Posted by:
hopeless (IP Logged)
Date: October 01, 2008 02:42PM
Whenever Baba Ji would recite a Sehaj path or give Santhiya
(teach pronunciation of Gurbani) to a new learner, he would come across
a specific instruction written at the end of the prayer of “Bawan Akhri”
in Raag Gauri by the fifth Guru. He would ponder over the Gurbani and
its meaning and why Guru Ji’s had found it necessary to write this
instruction. This Gurbani comes on page -262, at the end of which is
written a specific direction for the reader.
The divine Guru is my mother,
The divine Guru father and
The divine Guru is my Lord and supreme God
gurdayv maataa gurdayv pitaa gurdayv su-aamee parmaysuraa.
(Salok- page 262)
The above stanza of Gurbani appears twice, once at the start of
“Bawan Akhri” and then at the end of this prayer. At the end of the
Salok, the great Guru has clearly instructed, “Read this Salok at the
beginning and at the end”.
The motive of the great Guru regarding this Salok was not clear.
Baba Ji asked many scholars of Gurbani about its meaning. Some said
that instruction was applicable only for the prayer of ‘’Bawan Akhri‘’
and it meant that at the beginning and the end of reading this prayer, the
reader must recite the above Salok twice. Baba Ji used to reply, ‘’This
Salok is written twice, first in the beginning and then at the end, so it is
to be read twice, there is no doubt regarding that. Some would say,
”This sentence is not Gurbani, it is just a written statement.” Baba Ji
would answer, ‘’There are so many Salok’s in Gurbani which appear
twice in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, but none of them ends with this
instruction to “ Read this Salok at the beginning and at the end.‘’
At last, when he was not satisfied, he prayed to the great Guru to
give him counsel regarding the special instruction and its meaning. The
tenth Guru, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji appeared in front of Baba Ji and
uttered, ‘’Bhai Harnam Singh! Whenever a gursikh begins nitnem,
either in the morning or in the evening, at the beginning and after
completing their prayers, this Salok should be read. Before the start of
Sri Akhand Path Sahib, or Sehaj Path, and after completing the recitation
of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, this Salok should also be read. This line is
written only for the purpose to remind the Sikh to read the Salok twice.
Any person who reads this Salok at the beginning and the end of their
prayers will receive extra spiritual benefit.”
Listening to the divine words of the Great Guru, Baba Ji was
totally satisfied and overjoyed. From that day onward, all the devotees
of Baba Ji read this Salok as per the order of the Great Guru.
The divine Guru is my mother
And the divine Guru the father
The divine Guru is my Lord and supreme God
The divine Guru is my companion
The dispeller of spiritual ignorance
The divine Guru is relative and brother
The divine Guru is the giver
And teacher of the God’s name
And the divine Guru is my infallible spell
The divine Guru is the image of peace
Truth and wisdom, the divine Guru is
The philosopher’s stone
By touching which the mortal is saved
The divine Guru is a place of pilgrimage
And a tank of nectar
By having a bath in Guru’s divine knowledge
Man meets the illimitable master
The divine Guru is the creator
And destroyer of all the sins
The divine Guru is the purifier of the impure
The divine Guru is from the beginning
Of ages and in every age
The divine Guru is the spell of God’s name
By repeating which the mortal is saved
My master, take pity and unite me
gurdayv maataa gurdayv pitaa gurdayv su-aamee parmaysuraa.
gurdayv sakhaa agi-aan bhanjan gurdayv banDhip sahodaraa.
gurdayv daataa har naam updaysai gurdayv mant niroDharaa.
gurdayv saaNt sat buDh moorat gurdayv paaras paras paraa.
gurdayv tirath amrit sarovar gur gi-aan majan apramparaa.
gurdayv kartaa sabh paap hartaa gurdayv patit pavit karaa.
gurdayv aad jugaad jug jug gurdayv mant har jap uDhraa.
gurdayv sangat parabh mayl kar kirpaa ham moorh paapee jit
lag taraa.
gurdayv satgur paarbarahm parmaysar gurdayv naanak har
namaskaraa. ||1||
ayhu salok aad ant parh-naa.
(Guru Bawan Akhri 5th Guru, page 263)