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Whats the sangats view on LHC machine, on how world was created??
Posted by: Ekta Singh (IP Logged)
Date: September 14, 2008 05:31AM

i'm not sure if all of you have heard about this, but i thought i'd share it with sangat.
so basically what is happening, a large group of scientists have creatd a machine and what they trying to do with it is to prove if the big bang theory was correct. round about 10,000 scientists are involved in this project. so what are the risks then? they are saying that this experiment could create a black hole in the universe, this means if the black hole is created it will suck in the whole earth. the European Court of Human Rights has tryed to stop the LHC which is the organization of this project. but scientists have created a very high level of safety and they mean they've got everything under control. this experiment will be taking place tommorow the 10th of september 2008.
[news.sky.com]- ... %2BPhysics

Whats the sangats view on the LHC machine, apparently the protons inside can travel faster than light. Also the world could end due to a black hole being created. Also do u think sceintist could create the conditions after the big bang occured. Does gurbani give any reference to the big bang??

Please reply to the topic bhai kulbir singh and other gursikhs on the forum.


Re: Whats the sangats view on LHC machine, on how world was created??
Posted by: Harcharan Singh (IP Logged)
Date: September 14, 2008 06:24AM

Below is an article with some references from Gurbani which is what you may be interested in. But the bottom line is that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji differs from Vedic/Puranic and Semetic texts in that Maharaj deals predominantly with the higher mystical knowledge rather than lower worldly knowledge.

Purley based on my personal interest, I find the whole thing facinating - of course Gurbani makes it clear that the secret of creation is beyond our understanding and I totally believe that - but I find some links tantalising!

Although the subject of dark energy, dark matter, the God-cell etc are fascinating - and seek to define (or not) the unknowable expanse of the universe, the biggest topic that interests me here is that of quantam entaglement - looking at the bigger picture - big bang theorists suggest that everyhting in the universe was once condensed into a singularity and burst into existence at the same moment - this fits so nicely with Guru Nanak Dev Ji's "ਕੀਤਾ ਪਸਾਉ ਏਕੋ ਕਵਾਉ ॥". The theorists also state that we are all entangled at a quantum level and that we are all one conciousness and that 'space' is an illusion!

Although some here may not agree or interpret this in their own way - this theory also fits perfectly into certain other discussions occuring on this forum at the present time!

Cosmology Ideas in Aad Guru Granth Sahib
Hardev Singh Virk



Cosmology deals with the problem of the creation of the universe. It has been dealt with from time immemorial in all religious texts. Scientific evidence supports the Big-Bang model of cosmology. Cosmological ideas enunciated in Aad Guru Granth Sahib are discussed in this article.

Cosmological Ideas in Science

Cosmology deals with problem of creation of the Universe. It has played a decisive role in the conflict between science and religion. Various cosmological theories and models have been proposed in both science and religion. Newton’s approach towards cosmology was metaphysical, and he considered the creation of the Universe as an act of God. In his system space and time appear as absolute, and the earth occupies a unique position in the Universe.

More than a century later, Kant and Laplace put forward their views, together known as Gas-Cloud hypothesis. It considers the creation of the Universe out of gases and vapors such as hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, cyanogens, and water. The planets and the sun were created out of the same nebular gas medium. Gurbani expresses it thus:

God created the air, from air came water and
from water the world was created.
God spirit permeates all beings.1

Evidence collected by astronomers during the last 50 years confirms the hypothesis of an expanding Universe, and it is the basis of Big-Bang cosmology. This ambitious theory was detailed by George Gamow and collaborators. According to them the universe started from a very dense, hot mass of neutrons which decayed into protons and electrons. When they combined they formed complex nuclei.

The temperature during the Big-Bang was 10 billion degrees Centigrade, and most elements were formed during the first 30 minutes of the expansion. Driving the Universe backwards, we can arrive at a state of infinite density, with all the matter compressed into a mathematical point, a singularity. We will need to bring in God as creator of the Universe to explain this singular state.

Alan Guth of MIT proposed the Inflation Theory2 that explains the rapid expansion of the Universe. According to this theory, the size of the Universe doubles every 10-35 of a second and age of the Universe is about 15 billion years. Quantum physics allows the Universe to appear out of nothing at all, as a vacuum fluctuation. Chaotic inflation led to the sudden expansion of the Universe out of a quantum fluctuation. The seed of the Universe is considered to be a ‘magnetic monopole’ according to a new version of the Inflation Theory. The Hubble telescope may provide useful data to clinch the issues in Big-Bang Cosmology.

What Guru Granth Sahib Says

Cosmological ideas as enunciated in AGGS have been found to be compatible with modern cosmological theories. Guru Nanak challenges the Hindu world-view as archaic and based on dogma and mythology. In Japuji, Guru Nanak sums up his ideas about creation of the Universe, which he elaborates further in Raga Maru Solhe. The creation hypothesis is summed up by Guru Nanak as follows:

‘God created the Universe by uttering a word.3

By making God the Creator the issue of singularity is thereby addressed. What follows is the sequence of creation, and its epoch and extent. Next Guru Nanak poses a question in Japuji:4

What was the time and the moment
the day and the month,
When the world was created?

In the next stanza, Guru Nanak provides the answer:5

Neither the Pundit can find this date
by looking through the Purana texts,
Nor can the Qazi tell from the Koran,
Neither the Yogi nor any one else knows
The day, weak, season and month of creation,
The creator who creates the World
He alone knows the time.

Guru Nanak does not want to formulate any hypothesis based on false assumptions and leaves the question open. The creation process is started under the command of God, the creator of the universe. The Guru envisages the creation of the Universe out of Sunya’ which is devoid of matter but not of energy. Hence a beautiful analogy with quantum concept of creation out of nothing as a vacuum fluctuation is established in Raga Maru Solhe:6

The creator was all alone,
He created the air, water, earth and sky;
even the sun and moon from this Sunya.

Guru Nanak elucidates this wonderful drama of creation further in his mystic reverie. The most beautiful hymn on Sikh cosmology that considers creation out of Sunya is enunciated in Maru Solhe:7

For billions of years, there was nothing
but utter darkness.
There was neither day nor night,
nor moon, nor sun, but
the Lord alone sat in profound trance.

Neither there was creation, nor
air, nor water. There were no continents,
nor underworlds, nor seven oceans nor rivers,
or the flowing water. There
was neither death, nor time.
There was no Brahma, nor Vishnu or Shiva.

When He so willed, He
created the world and supported the
firmament without support.
He created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
and extended the love of mammon.
He founded the continents,
solar systems and underworlds, and
from the Absolute self, He
became manifest.

Guru Arjan Dev describes in Sukhmani the myriad forms of creation:8

There are millions and millions of galaxies and
solar systems in the universe. The
phenomenon of creation has occurred
so many times. But the
one Lord remains for ever and ever.

The riddle of creation will remain an enigma for cosmologists, and there is no final word yet in cosmology. About the present theories and models, we may conclude with a quotation from Benti Chaupai in Dasam Granth:

Everyone explains the creation process
according to his intellect,
But no one can tell, O Lord,
How you first created the universe.


1 AGGS , M1, p.19. (AGGS = Aad Guru Granth Sahib, published by SGPC, Amritsar.)

2 John Gribbin , Watching the Universe, Universities Press(India) Ltd. , p.202,1998.

3 AGGS , M1, p.3.

4 AGGS, M1, p.4.

5. AGGS , M1, p.4.

6 AGGS , M1, p.1037.

7 AGGS , M1, p.1035.

8 AGGS , M5, p.276.


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