਘਪ੍ਰਧਾਨਅਵਰਨਪਾਹੁਲਜੋਲਏ॥

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Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: inderjit (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2008 01:45AM

First Saint to be Born in the UK Passes Away at the age of 37

The first Sikh Sant to be born in the UK left this earth to merge with the one creator on 13th August 2008 in California, USA. Sant Mani Singh’s body has been flown back to England for his funeral, which is to be held on Saturday 30th August 2008 in Smethwick. The Sikh Congregation will have the opportunity to pay their last respects from 6.30am before the congregation depart for West Bromwich Crematorium at 9am.

Sant Mani Singh was named Resham Singh at birth at St Chads Hospital Birmingham on 4th November 1970 at approximately 1am. He was raised and bred in Smethwick, West Midlands until he graduated from Secondary High School. Between his childhood and teenage years he remained unattached from materialistic objects just as a lotus blossom remains untouched by the water. He was to join the British Royal Marines, but had no idea what royalty awaited his existence. Whilst throwing away the career of the Royal Marines and serving the country, he instead decided to serve the whole of humanity.

Whilst in his teens he spent numerous years with the jatha in India and England all of the pratan Singh still speak very highly of his jevaan. During those time and most recently between 1996-2001 he kept strict sarbloh bebek including using spring water which he collected himself not purchased in bottles from a supermarket. As time went on it became difficult to keep full saudh but still maintained his sarbloh rehaet.

Following enlightenment Sant Mani Singh stayed in deep meditation from 25th December 1990 to 13th April 1991 at the invitation of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sevak Jatha, Soho Road, Handsworth. In absolute deep meditation, he was drunk with the divine. During this period no thirst or hunger disturbed him, a great ecstasy took over him.

A question was asked at the time, what was the significance of this mediation? He smiled and said “I must have lost my consciousness, so drunk, so drowned. I must have been so drunk in the beatitude of realization that I must have forgot the wide world.”

On 15th April 1991 he came into the congregation at Guru Nanak Nishkam Sevak Jatha when Bhai Sahib Bhai Nurung Singh stated “you are a mirror that reflects so marvelously and as such your name should be Mani Singh rather than Resham Singh.”

Sant Mani Singh spent the last ten years researching into the Sikh Scriptures with the desire to write the Sikh Scriptures using twenty four carat gold, which would be placed on the throne at Sri Harimandhar Sahib (Golden Temple, India). Due to the complexity and intricacy of this task it was only this year that the technique for producing the scriptures was perfected. The first four Ang (pages) where shown to the congregated two months ago and the methodology to complete the project was described to their close associates. With the blessings of the Almighty this project will continue to fruition to produce the first ever Sikh Scriptures in gold.

When a Mahapurkh (enlightened soul) leaves the earth he always leaves something behind. Sant Mani Singh has left behind for us all the methodology of how to serve our living Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This is a unique gift for the Sikh Panth and should be treasured. He insisted that only lavivaar should be parkash and maintained that stand at any programmes he arranged.

This is a great loss to the Panth since his jeevan and vichar could have woken a lot of lost souls to Gurmat Rehaet Bhaet.


Sant Mani Singh Jee leaves this world to be one with the creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2008 06:25AM

The first Sant to be born in the UK left this earth to merge with the one creator on 13th August 2008 in California, USA. Sant Mani Singh's body has been flown back to England for his funeral, which is to be held on Saturday 30th August 2008 at Akal Bunga, 15 Silverton Road, Smethwick. The Sikh Congregation will have the opportunity to pay their last respects from 6.30am before the congregation depart for West Bromwich Crematorium at 9am.

Sant Mani Singh was named Resham Singh at birth at St Chads Hospital Birmingham on 4th November 1970 at approximately 1am. He was raised and bred in Smethwick, West Midlands until he graduated from Secondary High School. Between his childhood and teenage years he remained unattached from materialistic objects just as a lotus blossom remains untouched by the water. He was to join the British Royal Marines, but had no idea what royalty awaited his existence. Whilst throwing away the career of the Royal Marines and serving the country, he instead decided to serve the whole of humanity.

Following enlightenment Sant Mani Singh stayed in deep meditation from 25th December 1990 to 13th April 1991 at the invitation of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sevak Jatha, Soho Road, Handsworth. In absolute deep meditation, he was drunk with the divine. During this period no thirst or hunger disturbed him, a great ecstasy took over him.

A question was asked at the time, what was the significance of this mediation? He smiled and said "I must have lost my consciousness, so drunk, so drowned. I must have been so drunk in the beatitude of realization that I must have forgot the wide world."

On 15th April 1992 he came into the congregation at Guru Nanak Nishkam Sevak Jatha when Bhai Sahib Bhai Nurung Singh stated "you are a mirror that reflects so marvelously and as such your name should be Mani Singh rather than Resham Singh."

Sant Mani Singh spent the last ten years researching into the Sikh Scriptures with the desire to write the Sikh Scriptures using twenty four carat gold, which would be placed on the throne at Sri Harimandhar Sahib. Due to the complexity and intricacy of this task it was only this year that the technique for producing the scriptures was perfected. The first four Ang (pages) where shown to the congregated two months ago and the methodology to complete the project was described to their close associates. With the blessings of the Almighty this project will continue to fruition to produce the first ever Sikh Scriptures in gold.

When a Mahapurkh (enlightened soul) leaves the earth he always leaves something behind. Sant Mani Singh has left behind for us all the methodology of how to serve our living Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This is a unique gift for the Sikh Panth and should be treasured.


Re: Sant Mani Singh Jee leaves this world to be one with the creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2008 06:57AM


A great pain arose in Sant Mani Singh in 1990 that so many years had passed yet
enlightenment had not arrived. He was crippled emotionally, tears were running down
his eyes, he was going crazy from dawn to dusk, the heartache was accelerating just as
the floods of the river in the rainy season flowing with such force. A great pain flooded
his heart with sorrow and agony. In the east they call this phenomenon ‘vairag’. Whilst
describing this moment he said “Sadness has its own qualities. It can give you gifts that
nothing else can; happiness never goes as deep as sadness because only sadness can
take you deeper than anything else. The inner me was screaming I just could not
tolerate it, it was getting to me. It was almost a state of madness.”
He went on to say “The craziness was I didn’t know if I believed. I didn’t know if I
believed The whole phenomenon gave birth to enlightenment. Unexpectedly the
phenomenon came into existence, something or some familiar energy arose that was
pulling me towards the canal, and here near the canal was an embankment of trees,
bushes and brambles. I tried to divert my mind to something else but I didn’t succeed.
The pull was like a magnet it became stronger and stronger. The whole situation was out
of my control, I couldn’t stay any longer and it became impossible! A gentle silence hung
over the bank of the trees, I was thrilled by the place! it was a perfect place. My head
was exploding with great force. I had never experienced this phenomenon before.
Suddenly I lost all consciousness and dropped to the ground.”
About enlightenment he said “Enlightenment has always been sudden, nothing can
really be said about enlightenment. There are no words to describe what is happening.
The experience is far deeper than the words. The word enlightenment comes close to
the experience but the closer comes blissfulness. Then even closer the word ecstasy.
But beyond that there are no words. The experience is far deeper than ecstasy itself.
Nothing can be said about enlightenment because all you know is from the outside.
Enlightenment is from within. Once you are enlightened it is impossible for your
enlightenment to fade. You wouldn’t have to put a veil over your face the way Moses did,
because enlightenment is not achieved and there is no technique that can bring
enlightenment in existence. This is a great opportunity for us to learn. Now we can
understand that Moses wasn’t enlightened. Whatever Moses did was an effort to achieve
and the essence to that is sadness. Paul describes his efforts in the Bible. He goes on
saying ‘Moses has spent forty days in the Mountain of Sinai, but what ever happened it
was temporary.’ For an example his face began to radiate, reflect light, but sadly it was
all temporary. Enlightenment isn’t temporary. Nor is it a dream the way Prophet Isaiah
described. Enlightenment is a stage of awareness. For an example dreams only come
into existence while you’re asleep. There is no possibility of dreams coming into
existence whilst your wide-awake. You can’t be hallucinated because there is an
experience. Dreaming is hallucinating, creating imaginations, and creating imaginations
is a stage of fiction. Enlightenment is beyond hallucination. You will not be hallucinated
the way the Bible records Elijah, the Prophet’s events that he heard still small of God but
saw nothing. Jesus said ‘God is like love’ Why has Jesus said this? Because nothing
can be said about love. The only way to know is to become a lover. But the lover has to
disappear, love can only be known when you love absolutely.”
“From this nightmare coming back into existence my body was so light, light as a
feather. I was loosing gravity. Some energy was elevating me. I can’t elaborate any
more. It was happening I could not prevent it. It was out of my control. I was trying to
avoid it. I had broken through the phenomenal. I was absolutely drunk on the divine, so
drowned, and so drunk, in the beatitude of realization. Divine was flourish. I was
intoxicated with divine. The ecstasy was uncontrollable; I was ruptured into eternal bliss.
Sant Mani Singh had an amazing naïve character and would say “I am a very simple
man. As a matter of fact, very ordinary, capable of making mistakes, don’t have any
qualities of any kind, I have something to be proud of, a ray of light penetrated upon me.”
His honorable beloved Mani Singh, had not just illuminated us on enlightenment but also
talked on various other subjects; which in the age of darkness have been misunderstood
because of our lack of intelligence. Some of these are elaborated upon briefly below.
In San Francisco, California he said “What is love? It is madness, where you loose
consciousness, the greatest drug even that exists on Earth. The only difference is it’s an
inner chemistry. Love is crucifixion. Only love is the light in which life becomes known,
what we call resurrection. Only in love are you truly transformed. In reality you will only
feel life when you are in love. Love opens windows towards the beyond. The love people
talk about is the phenomenon of the mind. The love of the mind is like a dream because
it is from the mind and only the mind can dream and the dream can’t be reality. This love
cannot be eternal. So what is eternal love? When love comes out of mediation, it’s
qualities are different from the ones of the mind. The love of the mind – thee essence of
it is foolishness. You fall in love, the love of meditation, thee essence is wisdom, you rise
in love. Wisdom can’t be attained. You can gather as much knowledge, learn the
scriptures by heart, still there will be no wisdom. Wisdom is that which liberates you. In
this love there is a quality, just as a light surrounds the flame. The quality of love
surrounds you. Whoever comes close, he/she will be enchanted, enriched, and this love
of quality will shower around you. This is the real longing of the heart. Remember, once
a person starts feigning, feigning is a stage of pseudo living. His whole life becomes
false because love is the centre of life. Love is the ultimate purpose of life – the destiny
of life.”
Then he said, “First you have to love yourself. Only then can you radiate and reach to
others. When you are in love, it is illogical. There is no logic, no reason. It’s irrational,
that is why liking has nothing to do with loving, Liking has logic, there are many reasons
as to why you like a person. Generations and generations have misunderstood the word
love. Automatically they start thinking about sex, without them even realizing that sex
has nothing to do with love.”
Then he goes on describing the phenomenon of love. “love is like a spring breeze. It
comes and when it comes it brings a tremendous fragrance, the Odor of Sanctify. It
gives you the feeling that it will remain forever. The feeling is so strong that you cannot
doubt it. This love is divine. Love has always been God expressing himself. Love is the
alchemy, where there is love, ego doesn’t exist. That’s what I always said, love is
spiritual and only love can change lives. Only in love is there reconciliation and a great
transformation. That is why a man of love faces more difficulties. That is the fundamental
fact of life. Where there is no love, life is about to move smoothly.
When asked if one can dissolve with another he replied, “When you burn two lamps in a
room, they meet. The light meets. You can’t divide the first light from the second light.
Still there is a difference. You can bring them close, even then their flames will remain
different. The light will dissolve into each other. You can’t melt into each other. Only your
light can melt in the other – your outer aura.”
When asked about God at Orange County, California, sympathetically he replied, “You
can’t say its reality. You certainly can’t say it’s a fiction because something exists. That
something needs to be experimented. Nothing can be said about God. You can study
about God but nothing has been known because all you know is from the outside, what
we would call external. Until you enter from within, the internal can’t be known. By
studying about God, you will miss the whole concept and the consequence to that is that
you are left with knowledge only. To know is to enter the kingdom, to become one with
eternity. Knowledge is from the outside and has nothing what so ever to do with God.
Because God is happening.”
“Nothing is hidden from God because God is the inside of everything. The inside knows
all. You can hide something from others, but you can’t hide it from yourself. And it is
there that God is hidden.”
He went on to say “Why have we invented so many names for God? There must be a
certain reason, because God cannot be named, a name can easily be changed, but God
remains the same. So why has God been addressed? Because there are moments
when you would like to scream out your inner feelings to God in sheer joy. Some name
is needed. Muslim Sufis invented ninety-nine names of God that are so beautiful, but
why not a hundred? Ninety-nine looks a bit incomplete. There is a certain reason the
hundredth name is kept silent and that is the true name of God, which of course can’t be
uttered. That is why Guru Nanak said ‘Satnam’. Your name is thee truth. But in reality
you can’t utter it because it will lose its’ beauty. It remains un-uttered at the deepest core
of the heart. What is God’s true name? Nobody knows that all the names are man’s
creation. The true name of God is the existence that surrounds you.”
How can one call Him by all His names? The wise give him names
according to His manifestations – Jap Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Ji
He goes on saying. “those kind (the irreligious) of people haven’t known anything of
spiritual experience. They’ve never felt any presence of God. The only way to receive
God is to drop all your searching and seeking. The real question is recognition, not
search, and the only way to know God is to live God.”


Re: Sant Mani Singh Jee leaves this world to be one with the creator
Posted by: Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2008 07:09AM

how did he die?


Re: Sant Mani Singh Jee leaves this world to be one with the creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2008 09:58AM


inderjit s

aheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Being busy with the funeral arrangements etc unfortunately I can't share much about Baba Ji's jevaan with you yet. But to reassure you there will significant pieces of literature coming out over the next year which he wrote himself. THe piecies on enlightenment, love and God were handwritten by him and the ones above are ectracts of the orginals which had numerous references to Gurbani.

As to his depature it was as he said it would be. Since I first met him in 1996 he always said I wil be leaving this earth before I am 40. He also said more recently I will have had a shower before I depart and there will be no need to wash the body, again jsut what occoured.

He had a shower at amritvele lay down on his back with two pillows under his head, put a white sheet upto his chest and had a mala in his hand. The signficant points here are that usually he would always sleep on his side, and not have any pillows under his head.

Those of you fortunate enough to attend the funeral will be able to have darshan and that alone will answer numerous questions.

He kept himself very Gupt but he has left a kajana of knowledge which the Amercian and UK sevadaar will be pulling together to present to the sangant over time.


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 27, 2008 07:07AM

Did they do kirtan?


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: Manmat (IP Logged)
Date: August 27, 2008 08:38AM


i've heard that baba resham singh jee was a strict sarblohee singh aswell.


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 27, 2008 12:17PM

Baba jee did kirtan, the following link has a few shabads of theirs on.



And they were Very very strict sarbloh bibeki at a very young age.


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: Akali_Fauja_Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 29, 2008 02:46AM

Khalsa jio

Jumanah Maranah ....every one will eventully achive this.
Everyones a sant these days, jearah dekho ohee Sant,
Twadeh Mani Singh vargeh kay sadeh dera Dal deh vich beateh neh.

Samadhi ta ich saal di vi ney puri keeti, Sadeh Dal deh vich Guru Deh Khalsa dera tou Baar das salah deh ney gey nitnem deh pureh maryada deh pukeh.

Twada Sant Margaya ta kee kariyeh, Sant kadeh Mardeh ney, but if there Sant.
UK deh Sant... Chalee numee Parampera, Pakand da Pasaar, Aangeh Guru Gobind Singh fer karengeh Jee Aahdaar.

Akali Fauja Singh Nihang


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: Harcharan Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 29, 2008 07:22AM


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 29, 2008 09:07AM

Couple of years ago, I heard Sant Mani Singh's kirtan on a site and I acknowledge that it was a very rass-bhinna kirtan. The shabads were Kitai Parkaar na tootau preet. The second shabad was Darshan pyaas bahut mann mere. These shabads were sung in very simple reets but it was such a wonderful kirtan. It stayed with me for quite such time. Recently too, I developed a habit to listen to these shabads every now and then, while on my PC. I had them downloaded to my PC. I googled to find out if there were more shabads by them but found nothing else on google about them.

From what I have read about them so far, they seemed to be very good Gursikh. I have also heard that there was some AKJ connection in his early days. Could someone confirm this.

Khuda Maghfarat karae, Ajab azaad mard thaa||

Kulbir Singh


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 29, 2008 10:22AM

Baba Jee was very close to all sampardas and jathas, hopefully inderjit singh and others will do a write up shortly on this, baba jee had close links with akj in the earlier days at the same time as soho road gnnsj and nanaksar samparda.

The maryada that baba jee followed was puratan style gurmat maryada of sarbloh bibek and larevaar saroop. And there veechar was very very uplifting, they always spoke the truth even on controversial issues. A very inspiring sant mahapurkh, they will be missed very much.


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 29, 2008 10:23AM

baba jee did do private veechar and katha and did have a few write ups on maryada and rehat, and there personal experiences with guru granth sahib jee hopefully in the near future the sevardaars will post these up.


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: khalistan_zindabaad (IP Logged)
Date: August 29, 2008 10:30AM

posted by inderjit singh on sikhsangat

Yes this was indeed a very unique soul. The vichaar that he did was very deep indeed and his commitment was to bring back Tat Gurmat into Sikhi and ensure that Gursikh were rehat behayt tyar be tyar.

In the last year the one thing he kept speaking of was to hold an amrit sanchar which followed full maryada. He wanted the Singhs to have a very high jevaan so that the ablakhis all experienced something amazing when they were given the amrit. However he never got around to arranging it, mainly because he felt that none of the Singhs in the sangat had reached the avsta required to be part of the Panj nor had they extended thier nitnem significantly. There were some Singhs who were close and he and said what he expected of them before he would agree to an amrit sanchar happening.

Those who met him, from which ever jathabandi all left learning more about thier own jathebandi and about gursikhi. He never once tried to break anyone away from the jatha they were with since he always said that when you re-plant a plant it does not always stay green. Therefore it was better if everyone knew the asool of the jatha there were in and the tenets of Gursikhi. That would ensure that all the jathey continued to stay in chardikala and the Gursikh would become tat Gursikh.

The full programme for tomorrow is as follows:

6am Darshan begin at 15 Silverton Road Smethwick, B67 7PH

9am Depart for crematorium

9.30am Meet sangat at Forge Mill Lake

10am Arrive at crematorium

11am Langar in tents at Forge Mill Lake

1.30pm Ardas at the asthan


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: Atma Singh (IP Logged)
Date: September 06, 2008 06:11AM


khalsa jeeo,

pls share any more write-ups and tell us more about this Gursikh.

his keertan is BEAUTIFUL and full of bairaag. so far via the two links listed previously, i can access 4 files in total. about to look at the q+a sessions on sikhroots...

is there any more keertan available?

veer kulbir singh jee,

what does "Khuda Maghfarat karae, Ajab azaad mard thaa||" mean?


ਆਤਮਾ ਸਿੰਘ


Re: Sant Mani Singh leaves this Earth to be One with the Creator
Posted by: ramansingh (IP Logged)
Date: September 06, 2008 10:48AM

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Vaheguru ji ki fathe!

right now I am listening to Kirtan/vichar of Bhai Mani Singh ji. Its full of Ras.. It seems Bhai sahib was in great Sehaj awastha!

Please forward more tracks/links.



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