ਰਹਿਣੀਰਹੈਸੋਈਸਿਖਮੇਰਾ॥ ਓੁਹਸਾਹਿਬਮੈਉਸਕਾਚੇਰਾ॥

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Collected Stories of Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: July 20, 2009 04:27AM

Under this new thread we will be uploading some of the inspirational articles on Rangley GurSikhs from our archives.
Below is the first of these posts.

Effect of Meeting a Gursikh: Dr. Surinder Singh jee
By Sd. Preetam Singh in Sooraa, June 1984
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org


Dr. Surinder Singh jee must now be in Vahiguru jee’s feet, absorbed in naam and basking in the divine colours but I can never forget the twenty years of love he gave me. He spoke very little. He was always coloured in naam and vairaag and in Gurmat Smaagams, he would always be sitting apart, lost in naam.

My First Meeting

20 years have passed now. It was 10 at night and it was winter. It was very cold and in those days I pulled a rickshaw to support my family. Bhai Sahib (Dr. Sahib) in this bitter cold was dressed only in a simple chola. He was wearing no pyjama and on his feet he had regular shoes. His face was glowing with naam. He was already handsome because of his light complexion and because of the naam his face was reflecting, I was drawn to meet him. Blessed are Guru Gobind Singh jee’s Singhs who do not feel cold even in the dead of winter.

I was returning home but I was drawn to this person. I began to take my rickshaw behind him. I did not have the courage to speak to him but I had a deep desire to serve him by carrying him in my rickshaw and take him to where he was going. After some time, Bhai Sahib’s glance fell on me and Vahiguru jee gave me the strength to utter Vahiguru jee kaa Khalsa, Vahiguru jee kee fateh!

Bhai Sahib, slowly in a sweet voice, answered my Fateh and came to stand by my rickshaw. I humbly requested, Bhai Sahib jee, let me take you on my rickshaw to where you want to go. Where are you going? I feel like doing your seva.

Bhai Sahib did not reply and after silently standing for two minutes, he got on the rickshaw. Bhai Sahib was going from the Jagraon bridge to Bharat Nagar Chownk. After Bhai Sahib had gotten on, I did not have the courage to ask where he was going because Bhai Sahib was lost in the deep colours of naam. I gathered my courage and began to take the rickshaw to Bharat Nagar Chownk. I had just gotten to the Chownk when Bhai Sahib told me to go to a home behind the New Model Town Singh Sabha Gurdwara Sahib. In those days, Bibi Mahinder Kaur used to live in this house.

I arrived in front of the house and then Bhai Sahib motioned for me to come with him inside. I was astonished and began to follow him. There was a water hand-pump beside the door. Bhai Sahib began to pump and had me do a punj-ishnana and with his hands, motioned for me to accompany him in. I put the rickshaw near the hand-pump. Bhai Sahib went straight to the kitchen.

The Divine Milk in Sarbloh

Bhai Sahib spread a mat and asked me to sit down. I sat crossed legged with my hands folded together. For such a long time Bhai Sahib boiled milk in a Sarbloh bata and played in Vahiguru’s divine colours. For over an hour his consciousness was completely absorbed. I was bound by his order to sit but was getting anxious to go home because I was tired from pulling a rickshaw all day.

When a big bata of milk was brought to me, I began to drink and right away I began to be coloured in naam. Some divine colour came over me. My simran began to go automatically. My body began to feel like it was flying. My eyes filled with tears of vairaag and I was losing consciousness. After some time when I regained awareness, Bhai Sahib put a bata of kheer in front of me. As soon as I had eaten this, I completely lost consciousness and had no awareness of where I was.

Bibi Mahinder Kaur’s Pain

When I became conscious again after some time, I found that Bibi Mahinder Kaur, the person who was in the house, was feeling pain in her stomach. She could not bear the pain. Bhai Sahib knew about medicine and he gave her some medicines but none brought her peace.

I had an idea and remembered how Bhai Sahib before giving me the milk and kheer had gazed into the milk for such a long time and as a result, it was also coloured in divine colours. I took some water and after gazing into it while doing sirman, gave it to Bibi jee and she felt better.

Bhai Sahib Asked, Why did you do that??

Bibi jee felt better but the feeling of divine colours left me. Bhai Sahib saw how sad I was and asked, Why did you do that? I felt upset over my mistake and began to cry, which would not stop. Bhai Sahib took my hand and kept doing simran beside me. It was now three in the morning. Again, I was taken by the divine colours and Bhai Sahib told me to accept bhaaNaa (God’s will) in the future.

Bhai Sahib gave me five rupees and a lot of sarbloh utensils. I told him that I could not afford to use desi ghee but he said to use saro(n) da tael instead.

Getting Peshed with My Family

With Bhai Sahib’s encouragement, I gave up pulling a rickshaw and took a job at the post office as a guard. From there I became a packer, then a postman then a clerk and today I have received a promotion to Under-Postmaster. My memories of Bhai Sahib have been refreshed today and so I wrote some lines.

With Dr. Sahib’s support, my wife and children began to wear the Khalsa’s BaaNa and seeing this, Baoo Mul Singh jee was very happy. He blessed us and had us appear before the punj pyaaray and we became tyaar-bar-tyaar. I am forever bowing my head before Gursikhs like Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee, respected Baoo Mul Singh jee, Dr. Surinder Singh and other high Gursikh souls in Sachkhand and beg,

ਦੇਹੁਸਜਣਅਸੀਸੜੀਆਜਿਉਹੋਵੈਸਾਹਿਬਸਿਉਮੇਲੁ ॥੩॥

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2010 06:34AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: July 21, 2009 05:15AM

Rangalay Sajjan: Bhai Giaan Singh Jee
By Pr. Gurmukh Singh in Say Piaaray Mael
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org


Bhai Giaan Singh jee was a naam-loving Gursikh and a very big lover of keertan. He was born in village Joieeaa(n) in Sargodha (now Pakistan). He was born in 1885. The area he was born in was on the banks of the Jehlum. He was the middle child of four boys and one girl. The children were quite young when his mother passed away.

Bhai Giaan Singh received bhagtee almost like an inheritance from his father Bhai Amar Singh. Bhai Giaan Singh used to take everything as God's will and remained satisfied in it. It was his nature not to slander anyone or speak badly about anyone nor have enmity. At the same time, he was also not close with any worldly friends. He would spend his time in satsangat with the other Gursikhs. If someone came to him and started to gossip he would simply say, "Everything is in his will. Whatever he does, he does it for our own good."

Once Bhai Sahib's son became ill with typhoid and his fever was over 105 degrees. The doctors said that the child could only survive if his kesh were cut. Bhai Giaan Singh answered that this could not be done. He said, "this is God's gift and he can take it back when he wishes. But will we be able to get the Guru's blessings by making him a patit?" It turned out that the child recovered by himself. Sachay Paatshah tests our faith and this was such an occasion. Many other tests came in his life and he passed them with steadfast courage.

Tests of Faith

Bhai Giaan Singh was an A-Class Guard on the NorthWestern Railway. He was posted on the Frontier Mail train. This train used to run from Peshawar to Bombay. Bhai Sahib stayed at Rawalpindi at this time. One day, a jealous co-worker betrayed him very badly. He gave a bribe to a railway worker and had him detach the last compartment from the rest of the train. The Guard waved his flag and the train set off. At the next station, Bhai Sahib was informed that one compartment had been left behind. For a normal, worldly person, such an incident would have been very worrisome but Bhai Sahib remained calm in the divine-will. This was a very serious incident and he could have been fired from his job, but he did not waver. He was suspended pending an inquiry but did not feel sad and said, "We'll work for the true "sarkaar" (Vahiguru) now" and spent his days in naam simran and keertan. When the inquiry was completed, the guilty parties were punished and Bhai Sahib was exonerated completely and even given a promotion.

" ਪੂਰਾਨਿਆਉਕਰੇਕਰਤਾਰੁ ॥ ਅਪੁਨੇਦਾਸਕਉਰਾਖਨਹਾਰੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ " (199).

Another time Bhai Sahib was in a difficult situation was when the topmost officer of the NorthWestern Railway came to Rawalpindi Station. When the train stopped at the station, Bhai Sahib was lost in simran. He exchanged some important papers with the Stationmaster and returned to his personal compartment for rest. When the whistle blew to move the train, he waved the flag and was again lost in simran. The British officer of the NorthWestern Railway was standing in the veranda watching Bhai Sahib and when Bhai Sahib walked by him, he did not salute. The Officer took this as an insult and asked his assistant to note down Bhai Sahib's name and information so that he could be reprimanded when they returned to headquarters.

When they returned to headquarters, the assistant gave Bhai Sahib's information to the Officer along with his personal file. The next day, the file was returned without any reprimand written on it. The file was sent a second time and it again returned unchanged. The third time, he personally brought the file to the Officer and reminded him that Giaan Singh did not salute and was to be reprimanded. The Officer laughed and said, "Whenever I try to write something on his file, I get dizzy and feel afraid. For God's sake, just close that file and find out who this person is."

The assistant collected full information about Bhai Sahib from Rawalpindi station and told his British Officer about him. The Officer was very surprised to hear about everything and was thankful that he had not done anything against him.

"ਜਹਜਹਕਾਜਕਿਰਤਿਸੇਵਕਕੀਤਹਾਤਹਾ ਉਠਿਧਾਵੈ ॥੧॥ ਸੇਵਕਕਉਨਿਕਟੀਹੋਇਦਿਖਾਵੈ ॥ ਜੋਜੋਕਹੈਠਾਕੁਰਪਹਿਸੇਵਕੁਤਤਕਾਲਹੋਇਆਵੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ " (403).

Personal Life

Bhai Atma Singh of Patiala and Dr. Harbans Singh tell us that Bhia Giaan Singh jee was a very big lover of naam and baaNee. His head would sway in ecstasy and his lips would always be moving with "Guru Guru". Those who heard him doing nitnem can attest that he would recite it very slowly and in bairaag, taking a full two hours to do so. When he would take a Vaak from Guru Maharaj, his eyes would be teary and he would read each line many many times like he was personally conversing with Guru Sahib.

A Gursikh is of course ordered to give dasvandh, but Bhai Giaan Singh was so genours that he would give half his income to the Guru's cause. Bhai Sahib loved listening to keertan and whenever a Singh or Singhnee did keertan, he would become very excited. Sometimes while listening to keertan, he would even become late for his train. Someone would remind him about the train and only then would he get ready and go to the station. Whenever this happened though, the train itself was late and so he was never in any trouble.

Meeting Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee

How could such a person like Bhai Giaan Singh not meet Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh then? Whenever the Jatha would have a smaagam at Rawalpindi at the home of Dr. Pargat Singh and Bibi Indar Kaur, Bhai Giaan Singh would certainly come and enjoy the keertan. He retired from his job in 1940 and after that he moved to Sree Amritsar Sahib. When Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee would come to Sree Amritsar Sahib and do smaagams, Bhai Giaan Singh would always attend.

Once it was at Gurdwara LohgaR Sahib that the Jatha was having a keertan. Bhai Sahib was doing keertan and Bhai Giaan Singh arrived in the divvan, matha tekked and then went to the back of the hall. Who knows when Bhai Sahib saw him, but while doing keertan, he sent a Singh to Bhai Giaan Singh and asked him to come sit at the front. At the conclusion of keertan, Bhai Sahib met Bhai Giaan Singh and said, "Piarayo, when you come, come sit in front of us. Seeing you brings us into chaRdee kalaa." A divinely inspired soul can always recognise another.

Keertan Today vs. Keertan Before

There is something that all of Bhai Sahib's companions know that is that at Jatha Smaagams, the front lines were always filled with Gursikhs. Many would be gathered around Bhai Sahib and lost in divine colours. It was a sight to be seen. They would be facing Guru Sahib and singing to them,

"ਤੂਸਤਿਗੁਰੁਚਹੁਜੁਗੀਆਪਿਆਪੇਪਰਮੇਸਰੁ ॥ " (1406).

Today, we are happy to do keertan in a big crowd but don't feel excited to do so in a small gathering. Those Sachkhandee Souls were singing keertan for Satguru jee. In those days, the way Singhs and Singhnees did keertan was totally different. Whoever sat and did keertan or listened, it was as if they were sitting before Satguru jee and addressing him face to face. Now we don’t do keertan for Satguru jee, we address the Sangat instead and give parmaaNs (examples) to explain to them. This custom was started by Bh. Mohinder Singh SDO in 1958-59 and has continued until today.

There are many examples from Bhai Giaan Singh jee's life that showed Guru Sahib was always with him. After retiring, he made a Gurdwara Sahib in his native village. He also brought many people to the path of Gursikhi. On May 22, 1951 the divine call came and he left for the Guru's feet. Bhai Sahib's son lives in Ranjit Nagar Amritsar.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: July 22, 2009 06:51AM

How Baba Mitt Singh Stopped a Public Conversion
By G. Eeshar Singh Nara

Baba Mitt Singh jee was a great Gursikh who lived in village Kishanpur (Jalandhar). He was once a solider but became engrossed in bhagti and then left the service.

Lajjo and Umar-din

Village Sarala is about 2.5 miles from Kishanpur. The village was half Sikh and half Muslim. In the village there lived a Khatri by the name of Hema and his wife Ram Daiee. They had two children, a son named Nikka Ram and a daughter by the name of Lajjo.

Lajjo was married at a young age but became a widow very soon. According to the wrong custom at the time, Hema did not re-marry Lajjo. As Lajjo grew older, she became involved with a Muslim of the village, by the name of Umar-din who was the lambardar of the village.

For some time Umar-din and Lajjo carried on their affair in secret but they then decided that Lajjo would convert to Islam and become his wife.

Umar-din was well known in the village and he publicly announced to everyone with the beat of a drum that he was about to convert Lajjo and make her his wife. He said that because he was not doing this secretly, no one should complain afterwards.

Umar-din took Lajjo to the big village in Jalandhar and began to make preparations for the public conversion ceremony.

Hema Asks for Help

Lajjo’s father and brother went to the Sikhs of the village and asked for their help but no one was willing to take the risk and interfere. The Muslims on the other hand were very happy and making preparations for a big ceremony. They prepared big pots of beef and rice. Kazis and Mullahs had gathered at the mosque and were reciting verses. Approximately 5-6 thousands Mulsims of the surrounding area had gathered at the Mosque. They were prepared to fight if anyone tried to interfere in the ceremony.

Lajjo’s father, Hema was devastated when he heard of the preparations taking place in Jallandhar. He proceeded to the final place he could go. He took his entire family and went to the dera of Baba Mitt Singh at Kishanpura.

It was 10am when the family arrived. Baba Mitt Singh was a very great Gursikh whose nitnem began at amrit vela with ishnaan. After doing his nitnem, he would go for darshan of Guru Granth Sahib to do paath. He would then have something to eat and then go back to his room for simran until 12pm.

From 12-1pm Baba jee would come out to supervise the activities in the dera or to meet anyone who had come to see him. He would then return to his room to rest or do simran until Rehras Sahib.

When Hema arrived, Baba jee was in his room. Hema knocked on the door but a Singh told him that Baba jee would not come out until 12. Hema began to weep and said that even a minute for him was like a year now. If they did not act quickly now, it would be too late. He then began to knock on the door again.

Baba jee emerged from the room and Hema fell at his feet, sobbing loudly. He told Baba jee about his problems and said that no one would help him. Baba jee was moved by Hema’s situation and went back with him to village Sarala.

At Village Sarala

All the Sikhs were called together and Baba jee said, “When we hear stories from the past, you often say ‘if we were there, we would’ve done this or that’ or ‘to protect women from the invaders, we would have given up our lives too’. Today, that very situation has come to us. What will you do? Who here is not afraid and willing to sacrifice their lives?”

Hearing Baba jee’s words, the Sardars hung their heads and remained silent.

From among the crowed, on Sardar Laabh Singh was sitting. His spirit was enflamed. He prepared himself to go with Baba Mitt Singh. He was old in age but was physically stronger than any youth.


Baba jee and Sd. Labh Singh went back to the Dera at Kishanpur. Baba jee did keshi ishnaan, went before Guru Granth Sahib for ardaas and said “Satguru jee! Bless us. Let us either be successful in bringing back Lajjo or let us not come back at all.”

During the ardaas, waves of spirit could be felt coming from Baba Mitt Singh. Baba jee who was always calm was now giving vibrations of ‘joash’. It seemed as though Baba jee’s shaant ras had transformed into bir ras now.

Baba Mitt Singh and Sd. Labh Singh both had long and sharp kirpans in their gatras. In their hands the clutched saffajangs (battle axes). After bowing to Guru Granth Sahib, the got on a tongaa and left for Jallandhar’s Mosque.

Arrival at the Mosque

The tongaa stopped before the Mosque and Baba jee and Sd. Labh Singh saw the preparations that had taken place for the conversion. 5 thousand Muslims with long staffs and axes were standing outside. Big pots of beef and rice were cooking.

Baba Mitt Singh explained to Sd. Labh Singh that they would gently with folded hands make their request for the return of Lajjo three times. If they accepted, then it was fine. If after the third request they did not agree, then they should not think or look back. They should begin their attack and use force even if it meant their deaths.

Baba jee and Sardar Labh Singh moved forward and began to cut through the Muslim crowd. Everything had fallen perfectly silent and all eyes were focused on the two Singhs going through the crowd.

The entire area, including the Muslims knew that Baba Mitt Singh was a very spiritual person and respected him. Baba jee saw Lajjo and walked straight towards her. Lajjo fall at Baba jee’s feet. Umar-din was standing nearby and said Salaam to Baba jee. With hands folded, Umar-din said, “I am your servant and slave. If the entire village had come, were would have been ready to attack them. But you may order me as you wish.”

Sardar Labh Singh who was filled with birr as was ready to swing his kirpan at Umar-din and begin the show but Baba jee stopped him. Baba jee took Umar-din into his arms and said, “you have shown us great respect.” Baba jee released Umar-din with a pat on the back. Baba jee took Lajjo outside of the Mosque and put her on the tongaa. As the Muslim crowd watched, the Singhs and Lajjo galloped away.


Upon return to Sarala, the villagers were ecstatic to see what Baba jee had done. They took Baba jee in a parade and requested him to stay with them for three days. All the Hindus and Sikhs of the village served Baba jee with great respect.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 04, 2009 10:36AM

Gurmat Gems From the Life of Akali Kaur Singh
By S. Attar Singh in Soora, March 1985
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org


Loving Even Slanderers

There was a big gathering at Jammu and one Singh began to speak very harshly about Akali jee from the stage. Akali jee sat in the congregation and listened calmly and silently to all that was said. When the divaan ended, he called that Singh and said, “Singh Sahib, please sit”. The Singh sat down and Akali jee whispered, “Singh Sahib, if you wish to say anything further then please do so now. I’m here for you.”

Hearing this, the Singh felt very ashamed and fell at Akali jee’s feet and begged for forgiveness over and over again.

Transforming a Thief

It was the final days of the year 1929. A Sikh by the name of Jeevan Singh, who lived in Sialkot (now Pakistan) had been imprisoned for being a Dacoit (considered a type of “macho” thief who lives in a gang). After spending his time in Jail in Kashmir, he was released and arrived at Gurdwara Amira Kadal. It was the month of December. It was very cold and he was shivering without any proper clothes to cover himself.

Akali Kaur Singh jee was descending from the stage after doing Katha when he saw this poor Sikh. Akali jee sat down beside Jeevan Singh and after Karah Parshaad was distributed, he spoke to him in a very soft and sweet voice:

“Singh Sahib, you appear to be a Punjabi?”

Jeevan Singh replied, “Yes Maharaj, I am Punjabi”.
“Then how have you come here in the dead of winter?”
“Maharaj, I was arrested and imprisoned here for being a Dacoit and was released just yesterday”
Akali jee then asked, “Singh Sahib, can you tell me what is the difference between a common thief and a Dacoit?”
Jeevan Singh replied, “Yes Maharaj…”
Akali Jee: “Alright, please tell me then”

Jeevan Singh was uneducated and in his own way tried to explain the difference between a Dacoity and Robbery, “Maharaj, it is robbery when you would be sleeping in your home and the thief would sneak into your house from the back and then take all your belongings. Now here’s what a Dacoity is like; you would be sleeping in your house and we’d come knock on the door and you’d ask, “who’s there?” and we’d say, “It’s your son-in-law” and you’d open the door and then we’d storm in, take all your stuff and you’d be left watching it all. That’s called a Dacoity.”

Akali jee listened to this simple explanation and began to laugh. He said, “Veer, tell me, is there anything I can do for you?”

Akali jee then gave Jeevan Singh all that he needed and asked for.

Akali jee then asked, “Singh Sahib, why do you do this (Dacoity)?”
Jeevan Singh replied, “Maharaj, I do it to feed my children…”
“If you could meet this need some other way, would you stop doing it?”

Jeevan Singh promised that he would no longer steal. Akali jee then took him to Guru Nanak Ashram Chakaar (the orphanage Akali jee ran) and made him a Guard with a salary from which he could raise his family.

Two Pathaans

Just seeing Akali jee left a very deep impression and he had a magnetic quality to him. Whoever saw Akali jee just once, would want to keep staring at him. Whenever he would travel on a bus or by train, the other passengers would all be drawn to his glowing face. His Nihang Chakars, his glowing red face, his radiant white beard, blue dumalla and simple clothing were all in addition to his natural beauty. Because of this, everyone who saw him kept looking and wanting to keep seeing him.

Once in Delhi, two Pathans (fierce Muslim tribals who live in Afghanistan/Pakistan and considered very hostile to Sikhs) began to walk behind Akali jee. There were two bibian also walking with him and they suspected that perhaps they wanted to harm Akali jee. They warned the Singh who was with them that perhaps these Pathans may attack Akali jee. As the Pathans kept following Akali jee, they kept staring at his face.

The Bibian became apprehensive as the Pathans came in front of Akali jee but where shocked when they fell at his feet and said, “Baba, we had heard that Prophets of God look like you and because of this we wished to see your face and now we feel want to keep looking at you…”

Akali jee stepped back and said very respectfully while motioning upwards, “Brothers, the Prophets of God are there, you should look towards them…”

Not Liking Self-Worship

Akali jee was very opposed to people bowing to him or touching his feet. If someone would try, he would grab their hands and say, “It is Guru Sahib’s order to say “Vahiguru jee ka Khalsa Vaahiguru jee kee Fateh!” to Singhs. Our heads should not bow before anyone but Guru Sahib.”

Akali jee had firm belief that no one had the right to have others bow to them. All Singhs should be treated equally.

If some Muslim would say to Akali jee, “Baba jee, Salaam!” Akali jee would hold his Sri Sahib or Safaajang in both hands, raise it to the sky and say, “To the Lord…”

Akali Jee used to say Singhs should say Fateh to each other and the reply should be proper, not just a nod of the head or tipping of the walking stick.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2009 09:36AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 05, 2009 10:49AM

By Jathedar Raam Singh (Soora, Mar, 87)
Translated by www.tapoban.org Admin

This is an incident from the 1972 Agra Keertan Smaagam. It is for me an unforgettable memory, which causes me to feel bairaag, and teaches about divinely ordained fate and the Guru’s grace.

It was the ran sabayee for the smaagam and after the selection of the Punj Pyaaray, the Jathedar Sahib of the Punj Pyaaray told me to go outsie and see how many aspirants for Amrit were present. I took permission of the Jatehdar and went outside to see. After asking around I found out that about five or six individuals had come for this priceless gift of Amrit. Sitting a little farther back than the rest of the aspirants, all alone was an Eastern-Indian, Hindu Bhaiyaa family (husband, wife, and three children). From their clothes I could tell they were extremely poor. My conversation with them was as such:

I: What have you come here for?
The Couple: Baboo jee, to take amrit.

I: (with surprise) What did you say?

Couple: Baboo jee, for amrit. We have taken a bath before coming. All of us, even the children.

I: Are you wearing a Kacherra?

Couple: No Baboo jee.

I: Kirpaan, Kangha, KaRa do you have any of these?

Couple: No Baboo jee.

I could see myself that they were not wearing keskees. I told them about the restrictions on the use of meat, alchol and tobacco. They were completely ready to meet any condtions to receive amrit.

I went back inside and told Jathedar Sahib everything. Jathear Sahib began to laugh and was very happy. He gave permission for the Hindu family to be dressed in the five kakaars and be presented before the Punj Pyaaray.

I requested a Singh who lived in Agra to arrange for kakaars for the family and also suitable clothes (salvaar kameez, dupatta) for the wife. The wife was wearing a dhotee at the time. The Agra Singh quickly arranged for all the required things.

The peshees began. The Punj Pyaaray gave this family approval as candidates for amrit. After the peshees, all the amrit candidates were called inside. The Bata was prepared. The candidates kept receiving amrit and beginning their spiritual lives as the Amrit hall began to echo with naam. At the very end came the turn of this family. First the Singh came. The candidate assumed the beer aasun. His conversation with Punj was like this:

Panch: (After giving Amrit choola) Bol, Vaahiguru Jee kaa khaalsaaa Vaahiguru jee kee fateh!

Abhilakhee: Silent.

Panch: Bol Vaahiguru jee kaa khaalsaa vaahiguru jee kee fateh!

Ab: Silent.

Panch: (understanding he had not ever heard the Fateh before), How we say it, you too should repeat like us.

Ab: Yes sir.

Panch: Bolo Vahiguru

Ab: Vaahiguru

Panch: Jee kaa

Ab: Jee kaa

Panch: Khalsa

Ab: Khansa

Panch: Not Khansa, KHALSA

Ab: Falsa

Panch: not Falsa, say KHA


Panch: L

Ab: L

Panch: Sa

Ab: Sa

Panch: Vahiguru

Ab: Vahiguru

Panch: Jee kee

Ab: Jee kee

Panch: Fateh!

Ab: Fateh!

And like this, this candidate was blessed with Amrit. It took him a long time to learn how to recite naam as well. Then came the turn of his older son who was about ten years old. He had the same experience as his father. Then came the wife’s turn. The word Khalsa had to be split apart for her as well for her to repeat it. When the bibi had received amrit, the Panch, (through the Jathedar Sahib) told the Bibi, You have taken Amrit. Now the Punj Pyaaray will give you naam. You will accompany us as we now meditate on it.

After saying this, the Panch put their hands on her head and released the first furaataa of svaas giraasee naam abhyaas. With the second furaataa, this Bibi (who had never ever heard even the Fateh or naam before) began to do abhyaas like she had been doing so for many years. She would recite naam so clearly and easily and louder than anyone else. All the observers began to smile and watch this Bibi. The Bibi’s body became solid and she fell into the dandaut position. The power of naam abhyaas was moving her body so much that the Panch had to hold her head with great struggle so it wouldn’t hit the ground. It was getting hard to manage the Bibi. Jathedar Sahib motioned to the other Bibis sitting close by to take care of the Bibi and turned her over to them. For a long time she stayed in this state. When she regained consciousness (even though her naam khanda was still going) she had a Guru given glow on her face, which causes vairaag in the observer. She sat down and was fully immersed in naam meditation. The youngest daughter who was about two years old also had abhyaas just like her mothers.

After the amrit sinchaar, the couple was re-married according to the Anand Kaaraj ceremony and was given names according to Gurmat.

Because of some old karmas, this family must have been born in the East and worked hard labour and lived in abject poverty. When the architect of destiny willed, this family must have been sitting and eating in the Langar when they heard they could also receive Amrit. They bathed and arrived. Their destiny was to awaken, so Guru Sahib created a path for them. With innocence, they arrived and sat a bit apart from the rest of the candidates. In their minds they had the wish, we too will take amrit. What did they know what amrit was or how it was received? They must have thought amrit was given like langar. The great puppeteer was in their hearts and making all this possible. The Lord created such a play and made these candidates speak such words that in their innocence, they were accepted at the door of the Guru. After receiving the gift of amrit and naam, such grace fell upon this family that is seen of very few others. Their soul, thirsting for naam, upon receiving just a droplet of it, completely immersed itself. This was all a play of old Karmas.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 06, 2009 06:08AM

Evil Spirits Flee in Terror from Gursikhs: Baraylee Smaagam 1959 & 61
By Prof. Thakur Singh
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

The July and August Smaagams used to take place in Baraylee but in 1959, the Smaagam took place in May. In this Smaagam's amrit sinchaar, a couple from Mainpuree was blessed a lot with spiritual ecstasy. Another amazing incident from this amrit sinchaar is the case of the woman attacked by an evil spirit. This woman was from Baraylee. When she appeared before the Punj Pyaaray, she told Jathedar Sahib, Baoo Mul Singh jee, "An evil spirit has possessed me but she could not enter this place. She remained outside the door." Baoo jee assured the woman that in this place no evil spirit could enter. Wherever naam is repeated then forget evil spirits, even Jamm Doot cannot enter.

"ਜਹਸਾਧੂਗੋਬਿਦਭਜਨੁਕੀਰਤਨੁਨਾਨਕਨੀਤ ॥ ਣਾਹਉਣਾਤੂੰਣਹਛੁਟਹਿਨਿਕਟਿਨਜਾਈਅਹੁਦੂਤ ॥੧॥ "

Dharam Raja tells his Jamm-Doot the above that wherever saintly people are and where there is naam simran or keertan, don't go near that place. Otherwise, "neither I nor you can be saved".

Then Baoo jee told the woman that she should receive amrit and meditate on naam and all spirits would leave. When all the peshees had finished and the Bata was prepared, the aspirants came one at a time to receive amrit. When that woman's turn came, drops of amrit entered her and she was taught naam. As she began to jap naam, she screamed out "That spirit has run away!".

Another even more amazing incident is this: A very scary looking woman, who would cause children to run away just by looking at her, was brought to the Baraylee Smaagam in 1961. This was a very superstitious and irrational woman. She was prepared in order to present her before the Panj Pyaaray. When it came her turn to be Peshed, she stopped in front of the door. She would not go in. When even a number of people together could not drag her in, then the Jathedar of the Punj Pyaaray, Baoo Mul Singh jee came out with his unsheathed sword and told the woman to come in. At this, that horrible, scary, witch-like woman glared with red eyes at Baoo jee and lunged at Baoo jee screaming "I won't leave you either!"

Baoo Jee challenged the spirit possessing this woman and said "Fine, I'm ready. You leave this woman and come into me." The spirit replied "I won't leave her" and she lay down in front of the door.

Sree Maan Baoo jee motioned to some Singhs who then picked up the woman and brought her inside. Upon entering, she quietly sat down. She was held and given amrit. When the Punj Pyaaray were imparting Gur-Mantar, she stubbornly resisted for some time but then she could not resist the sound of Gur-Mantar and began to loudly cry out "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I'll leave! I'll leave her!" Baoo jee replied "You had said you wouldn't leave this woman…." The spirit then exclaimed, "I was never going to leave her, but what can I do? Now I'm dealing with BrahmGyaanees…" Saying this, the evil spirit left and the woman came to her senses and began to recite Gur-Mantar.

So at Baraylee, because of Baoo jee, such incidents always occurred. In these years a Smaagam took place in Kota Rajasthan where under the Jathedaaree of Baoo Mul Singh jee another similar incident took place.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 07, 2009 06:12AM

Baba Attar Singh at Hazoor Sahib
taken from "Life Story of Sant Attar Singh Ji" by Harbans Singh Doabia


Baba Attar Singh was in the army and posted at Kohat in the Artillery Regiment, where he remained for one year.

He remained a bachelor and refused to be married. He had a very great yearning to go to Hazur Sahib. So he left the regiment and started on foot for Hazur Sahib. From his childhood he had no attachment with worldly affairs and he remained thinking of Gurbani, naam, Gurus and Akal Purakh.

He started on foot from Kohat, throughout meditating on Naam. His mind became ever fixed upon the shabad. He continued travelling on foot, day and night, in this way. Sometimes he would take some rest and would prepare his food after taking flour etc. from some Gurdwaras in the way. His mind continued to yearn to reach the sacred Gurdwara of Hazur Sahib and to rub the sacred dust of that place on his body. He would utter Wah while lifting his left food and Guru while lifting his right foot.

In due course, Sant ji reached Abchal Nagar (Hazur Sahib). He at once entered the Gurdwara after necessary ablutions and bowed before the Satguru in most respectful way and obeyed the mandate. He had already surrendered his body, mind and riches and all that he possessed to the True Guru.

Stayed at Nagina Ghat for one year and seven months

Baba jee now began to stay at the Nagina Ghat near the River Godavari. After a few days he began to tie a small turban of khaddar on his head and put off all other clothes except the kacherra. He would keep a small towel with him.

Continuous Meditation

He now began constant meditation ie. worship of God and Naam. If some food was given, he would take it, otherwise he remained contented by sipping the water of river Godavari. He had given strict orders that only one parshada with some cooked pulses, placed on it, should be brought for him. This was complied with by his attendant. In this way, he stayed at Nagina Ghat for about one year and sevn months. During his stay at Nagina Ghat, he would spend nights in a small stone build hut where he would remain engaged in meditation. He would repeat the mool mantar accompanied by some more shabads. These countless recitations were unique in themselves. He wouldn’t talk with anyone during this period. He was most humble and would fall at the feet of any Sikh who came to meet him. Even if someone uttered harsh words, he would remain silent. He would sweep the main Gurdwara Sahib (Darbar Sahib) with a broom and would bring water for its washing.

True Stories

One day Sant ji started walking on the bank of the Godavari. At a distance of nearly three miles he began meditation for nearly ten days without food. Bhai Nanu Singh, the head pujari of Darbar Sahib saw a vision one night and heard a voice say “Our dear Sikh is standing in meditation in the river for the last eight days without any food. Serve him food.”

Next morning, Bhai Nanu Singh cooked food and walked on the bank for about two miles but finding no one, returned back. On the same night he again heard a voice “You have not served food to our beloved Sikh.” He replied, “Sir, I tried to contact him but could not find him anywhere.” The voice answered, “Walk for three miles and then you will find him”.

On the following morning, he again took food and went for three miles on the bank of the river. Now he saw Sant ji standing in the knee deep water. When Sant ji opened his yes, he saw Bhai Nanu Singh and asked, “How have you come here?”

Bhai Nanu Singh explained his dream and offered food to Sant Ji. He refused to eat anything. Bhai Nanu Singh then said, “ I shall not be able to sleep. Kindly accept my humble offer” Then Sant ji warned Bhai Nanu Singh not to tell anyone of this episode and took some food.

Cobra Came to Pay respects

Once when Sant ji was in deep meditation at Gautam Ghat, the attendeant who brought food for him noticed a big cobra sitting near Sant ji with its hood fully spread. The attendant was horrified at first but when he neared Sant Ji, the cobra left the place. Sant ji opened his eyes and said, “This beloved being came to give it’s darshan to me”

Jumping in the River

Sant ji in due course visted and paid homage at all the Gurdwaras near Hazur Sahib. He visted these on foot. Now nearly two years had passed in meditation at Hazur Sahib. He was extremely anxious to see the sight of the tenth Satguru but had not succeeded. One day, he decided to jump in the deep water of river Godavari so that his physical body should be sacrificed before the Satguru. He jupmed in but some mysterious power took him alive on the bank and said, “You are my Sikh. Be alert. You have to give Khande da Amrit to many persons in Punjab and other places. You have to spread the message of peace in the entire world with the help of Sat Naam.” He also heard, “If you want to have my sight come at Nagina Ghat at midnight.” Sant ji anxiously waited for that time.

When he reached Nagina Ghat at the time, he saw the Tenth Satguru sitting on a throne surrounded by the punj pyaaray, chaar sahibzade and many others. Sant ji prostrated and paid all respects. As to what happened subsequently is not told to anyone by Sant ji.

A few days after this, Sant ji Maharaj decided to return to Punjab. He offered respectful prayers for safe return. Bhai Nanu Singh offered, as a respectful gift, some clothes to Sant Ji but he refused to take these.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2009 10:07AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 10, 2009 04:32AM

From March of 1975 to September of 1976, the Sikh Sangat of Amritsar did the seva of 1500 hand-written saroops of Sree Guru Granth Sahib that had been brought from Pakistan. The Sangat would change the rumaallay covering Guru Sahib and also wipe every ang of the saroop with a cloth.

From one of these saroops, a mysterious letter was found, written by a Sikh bibi to My beloved Gurdev Mata jeeo. The letter was filled with extreme spiritual longing and love. Who knows what state this letter was written in? It writes about separation from Guru Sahib, but who knows how or why this separation happened? Although the person who put the letter in the saroop had made an error, it seems to be an error made in innocence. Reproduced below is that letter:

A Letter to My Mother, Guru Sahib
By Unknown
In Soora, March 1976
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

Ik Oankaar Sat Gurparsaad,

Sreematee Poojneek (worthy of worship), my beloved Gurdev Mata jeeo,

Please accept the greetings of your slave, as I place my head upon your sacred feet. My beloved Gurdev jeeo, I don’t understand or know whether I should call you mother or whether I should call you father or Satguru or Gurdev. My beloved Mata jeeo! It is my plea that eight days have now passed since I have been separated from your feet and have seen your sun-like glowing face.

Forgive me, I could not write to you. My beloved Gurdev jeeo! How can I tell you the reason for not writing? You know what is inside of everyone. You know what is in the heart. My beloved Mata jeeo! In these past seven days, I held the pen five times to write you a letter, but I don’t know why, every time I started to write, my hands would begin to tremble and the pen would fall. I have seen the reason for this now, and it is all my grave sins.

My beloved Gurdev jee, I have seen it for myself that when I wait for your darshan either at my home or at your feet, my mind’s state is different. I mean, in my heart I would have so many thoughts that when my Gurdev Mata jeeo meets me, I’ll speak on this matter or I will bow in such a way. Many other thoughts like this would come, but when I come before your charan, I forget everything.

My beloved Gurdev jeeo, my heart is always longing for your darshan, but I don’t know why I cannot even see you in my dreams. My beloved Mata jeeo, forgive my faults and take me into your feet. Forgive, me, this sinner, and take me into your feet. Don’t look at my flaws. Please bless this beggar. I have no one else but you. My beloved Gurdev jee, it is my request, over and over again, that you not look at my faults, and you give me the love of your charan and the gift of your naam.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 11, 2009 10:01AM

The Devi, the Madrasi & Dussehraa Smaagam
Adapted from article by Bhai Raam Singh jee, Sooraa, March 1989
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

A memorable story from the 1975 Dussehra Smaagam in Delhi:

A resident of Madras was a devotee of the Devi (Goddess). From his childhood according to his family traditions, he had always worshiped the Devi. The Devi became pleased at this loving devotion and worship and then gave him her Darshan (vision) not once but on many occasions. The devotee in his mind was very happy that his worship was successful and the Devi also provided him guidance in all his worldly works. She would stop him from doing any unsuccessful worldly business and guide him towards success.

Quite a while passed in this state and the devotee asked the goddess to grant him liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. The Devi replied "This is not in my control." Hearing this, the devotee became disappointed. What did he know that

" ਦੇਵੀਆਨਹੀਜਾਨੈਮਰਮ ॥ ਸਭਊਪਰਿਅਲਖਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ ॥੨॥ " (p. 894)

The devotee then said to the Devi, "Where can I find liberation then?" The Devi replied, "When you transfer from this place to another, someone there will give you the lead in this regard. By listening to his instructions you will get what you want. You will also have to change your religion."

After some time, the devotee was transferred to Vijiaavaadaa City and upon arriving there, he became eager to know who would lead him, as had been prophesied. One day, a very special Sikh (Heeraa/diamond) of Guru Dashmeesh Jee was doing nitnem. When the BaaNee entered the ears of this Madrasi brother, he felt as if a light current of electricity had passed through his body. He thought to himself, "This has never happened to me before? What has happened here? Is it possible that this Sardar is to be my leader?" He had this thought in his heart when he went to the Singh and asked "Forgive me, what are you reciting? This has given me a buzz through my entire body." The Singh then explained that he was reading the BaaNee of Guru Nanak Dev jee.

The Madrasi brother told the Singh about his experience with the Devi and asked "Can you lead me to the path of liberation?" The Singh replied "You've come to the right place. Liberation (Muktee) can only come from Guru Nanak Saahib. For this, you will have to receive amrit with your wife and become a Singh. By the time the Amrit Sinchaar time comes, prepare yourself by learning Gurmukhee and reading BaaNee"

This was all the Madrasi had been waiting for and he along with his wife began to learn Gurmukhi and in days began to do Nitnem. Such a colour coloured him that soon he brought home Sree Guru Granth Saahib. The divnely coloured couple even unfurled the Khalsa's Nishaan Saahib over their home and eagerly began to await Delhi's Dussehra Smaagam. By the time Dussehra Smaagam arrived the devotee's wife became a daily reciter of Sukhmani Saahib.

Waiting, finally Dussehra arrived. The couple along with their two children arrived in Delhi. Doing Gur Gur, this couple was initiated and became the True Guru's naam abhyaasee Khalsas. Upon receiving the Gurmantar, the khanda of naam began to go by itself. Facing the Guru, he with his own eyes saw the Satguru and was fulfilled for life.

" ਭੂਲਾਮਾਰਗਿਸੋਪਵੈਜਿਸੁਧੁਰਿਮਸਤਕਿਲੇਖੰ ॥ ਤਿਨਿਜਨਮੁਸਵਾਰਿਆਆਪਣਾਜਿਨਿਗੁਰੁਅਖੀਦੇਖੰ ॥੧੩॥ " (p. 1099).

After all this, one may wonder, "What a broken and twisted method the Devi used to lead her devotee! Why didn't she just say 'you will get liberation from the door of Guru Nanak?'" This actually is a very big revelation for us: Guru Nanak's name, or God's Naam, or GurbaaNee, or any words/Shabads uttered from the mouths of the Satgurus can only be uttered in Human life form, not after leaving the Human form. Forget meditating on Naam, gods and goddesses, devis and devtas, cannot even say the name of the Satgurus from their mouths. In such a helpless state, what liberation/muktee can they give to anyone? In his own words, Satguru Sachay Paatshaah who is the Master of Muktee in this era " ਮੁਕਤਿਦਾਤਾਸਤਿਗੁਰੁਜੁਗਮਾਹਿ ॥੧॥ " asks the Devi:

" ਤੂਕਹੀਅਤਹੀਆਦਿਭਵਾਨੀ ॥ ਮੁਕਤਿਕੀਬਰੀਆਕਹਾਛਪਾਨੀ ॥੪॥ " (874)

Then, we who are in the Human life form should consider ourselves very lucky that we have come to understand that liberation/muktee can only come form the door of Guru Nanak.

There is no guarantee on life:

" ਹਮਆਦਮੀਹਾਂਇਕਦਮੀਮੁਹਲਤਿਮੁਹਤੁਨਜਾਣਾ ॥ " (660)

Then we should not delay at all. We should go for Amrit and become complete Singhs and then meditate endlessly on Naam, recite BaaNee and then we should achieve what we have taken human life for and return with a glowing face to the court of God. We should become free from births and deaths and " ਤਿਨਿਜਨਮੁਸਵਾਰਿਆਆਪਣਾਜਿਨਿਗੁਰੁਅਖੀਦੇਖੰ ॥੧੩॥ " should be our spiritual state. Otherwise, let it not be that we regret that our short lives have come to an end and we have found ourselves in the situation " ਰੈਣਿਵਿਹਾਣੀਪਛੁਤਾਣੀਉਠਿਚਲੀਗਈਨਿਰਾਸ ॥ " (134).

NOTE: This Singh was a Telegu speaker and dedicated servant of the Goddess. He was peshed in the 1975 Dussehraa Smaagam and received amrit with his family. He was named Bhai Bhajan Singh and his wife was named Bibi Amar Kaur. When they received amrit, it was an amazing sight.

On January 27, 1989, Bhai Bhajan Singh returned to the feet of the Guru. The blood-family of these Gursikhs have cut themselves off from them, knowing them to be Sikhs. The family lives in a rented home but they keep Satguru jee in their home with the utmost respect. The couple, alone, would do RaN Sabaaees. They would not drink so much as a sip of water from their relatives' or friends' homes. They were dealing with a situation where their entire worldly family was on one side and their faith on the other. And then fate struck. May Guru jee keep this family steadfast even after the deadly blow of the loss of the father. These poor people have no other support but the Guru and other Sikhs. There are four children. The elder son and daughter were in the 9th grade and the younger in the 5th when this happened. The mother feels sad sometimes, but the children say "Guru Granth Saahib jee is our Baba jee and Father: Mother, don't worry!"

The family is receiving some pension from the Military and the AKJ also has begun to send some monthly assistance. Satguru jee himself is the sustainer of his children.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 13, 2009 03:23AM

Sant Juaalaa Singh jee
By Principal Gurmukh Singh in Soora
Translated by www.tapoban.org Admin

Baba Atma Singh Jee, Bhai Randheer Singh Jee and Sant Juaalaa Singh Jee(right)

7 km from Rajpura on the Patiala Road is the bridge for the Bhakra river. The caretaker of this bridge was Bhai Juaalaa Singh, who later became famous as Sant Juaalaa Singh in this Jatha. He became very close to Bhai Sahib Randher Singh jee. How he became so is a very interesting story. Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh honoured Bhai Juaalaa Singh with the title of Sant, even though in the Jatha, Singhs were not called Sant but only Bhai or Bhai Sahib.

Bhai Juaalaa Singh was supervising the construction of the bridge when an unknown Sikh Sadhoo approached him. After offering his Fateh, the Sadhoo asked,

Sadhoo: do you recognize me?
BJS: No. Who are you? Where are you from? Who do you wish to meet?
Sadhoo: My name is Juaalaa Singh. I have come very far to meet you.
BJS: To meet me? Then it is my good fortune! Come home with me and have something to eat.

Both went to Bhai Juaalaa Singh’s home and there Bhai Sahib gave the Sadhoo some food. At the same time, he was also astonished and wondering what message the Sadhoo could have brought for him. After finishing his meal, the Sadhoo began,

Bhai Juaalaa Singh jee, your my companion from a previous life. In our last life, we were three friends who meditated together. After all three of us died, Akaal Purakh gave us human life again and named all three of us Juaalaa Singh.

BJS: Who is the third Juaalaa Singh?
Sadhoo: The third is Juaalaa Singh is a Sant at Harkhovaal. Have really totally forgotten your last life?
BJS: I remember nothing.
Sadhoo: I have come here to remind you then. You used to say, Oh Lord, if I get human life again, may not even one of my breaths go without your remembrance. Today you’ve forgotten everything?
BJS: Yes
Sadhoo: Alright. The moment is now approaching. In the next six months your family will all pass. Don’t worry! First your only son will leave and then your wife will leave shortly after. Akaal Purakh wants to first relieve you all your family duties so that you can remain in his will and meditate on his naam. Your naam earnings will begin where you left them in your last life. But be warned! If you falter, your path will become long and you might have to go through the cycle of many births.

ਨਾਨਕਸਿਝਿਇਵੇਹਾਵਾਰਬਹੁੜਿਨਹੋਵੀਜਨਮੜਾ ॥

Now allow me to leave. I was pulled to you by our old love and came only to warn you.

After saying this, the Sikh Sadhoo left for an unknown destination. That Sadhoo never met Bhai Juaalaa Singh again.
Bhai Sahib was astounded yet worried after hearing all these amazing things. He kept thinking to himself, if Nirankaar did exercise his will on his family, what should he do? He did not understand what path to take, but in his mind he had reached the firm decision that he would not let this birth go to waste. Whatever had happened in the past, was past.

In the next few months Bhai Sahib reduced his work. After two months, his only son fell ill but because he had been warned, Bhai Sahib remained steadfast. After a few days, the boy died.

Then came the turn of his wife. Three and a half months after the death of his son, Bhai Sahib’s wife also died. Like the Sikh Sadhoo said, within six months, his entire family had passed. Bhai Sahib was now all alone in the world. No daughter, no daughter in law, no grand son, nobody. This was such a turn in life at which a person looks back at what has happened and attempts to look forward into the fog of the future. If Bhai Sahib was a usual worldly person, and if the Sikh Sadhoo had not warned him, it’s possible he could have faltered. But Bhai Sahib did not take long to decide on his future. He gave up his supervisory position and decided to engross himself in naam simran only.

One of Bhai Sahib’s close companions, Rtd. Cpt. Sher Singh, who was an amrit vela companion of Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee, tells us that Bhai Juaalaa Singh folded his business and then moved to Nandpur KalauR near Patiala and took up residence at the Gurdvara. Here he became to do akhand paths. His voice was very sweet and because of the departure of his family and the effect of BaNee, a sense Bairaag grew within him. In this village lived some members of Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee’s keertan congregation, and Bhai Sahib became close with them. It was natural that seeing Bhai Sahib’s bairaag those Singhs should have given him some of Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee’s books or perhaps told him lovingly about Bhai Sahib. As a result, Bhai Juaalaa Singh developed a deep desire to meet Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh. After a few months at the Poh Sudee Satvee Smaagam at Narangvaal, Bhai Juaalaa Singh went to fulfill his desire. The Singhs brought Bhai Juaalaa Singh into the presence of Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh, but instead of the Singhs introducing Bhai Juaalaa Singh, Bhai Sahib rose up and embraced him and exclaimed Oh long last Sant jee! Welcome!

The Nandpur KalauR Singhs were all astounded. Bhai Sahib thanked these Singhs for allowing him to meet a long lost brother.

After the smaagam, Sant Juaalaa Singh jee remained with Bhai Sahib when all the other Singhs returned to their villages. He became a permanent member of Bhai Sahib’s amrit vela sangat. He would recite Sree Sukhmanee Sahib in a very sweet voice.

One day when Sant jee was reciting Sukhmanee Sahib at amrit vela, he was reciting the line ਪ੍ਰਗਟੇਗੁਪਾਲਮਹਾਂਤਕੈਮਾਥੇ ॥  when Bhai Sahib said here comest the Mahantee! No one understood. Nor could Sant jee understand what Bhai Sahib had quickly said.

When the day at risen, the village council of Nandpur KalauR arrived at Bhai Sahib’s home with a request. Sant Juaalaa Singh was also sitting there. The council told Bhai Sahib, the previous Mahant (caretaker) of the Gurdvara Sahib at Nandpur KalauR, Sant Punjab Singh, has passed away. Please give Sant Juaalaa Singh permission to carry out this service now.

Bhai Sahib accepted the request of the village Sangat and they brought Sant Juaalaa Singh to Nandpur KalauR. Sant jee now understood the brief reference Bhai Sahib had made during nitnem. Sant jee then remained at Nandpur KalauR till his last breaths. He had such a glowing face. At one Ran Sabaaee keertan I attended as a youth, Sant jee sat beside me in Sangat. I was amazed to see that everyone was hearing the same keertan but sometimes Sant jee would begin to laugh and at other times tears would fall from his eyes. Later I understood this spiritual state from GurbaaNee:

ਰੰਗਿਹਸਹਿਰੰਗਿਰੋਵਹਿਚੁਪਭੀਕਰਿਜਾਹਿ ॥

Those Singhs who have heard Sree Akhand Paath Sahib from the voice of Sant jee know that Sant jee’s recital had a curious pull to it and gave a unique pleasure. The Paath was very fast but filled with nectar. His face would glow with divine colour. Only by seeing it could it be understood.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2009 10:03AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 15, 2009 01:23PM

Author: Admin
Date: 04-23-03 19:14

Bibi Sukhdev Kaur
By Bh. Thakur Singh in Poorab Janam Kay Milay Sanjogee
Translated by www.tapoban.org Admin


From a very young age Bibi Sukhdev Kaur received encouragement from Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee to do paath and he himself had her read for him. Bibi jee would bathe, put on fresh clothes and then commence the paath as Bhai Sahib would stand behind her. Bhai Saahib would do Chaur with one hand and put his other hand on her head. Usually, only I, Thakur Singh, was the listener. I learned there that when the beloveds of the Guru give their blessings, consciousness can fly into the heavens. Not only in keertan are the sweet arrows of love released, but even in GurbaaNee paath these arrows are felt. These nectar like arrows affect not only the soul but even the body. I remember that I could only listen to this divinely inspired paath for a half hour or fourty five minutes. I would then request she stop. Those days are hard to forget. The entire atmosphere would be perfumed with Keertan and GurbaaNee paath.

Like this, some time passed. Bibi Sukhdev Kaur grew up and a great test came before her. The Bibi was engaged to marry into a family of manmukhs. When talk of her marriage arose, Bibi Sukhdev Kaur told her mother that she would only marry a Gursikh. She could not marry a Manmukh. Her entire family was worried, especially her brother who was of a very harsh nature. When Bibi Sukhdev Kaur’s brother found out what she was saying, he told her, the marriage arrangement is already made and furthermore they are our relatives. Think about it. This marriage is going to happen now. And if not, I have an axe...and a sword too. We’ll finish you off

Bibi jee in those days used to meditate on naam with great spiritual ecstasy and in this state, Guru jee gave her faith. She replied to her brother, your decision is right in your eyes and my decision is also eternal. You can do what you want

The brother drew his sword and despite the protests of their mother, dragged Bibi Sukhdev Kaur into the animals yard. He said now something is going to happen." Bibi jee replied, you are proud of your sword and I am proud of my Guru. Only that will happen which he approves of. Seeing her firmness, the brother brought Bibi jee back to her mother and told her to convince her daughter. The mother began to cry and lay down on the bed beside Bibi jee. Bibi jee told us that in this frightening situation, her simran was going with great power and there was no sign of fear within her. Guru jee, the True Lord, then appeared in person before her and gave her courage and blessed her with a simarnaa (this simarnaa is still with the Bibi). Then what? Bibi jee became totally ready for anything. She said Brother, you can do what you want to me. My Satguru jee has arrived! The brother thought for a moment and then threw down his sword. He exclaimed, Fine. You have won and we have lost. Tell us, where shall we marry you? Bibi jee replied, Only Bhai Sahib can tell you that.

It was fate, that day I had sent my nephew Dyaal Singh to Bhai Sahib with something to give to him. When Bibi jee told Bhai Sahib what had happened the previous night and how Satuguru jee had himself appeared and protected her, Bhai Sahib became very happy and called for me that very morning.

I arrived at Narnagvaal and he related the entire story to me. I put my head at his feet. Sanjog (those whom we are to meet) are determined before our birth. Bibi Sukhdev Kaur was sitting there, and approval was given for her marriage to my nephew.

Bibi jee went home and told her family what had happened and when her family found out what an educated and suitable boy had been found, they all went to Bhai Sahib’s house and the ardaas for the engagement was performed. Bhai Sahib was overjoyed. He said to me, Jogee! This is the blessing of the True Lord! You have preserved our honour. The lord shall bless you immensely."

After this, the marriage took place with great fanfare. Bhai Sahib till the end gave immense love to Bibi Sukhdev Kaur and Bibi jee too lived her entire life according to Gurmat.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2009 10:49AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 16, 2009 02:47PM

Bau Mal Singh jee was one of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee's closest companions and friends. When Bhai Sahib was in jail, Bau jee was serving abroad in the British army.

Bau Mal Singh in France
Taken from “Poorab Janam Ke Milay Sanjogi”

Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh and Bau Mal Singh jee

Bibek on Ship

When World War I began, Bau Mal Singh jee’s regiment was sent to France. The regiment went by train to Bombay where they boarded a ship. In the ship, there was only one kitchen. Bau jee’s friends suggested that he too eat from this langar and because of the war, he should for some time give up the idea of keeping Bibek. Bau jee replied with determination that if Kalgidhar jee gave him this Bibek then he too would help him keep it. Bau jee met the Major and the Commanding officer and they recognized Bau jee’s religious convictions. They ordered that after the common meal was prepared, Bau jee could prepare his own separately. During the entire trip, Bau jee prepared his own food. Finally, the ship docked at Marseilles France.

Daily Routine in France

After landing in France, Bau jee’s company was sent to the base-line at Ruen, which was north of Paris. The living arrangement was good but because of winter, it was dreadfully cold. Bau jee did not eat meat nor did he drink and he also refused to eat any food purchased from the markets. All Bau jee had was flour and daal (lentils) which were just not enough.

At amrit vela, Bau jee would rise and bathe in the cold water, no matter how hard it was. It was not an easy task to do daily keshi-ishnaan in such ice-cold water. He would do his ishnaan, simran and nitnem with total dedication and enthusiasm. The simran would last for hours until dawn. After some time, Bau jee and some senior Sikh officers asked the British army to bring a saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib which Bau jee himself did seva of. Bau jee would do his nitnem and then go to the tent which served as Gurdwara. After cleaning up and fixing the floorings, he would do parkaash and take a hukumnama. Bau jee would then prepare his food and then go to work. After work, he would do Sodar and a short divaan would be held. Every Sunday a kirtan smagam would take place and the sangat would gather for Asa Di Vaar. Bau jee lived like a yogi. Immediately after his office duties were completed in the day, he would engage himself in naam and bani and detach himself from the outside world.

Meeting the Belgian Ladies

One day, Baujee was returning alone from a walk when two young Belgian women met him. They asked Bau jee in English to join them on a walk. Bau jee explained in English that he had just returned from a walk but they insisted he accompany them. After some time, they asked Bau jee to sit down on a bench and they sat on either side of him. They then said, “hey, Indian gentleman, do you like a Belgian lady?”

Bau jee replied calmly, “yes, I love all ladies as my mother, sister and daughter.”

Hearing Bau jee’s serious reply, the two women, who both had impure intentions, ran away in shock.

Bau jee used to say that in Kaljug, kaam is supreme and only by non-stop naam can one save oneself from it.

Bau jee used to recite

“ਕਾਮੁਕ੍ਰੋਧੁਕਾਇਆਕਉਗਾਲੈ ॥

ਜਿਉਕੰਚਨਸੋਹਾਗਾਢਾਲੈ ॥ ”

And also,

“ਹੇਕਾਮੰਨਰਕਬਿਸ੍ਰਾਮੰਬਹੁਜੋਨੀਭ੍ਰਮਾਵਣਹ ॥”

Sri Maan Bau jee stayed in France for three years. He prepared his own bibeki food. Bau jee organized many kirtan satsangs and was respected by all the Sikh soldiers. When Bau jee would come out of his office at the end of the day, many Sikh soldiers from far and away would be waiting to meet him.

Guru Sahib's Seva as Supreme

Bau jee considered the seva of the Gurdwara and organizing samagams as even more important than his government job. Once, a Singh passed away and an akhand paath smagam was to be organized. Bau jee had to go to another unit to inform a paathi Singh. Bau jee was assigned to monitor the phones but he considered it his religious duty to go inform the paathi Singh about the smagam. He asked another clerk to monitor the phones in his absence but that clerk forgot. The Checking Officer noticed that Bau jee was absent and then informed the Commanding Officer. Bau jee was summoned and although the penalty was normally very high, all the Command Officer said was, “as a senior clerk, you shouldn’t have done that. You may go, but don’t repeat this in the future.”

It was in respect of Bau jee’s high jeevan that the officer gave him so much honour and respect. Even officers of other faiths respected him.

Return to India

Because Bau jee did not get proper rations to prepare his food, he began to fall ill. Tuberculosis was found in his lungs and it was ordered that he be sent back to India. An amritdhari Singh was sent with Bau jee to help him back on the journey.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 17, 2009 09:01AM

The Most Beloved Friend: Subedar Harbachan Singh jee
By Prof. Thakur Singh in Poorab Janam Kay Milay Sanjogee
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

***note: this is an excellent addition to the life story found in Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee's Rangle Sajjan book***


Sree Maan Baoo Mul Singh jee's most beloved friend was Subedar Harbachan Singh jee. Bhai Harbachan Singh jee had been allotted land in Baoo jee's village of Chakk 52/2 L Okara, and his house backed on Baoo jee's house. He was the son of Baoo jee's 36th Regiment head-clerk, Sardar Maan Singh jee. Because he regularly visited Baoo jee's house from a small age, his love for Baoo jee was so solid that it lasted till the end of his life.

When in 1912 Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee brought Baoo jee and his family from Panch Khand to Narangvaal, it was because of these Gurmukhs' desire that the amrit sinchaar and sree akhand paath saahib were all held at Ambala ChhauNee.

After this amrit sinchaar smaagam, by the grace of the Lord, they would meet daily with Baoo jee at amrit vela and also at night for paath. This solid program also lasted until their final days.

Army Career

After some time, Subedar Harbachan Singh was made the clerk for #66 Regiment and because of his suitability, he soon became the head-clerk. In the first World War, he was sent to Basra, where with the army he spent six months on the Kotalmara Front, and after six months of being surrounded, he became a prisoner of Turkey. Despite many hardships, his food arrangements remained just fine. Bhai Sahib's body was not very strong like the other soldiers, and after 5 or 7 days in transit, he became so weak that he collapsed and fell unconscious. The Turk Officers left him there. For their part, they had left him to die, but the Lord protected his servant. After advancing another mile, the entire troup stopped and Bhai Sahib Mastaan Singh (who later joined the NirbaaN Keertanee Jatha and did keertan on the Rawalpindi trips) asked his Col, if he may be allowed to bring Harbachan Singh, and permission was granted. Through Bhai Sahib's efforts, veer Harbachan Singh was brought in his unconscious state and administered medicine. When he was revived, he was bathed and at this point Bhai Mastan Singh said "That Satguru who has given you this new life, meditate on him, and please recite for us Sodar daa Paath."

After this, during his time in captivity, due to his suitability, he was appointed an interpreter and was able to pass the entire time well, and returned after the war and was sent to KohaaT ChhauNee.

Subedar Sahib's Kindness

Subedar Harbachan Singh was a very merciful and kind person. Because of Baoo jee's love for me, he too used to show me a lot of love. Once he arrived at Okara on a leave and the Guru Kaa Baagh Morcha was going on, and Baoo jee was gone to Sree Amritsar. We both decided to also leave for Sree Amritsar for darshan and ishnaan. When we were leaving we decided to take an account of our money. He had 105 rupees with him and I had 21. I became the treasurer. We arrived at Sree Amritsar and did darshan and ishnaan. For two days we enjoyed the bliss of keertan. When it was time to return, Bhai Harbachan Singh told me to keep five rupees each for the trip back and put the rest in the Guru's golak. "This money is given to us by Satguru jee and the extra should be offered back." We did this and returned.

Once in Okara, Bhai Attar Singh was reciting nitnem for Baoo jee in the dead of winter. Bhai Harbachan Singh did his ishnaan at home and came to listen as well. After the conclusion of the paath, when he was leaving for his home, he took the beautiful new blanket he was wearing and put it on Bhai Attar Singh and said "His blanket is thin, so I offer this one to this beloved."

Subedar Sahib's Sense of Humour

Subedar Harbachan Singh was a very lively and cheerful person. I remember a very funny story about him. In those days veer Haree Singh was also there. At night, we went for our walk to the farm land. In our way came a water irrigation canal. We skipped over it and proceeded, but Subedar Sahib had a heavy body. When he attempted to jump across, he fell in the canal with his shoes and pyjama. When he tried to climb out from the other side, he would slip back into the water. After slipping three or four times he said "I didn't take the Kotalmara Front to be anything, who does this canal think he is??" He made us laugh so much and he himself began to laugh.

The next day he took out a new suit and went on his walk with us, when we saw another wide canal. He said "I'm not as good as you because yesterday I couldn't jump the canal, but today I'll surely jump it." When we both jumped over after raising our pyjamas, he took a running start from a distance and again fell in the canal with his boots and pyjama. He came out laughing again. Every day we'd be ready for some kind of joking around like this and he was always ready to be a part of it.

Thirst for Keertan: Rawalpindi Smaagams

In his platoon, he had keertanee friends like his most beloved friend Bhai Mastaan Singh and even after going into the army, he continued to live a religious life by doing the sangat of his divinely coloured friend Sreemaan Baoo jee and enjoyed naam, baaNee and keertan. He would always thirst for keertan and satsangat. Whenever the Jatha went to Rawalpindi, he would always attend.

When in 1928 Baoo jee went to Rawalpindi with the Jatha, he took a leave from his platoon and came. At that time, the Jatha was staying in the home of Bibi Inder Kaur's maternal grandmother in the city. Baoo jee was speaking about Gurmat when he saw Subedar Sahib and became ecstatic. He emotionally spoke the line

"ਗੁਰਸਿਖਾਂਕੀਹਰਿਧੂੜਿਦੇਹਿਹਮਪਾਪੀਭੀਗਤਿਪਾਂਹਿ ॥"

The Lord gave his blessings and keertan began. Such an environment was created that everyone was swaying in divine colours. Satguru jee had given Subedar Sahib not only a holy soul, but a high consciousness. He was lost in a divine state and his simran was going very powerfully and his consciousness was enjoying the amazing spiritual colours. Seeing him in such a state, the rest of the sangat was also becoming amazed. That night, the entire sangat enjoyed such a bliss that cannot be described and is unforgettable. I cannot be forgotten. It is because of his high avasthaa that Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh jee used to call him "dulayshvar jee".

When in 1929 the Jatha came to Rawalpindi again, Subedar jee took a leave from Kohaat and arrived. That day keertan was taking place at Bibi Inder Kaur's home and it was a very blissful scene. Sree Maan Baoo jee motioned to Subedar Sahib to begin a shabad. He sat in front of the vaja. When he began the keertan, his consciousness became elevated into divine colours and he was lost. His naam khanda began to rattle and the entire sangat began to sway silence. After some time, the rest of the sangat began to depart but sitting with Baoo jee, the khanda continued. Much of the night passed like this. Then Bibi Inder Kaur came and with two hands clasped together requested the two Gurmukhs to eat. Both ate and then went to rest.

In 1930 Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee returned from jail. In 1931 the Jatha arrived in Rawalpindi with even greater splendour. Amazing keertan took place. One day at amrit vela, the Jatha was going to Bhai Sardha Singh's home for keertan when Subedar Sahib arrived from Kohaat by train. Everyone was very happy. Baoo jee and Sree Maan Bhai Saahib kept hugging him. Particularly Bhai Sahib jee was in bliss by meeting his long departed brother "Heera Harbachan Singh". In that embrace, Baoo jee noticed that Subedar Sahib's body was very hot and he had a fever. Baoo jee requested Dr. Gurbaksh Singh to give him medicine and tell him to go rest at home. The carriages had arrived so the Jatha departed.

Subedar Sahib then came to me and said "I've come here to see the Gur-Sangat and enjoy Keertan. I will not stay at home and have medicine nor will I rest. Let the Jatha go first and we'll later call our own carriage. We'll arrive after them."

So without telling anyone, we arrived at the house the Jatha had gone to. When the Jatha had sat down, Sreemaan Bhai Sahib put the second vajaa before me, and just like he used to say, said "take a shabad". According to Hukam, the shabad began

"ਆਵੈਸਾਹਿਬੁਚਿਤਿਤੇਰਿਆਭਗਤਾਡਿਠਿਆ ॥"

Bhai Saahib fell into divine colours at the very start of the shabad. He took the shabad to the highest notes. The sangat became such an environment that everyone was lost in love and were on some other world. Every line of the shabad was touching the heart. Every line was sung many times and like this the sangat enjoyed bliss for a long time. Subedar Sahib was sitting behind me and putting his hand in mine said "Look! I've received my medicine. I've got my treatment. The cure has worked. My shirt is soaked in sweat and the fever has broken."

The keertan ended at 11AM. When everyone was rising from the divaan, Sreemaan Baoo jee saw Subedar Sahib and in surprise, said "We had asked you to take medicine from the doctor and rest." Subedar Sahib laughed and replied "I've followed your orders. You Gursikhs in sangat, beloved-ones, are my doctors. By letting me hear keertan of GurbaaNee, you've given me the cure:

"ਤੀਨੇਤਾਪਨਿਵਾਰਣਹਾਰਾਦੁਖਹੰਤਾਸੁਖਰਾਸਿ ॥ "

By way of which I've enjoyed spiritual bliss which is beyond description. What is this bodily fever? See for yourself, with the very first shabad my fever broke and I began to sweat. I came here thirsting for satsangat and keertan, and so Satguru jee has given his blessings and the fever has broken."

Sreemaan Bhai Sahib jee again embraced him. They had met after so many years and he gave his love to his heart's content. After this, the Jatha ate and returned to rest.

Retirment and Final Years

Subedar Sahib was still serving in the army when he had a heart attack in 1940 or 41, due to which he was given his pension and an allotment of land. The land was in Montgommery near Okara. He came back to his village to live a peaceful life of rest and again began to enjoy the sangat of Baaoo jee. He had such a love for Baoo jee in his heart that he would always walk behind him out of respect. In 1938 when Baoo jee fell from his horse and was seriously wounded in the head, Subedar Sahib arranged for taking care of him and the doctors' treatment.

After receiving his pension, Subedar Sahib came to meet me in Ludhiana for some time. He would take some medicine but his trust was on GurbaaNee and keertan. This was the greatest treatment for him.

From Rawalpindi, Bibi Inder Kaur sent a letter that her aunt was on the Maree mountain range and there was a beautiful house there that could be used for rest purposes for Subedar Sahib, to escape the heat. We went to Rawalpindi and asked Dr. Pargat Singh jee about this suggestion about going to the Maree mountain. He said that it was good for its temperature but a mountain was not a good place for a heart patient. "If you want to go, then travel in leisure and there too, rest. Listen to keertan, but don’t' sing along. This would give you strain." Subedar Sahib remained silent.

We arrived on Maree and the arrangement for staying and bathing at amrit vela was fine. After nitnem, Bibi Inder Kaur's aunt would do parkaash of Sree Guru Granth Saahib and would sing keertan. There was a vaja there. When I began to do keertan, Subedar Sahib said to me "Dr. Sahib has advised that I can listen to keertan but not do it. But keertan is the food for my soul and the medicine for my body. I cannot last without it. How can I follow this advice of not doing keertan?" He then laughed and said "It's not as if he's going to see me doing keertan…So we'll do keertan and enjoy the bliss." The entire time he stayed here, he enjoyed keertan, and remained very happy.

Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee in the book "Ranglay Sajjan" writes about Subedar Harbachan Singh jee,

"Only his close friend, Gurmukh veer Baboo Mul Singh jee can speak of his [Subedar Sahib's] spiritual experiences. What can we write about his Gurmat qualities? They cannot be written down; they are countless. He was a prime example of a Gursikh who lived Gursikhi. When I read the praising and brief-description like stories from Bhai Gurdas jee's Vaaran and Kabitt Svaiyaas, the life of our doola brother Bhai Harbachan Singh comes standing before me."

Bhai Sahib, in the end of this chapter, writes:

"He has left this transitory world, but I don't believe he has left us. Like the lotus, living untouched in the life of a householder and unattached to the material world or his family, not caring about bodily pains, he left his body for the abode of the Guru in an instant. But his soul, at every breath and instant, remains present and visible among the divinely attuned beloved Gurmukhs, and it seems as if had never left."


Subedar Harbachan Singh jee
By Principal Gurmukh Singh jee, Soora Jan 1992
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

Once Bhai Harbachan Singh jee had come to Col. Piara Singh jee's home. When returning, he was going to take the night train. All preparations had been made, but that evening some Singhs came to meet him. They requested him to stay some more days but Bhai Sahib didn't agree. One Singh took Col Sahib aside and asked him to request Bhai Sahib to stay one more day. Col Sahib replied "I'll tell you the method, whatever happens then is up to the Guru."

The time for Sodar came and everyone did the paath together. There was still quite a bit of time before the train was to leave so according to Col. Sahib's suggestion, one Singh lovingly said to Bhai Harbachan Singh jee "Well, you're leaving, but before you leave, can you recite one shabad for us?" Bhai Sahib could not refuse. The paath had been done in the presence of Sree Guru Granth Saahib jee and right there the instruments were also opened up. Bhai Sahib took the shabad

" ਸਾਜਨਾਸੰਤਆਉਮੇਰੈ ॥ ੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ ਆਨਦਾਗੁਨਗਾਇਮੰਗਲਕਸਮਲਾਮਿਟਿਜਾਹਿਪਰੇਰੈ ॥ ੧॥"

When Bhai Sahib sang the next line,

" ਸੰਤਚਰਨਧਰਉਮਾਥੈਚਾਂਦਨਾਗ੍ਰਿਹਿਹੋਇਅੰਧੇਰੈ ॥ ੨॥",

then his consciousness was so lost in this line that he spent the rest of the night in the sangat doing abhyaas. Bhai Sahib remained silent in his deep meditation and his hands remained resting on the vaja. At around 5AM at amrit vela, Bhai Sahib again began the shabad from the same line and finished around 6AM. In this way, the Singhs enjoyed the bliss of a lot of sangat with Bhai Sahib (where he was before not going to stay).

Bhai Sahib has been mentioned in Bh. Sahib Randheer Singh jee's Ranglay Sajjan. Veer Dr Surinder Singh jee (Bhai Harbachan Singh jee's son) told us of many amazing stories from his father's life. All of Veer jee's brothers and siters would die at a very young age and their Mata jee asked Bhai Harbachan Singh jee why they died so young. Bhai Sahib replied "This is all the amazing work of Sachay Paatshaah. By his will, only those souls are born into our home who have come just to receive amrit. After receiving amrit at young ages, they leave for Dargah (divine court) and are accepted there."

Bhai Sahib Harbachan Singh jee's Singhnee then did not take her newest baby daughter to receive amrit for this very fear. When she became of marriageable age, she went to receive amrit and died a little while after that.

Once, during the first World War, Bhai Harbachan Singh was stationed in a military camp on the banks of a river in France. At amrit vela, Bhai Sahib was immersed in naam abhyaas when the river began to flood. The army began to flee and in moments, they emptied the camp and went far away. Bhai Saahib stayed stationary in deep smaadhee. The water began to go over him as well. When roll call was taken for the unit, Bhai Saahib was listed as missing due to "having drowned". But after two or four days, when the water receded from the camp, the soldiers who came to survey the damage found Bhai Saahib covered in deep mud. They picked him up and after cleaning him, Bhai Sahib's smaadhee finally opened. Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee used to say that the British forces won the war because naam abhyaasees like this were in the ranks of their army.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2010 06:51AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 18, 2009 09:26AM

Bhai Harcharan Singh jee Ambala Cantt
By Bhai Trilok Singh jee Jalandhar in Soora Nov 1996
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

Beloved Bhai Harcharan Singh jee was called Baoo jee by his whole family. He was a resident of Ravalpindee and it was there that he met Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee. By the grace of Sangat and Guru, Baoo jee was peshed in the Jatha in 1932 and received the gift of amrit and engaged himself in the service of the Guru. Following the Guru's orders until his final days, through grace of Akaal Purakh, Baoo jee took care of his amrit vela as a most important commitment to his faith.

In Ravalpindee, Baoo jee was employed in the PWD and after Partition, he came and settled in Ambala Cantt. For some time he stayed in the home of Bhai Durlabh Singh jee and later he applied to get a house from the Cantonment Board. Many people were bringing influential people to put their requests through but Baoo jee relied only on Guru Sahib and kept doing naam. Finally Baoo jee was given a house where he spent the rest of his life.

ਸੰਤਾਕੇਕਾਰਜਿਆਪਿਖਲੋਇਆਹਰਿਕੰਮੁਕਰਾਵਣਿਆਇਆਰਾਮ ॥

Baoo jee was a mighty Naam Abhyaasee. For many hours he'd sit in one position and listen to keertan and sing along as well. From the start of a Ran Sabaaiee till the end, he would sit in one position and enjoy the nectar. Keertan was his love.

Baoo jee's wife, Bibi Amrit Kaur was the daughter of the great Sant Thandee Singh of Delhi. Bibi jee played a major role in helping Baoo jee keep his bibek and was always ready to serve. Bibi jee left this earth a few years before.

Baoo jee spent quite some time in the PWD as a head clerk and his job was to pass bills for construction projects. If he was like other people, Baoo jee would have taken bribes and made a palace for himself but by the Guru's grace he considered honest work to be most important and every month out of his hard earned money he was sure to give his dasvandh and only then gave the rest of the money to his family.

Later, Baoo jee was transferred to Kulu and here too he remained dedicated to the Guru and kept his amrit vela. Baoo jee didn't let anyone know about himself and for that reason, most of the Sangat did not know about him or his spritual state. But those who saw Baoo jee in keertan and the kirpaa that he received there, know what spiritual stages he was in.

Baoo jee would get up at 12.05 AM and then without letting any other member of the family know, would bathe and then begin his true work (naam).

Most Government workers retire at the age of 58 but due to his dedication and hard work, Baoo jee was granted a two-year extension and at the age of 60 retired in Kulu. Even though others pressured him to continue to work, Baoo jee insisted on spending the rest of his life serving the Guru.

Baoo jee developed a hernia later in life. He did not want to remove any hair and so would not even listen to suggestions of an operation. For quite some time, Baoo jee tied a belt around his waist to handle the situation but later the discomfort increased and he agreed to have an operation done. By coincidence Baoo jee's cousin was a senior doctor in a Delhi hospital and Baoo jee told him that he wanted an operation without removal of any hair. The Doctor expressed his inability to do this but agreed to speak with his colleagues about the possibility. This was an odd case and because Baoo jee was a relative of a senior doctor, a team of 16 surgeons had a meeting. An American doctor also was a part of this group. Baoo jee's condition and his refusal to remove hair was discussed and the doctors decided to call him in as well.

The American doctor saw Baoo jee in baNa and was humbled. This was the first time he had seen someone like this. Baoo jee was always dressed in a simple kurtaa pyjama, with his gatraa over top and a blue dastaar on his head with a khanda on top of it. The American doctor spoke to Baoo jee in English and after a half-hour discussion he agreed to take responsibility of the operation where no hair would be removed. The American doctor however had Baoo jee put in writing that if a hair was left inside the skin and due to that something unfortunate happened, the doctor would not be responsible. Baoo jee without any hesitation put this in writing and said that indeed, it was his responsibility. The operation took place and the doctors were very happy with their success and the American Doctor remarked that this was the first time he had experienced such an event.

During the operation, the doctors were astounded that despite 10 anaesthesia needles being given, Baoo jee's naam khanda would not stop, and the American doctor did not understand what was happening. Baoo jee's cousin, the doctor, was asked to explain and he did so. Two more needles were given and finally Baoo jee's body became somewhat calmer and the operation began.

Baoo jee lived according to the shabad "ਗੁਰਸਤਿਗੁਰਕਾਜੋਸਿਖੁਅਖਾਏਸੁਭਲਕੇਉਠਿਹਰਿਨਾਮੁਧਿਆਵੈ ॥ " He was the same inside as he was on the outside (he had no falseness to him). He would speak the truth, not caring what anyone thought and no matter what happened. Whenever it came to give his views on the Chardee Kalaa of the Jatha, he would go wherever he was called, not caring for his personal comfort.

Finally Baoo jee received the call from the True Court and one day before he left, he stopped speaking but kept meditating on naam inside, and finally on February 7th, 1996, he left for the abode of the Guru.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 19, 2009 05:24AM

Master Joginder Singh jee BaRundi
By Pr. Gurmukh Singh jee in Soora, Feb. 1995
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org


Master Joginder Singh jee BaRundi was on of those Gursikhs in the Akhand Keertanee Jatha who lived amazing and noble Sikh lives. He was born January 11, 1900 in village BaRundi dist. Sangroor. Master jee passed his metric and then to become a teacher, took the GAV course. In 1925 he took a job as a teacher at the Guru HarGobind High School, Gurusar Sudhaar. He worked here for 31 years, from 1924 to 1937 and then from 1940 to 1959.

From 1937 to 1940 Master jee was the secretary at Sree Darbaar Saahib Tarntaaran Saahib. BaRundi is 16Km from Gurusar Sudhaar and Master jee used to come every day from his village by bike. When leaving for school, he would begin Sukhmani Saahib and would finish by the time he arrived. Master jee went to his place at the feet of the Guru on March 7, 1964 after leading of a life of naam and encouraging others to meditate on naam as well.

From birth, Master jee's feet were twisted. The bones from his knees down were also afflicted but his upper frame was strong. He was a handsome and impressive Singh. When Master jee was at Narangvaal doing sevaa in Sree Akhand Paath Sahib, Bhai Joginder Singh, an officer in Patiala State, got the idea to marry his daughter to him. He spoke to Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh about this idea. Bhai Saahib said frankly that the boy was in Chardee Kalaa in every way in terms of Gursikhi but there was a birth defect in his legs and feet. The puraatan Gursikhs were blessed that they did not have any pride over their rank or position and they married their daughter to a virtuous Singh even though he was from a poor family. Puraatan Gursikhs ignored looks, faces, money and rank, and only looked towards sharing virtues and qualities.

Before Master jee received amrit, his name was Harnaam Singh. He was named Joginder Singh after receiving amrit. One example from Gurusar Sudhaar's Khalsa High School gives some idea of Mater jee's Gursikhi life. In the Khalsa School, there was a Gurdvara Sahib. A Nihang Singh used to do the seva of Granthi there. This Granthi was so firm in his principles that the seva of taking a hukumnama was restricted only to himself or to Master Joginder Singh jee. No one else could do this sevaa. From this it seems that Nihang also had a good jeevan and could sense the love and devotion of Master jee. No one else from the school staff could take a hukumnama, but this all has a hidden meaning that cannot really be described.

I haven't been able to find out how Master jee met Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee, but BaRundi is not far from Narangvaal. Bhai Sahib's service for the Panth and then his time in Jail and many other incidents from his life must have influenced the young Master Joginder Singh. Even before Bhai Sahib's return from jail, Master jee had received amrit and was doing sevaa in Akhand Paaths. In 1933 Bhai Sahib and Master jee must have been very close for Bhai Sahib arranged his marriage with the Patiala officer's daughter.

When Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee used to write books, only a few people could read his handwriting. Master jee took this sevaa upon himself and he used to recopy Bhai Sahib's drafts before they were sent to the printers. He used to also check the lagaa(n) maatraa(n) on the quotations given from baaNee. The book "Gurmat ManDan, Manmat KhanDan" was entirely dictated to Master jee. Master jee worked hard to bring the legacy Bhai Sahib's books from 1933 to the present time. Master jee himself wrote the following books: Gurmat Gohaj Ratan and Sunyjay Ghar Kaa Pahunaa. After retiring, Master jee started "The Line Printing Press" which ran until 1964.

Master jee was a great Akhand Paathee from laReedaar saroop. Almost all of Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee's old companions were good Akhand Paathees. Because the Singhs used to listen to so much beautiful keertan, they also were beautiful paathees. When Bhai Sahib used to go to Keertan Smaagams, he used to always have many Akhand Paathees with him who used to also do seva in Akhand Paaths. Many of the Singhs in Ranglay Sajjan listened to entire Akhand Paaths in one sitting. Master jee also did this. By listening to Akhand Paaths, the transforming power of GurbaaNee can be experienced. Nowadays, Akhand Paaths are certainly a part of our Smaagams due to tradition, but only a few Singhs and Singhnees actually go to listen. Perhaps this is why there are less lovers of baaNee today than before.

In March 1959 Master jee began monthly RaN Sabaaiees in the villages around Ludhiana and Master Ujjager Singh (Farvalee) continued this sevaa. Because of these monthly RaN Sabaaiees, there was a lot of parchaar in Malwa and these monthly programs continue even today.

Master Joginder Singh jee's face was always glowing and naam was going inside him. Whenever he met someone, he would meet them with love and respect. He considered the service of the Guru and Panth the purpose of his life.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2010 07:00AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 21, 2009 07:45AM

Bhai Saahib Harnaam Singh jee Komal
From Soora, January 1987
Translated by Admin - www.tapoban.org


Bhai Harnam Singh jee Komal was a famous jewel of the NirbaaN Keertanee Jatha. He was a very close companion of Bhai Saahib Randheer Singh jee and all old Jatha Singhs are very familiar with him. His magnetic personality pulled everyone close to him. During ardaas when Komal jee would say Vahiguru, he would produce a unique echo. He would always be encouraging his companions to do naam abhyaas. Komal jee was firm in his ways and never bowed before any officer or anyone else. He lived his entire life in a very royal fashion.

Regarding Komal jee’s demeanor, his sister Bibi Variaam Kaur writes that from the very start, Komal jee was always independent and did as he wished. He didn’t easily listen to what others had to say. When both of us, brother and sister, went to Bhulovaal regarding our older brothers marriage engagement, we found out that Maaee Jhugee was visiting and was staying out in the fields. We went to meet her. This Maaee was a hundred years old and a virgin. She was very happy to meet us. In our discussion, I mentioned that my brother (Komal jee) was very stubborn. Our father had arranged his maariage when he was a child and had promised someone his hand, but now he would not listen. Maee jee said Bibi, this is a soul who has done a lot of meditation in his last life. He has meditated a lot and this is why he has a very hard nature. He will be the salvation for 21 of your generations. Don’t say anything to him. We were eventually forced to reject that marriage arrangement.

Komal jee was born in Mithaa TivaaNaa in the home of Mata Lachhmee and father Bhai Gulab Singh on June 11, 1911. Mata Lachhmee had many good qualities. She had a very strong dedication to her household duties. Every day Mata jee would prepare food for her husband or some visiting Saint by grinding the grain herself and while preparing the food she would do one Sukhmani Saahib and another while preparing buttermilk. When Mata jee was pregnant, she would daily do 25 Japjee Saahibs. In their home the family had parkaash of Sree Guru Granth Saahib. Mata jee would keep reciting baaNee while standing, sitting and at all times. Mata jee was also very generous. She would serve the less fortunate with food and clothes with great enthusiasm. Mata jee passed away in 1930-31 but her Gurmat lifestyle had a deep effect on her children.

Komal jee studied upto the tenth grade in Khalsa High School Sargodha. Sargodha is near Mithaa TivaaNaa. Where Komal jee was very influenced by his mother’s seva and faith as well as her Gurmat lifestyle, he was also influenced by his teacher at Sargodha School, Mater Nihal Singh. Master jee’s sharing of his Gurmukh qualities caused Komal jee to be pierced with faith for the Guru. Master Nihaal Singh was a very serious individual and his qualities were stamped onto the hearts of all the school’s children. If he was to scold a child for a mistake, he would pat the child and then push him and say Gurmukha! What is this? Step aside!

Through destiny, Komal jee’s mother and Master Nihaal Singh had a very deep effect on him. Every day he would go to the well and fill clay pots with cold water, lift them upon his head and then take them to the Gurdvara Sahib to lovingly serve the sangat. During both his breaks and his school going days Komal jee would continue this service. After High School, Komal jee went to the Government Engineering College in Rasool and passed a course in Draftsmanship. He found employment in Lahore. When he was free from his job, he would either go to shores of the river and sit in peace or go to Gurdvara Dehra Sahib and clean the dishes from the Langar.

During his school days, because of the influence of his aunt Gian Kaur, Komal jee was very big fan of Bhai Saahib Veer Singh jee and would day and night sing his praises. Because of his nearness to Bhai Veer Singh jee, Komal jee’s poetry appeared in the Khalsa Samaachaar newspaper under the title Komal jee Sargodhvee. However, when, by the will of the Guru, Komal jee met Bhai Saahib Randheer Singh jee in Lahore, he forgot about Bhai Veer Singh jee and became only for Bhai Saahib. This relationship lasted in high spirits till his final breaths.

After joining the NirbaaN Keertanee Jatha, in 1937, Komal jee appeared in an Amrit Sinchaar Smaagam before the Panj Pyaaray and received amrit, but he remained without the deep colours of naam which should have coloured him. After nine or ten hours, when Komal jee was brought before Bhai Saahib, Bhai Saahib was shocked and said to Jathedar Baoo Mul Singh jee, What has happened here? Then locking eyes with Komal jee, Bhai Saahib said How unfortunate! He has Bhai Veer Singh sitting inside him and due to his own understanding, he has given equal status to that one Sikh and the Punj Pyaaray who are the Guru’s own form. I have great hopes from this long separated soul. Satguru himself will reveal the true and complete Gurmat to him.

After this, a limitless love with Bhai Saahib Randheer Singh jee’s Jatha started. Komal jee, speaking about a personal miracle he experienced, writes the following: I was in Giaan Dheengra jee’s car when Bhai Saahib jee touched my Trikutee (on the forehead). The deep meditation that I realized at that time, I have never experienced again!

In Komal jee’s home in Lahore’s Krishna Nagar, Akhand Paath smaagams and keertan sessions were always happening. The intoxication of naam was so strong at the weekly smaagams that keertan would go on till noon with no one even thinking about eating langar. All attention was devouted towards the food of Amrit naam and eating that, we would be satisfied.

And so Komal jee passed his entire life in the NirbaaN Keertanee Jatha’s Smagams and Gupruab ransabaaees and Akhand paath sahibs, in the enjoyment of naam. Sometimes Komal jee was troubled because of the Asthma he had inherited from his father’s side of the family, but he never ever faltered in preserving his amrit vela and taking a full bath including washing his kesh.

As the final day approached, Komal jee’s last Poh Sodee Saptmee Smaagam arrived, which was always celebrated in Ludhiana’s Model Town Sree Guru Singh Sabhaa. Komal jee spent the entire time in the corner of the Langar hall, washing the used Sarbloh dishes. He would not speak with anyone and his attention was turned towards the keertan from the loud speaker and with his hands he was serving his Lord. Komal jee hinted to his younger brother Bhai Saahib Soorat Singh Pooran jee that he was preparing to move to the next world.

Veer Soorat Singh Pooran jee tells us that for a year before his leaving us, Komal jee would go to the cremation grounds and peacefully sit there, alone for a long time. He had a great love for flowers and he planted a few plants in the cremation grounds and told his family that his body should be cremated at this place (Komal jee’s love for flowers and love for the Guru were visible at the Nargvaal Poh Sodee Saptmee Gurpurab when the Nagar Keertan was taken out. He would go to various bungalows and shower Sree Guru Granth Saahib jee and the Sikh Sangat with flowers).

Finally on March 6, 1986, amrit vela arrived. Komal jee’s body was not well for a few days. On this day however, although he was weak, he was not experiencing any difficulty. According to his daily schedule, this day too, he rose at Amrit Vela and listened to Nitnem, Sukhmani Saahib and other BaaNees from his wife Bibi Inderjeet Kaur and enjoyed them in total bliss. After the conclusion of the path, Komal jee had some slices of an orange and then told his wife that she should rest and he too would rest for a while. After a little while, Komal jee’s son brought some milk and herbal tea and called for his father, but no response followed. He woke his mother and she too came running. A doctor was called but the soul-bird had flown. Komal jee had left for the abode of the Guru.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 23, 2009 02:24PM

Bhai Darshan Singh Jee GaRguj
Translated by admin www.tapoban.org


Bhai Darshan Singh received the gift of amrit in 1939 at a smaagam organised by Bhai Saahib Randheer Singh jee's NirbaaN Keertanee Jatha when Bhai Saahib had gone to village Fularvaan for an akhand paath saahib and amrit sinchaar. Before this, Bhai Darshan Singh's life was much like any other worldly persons. In Fularvaan Dist. Sargodha (Pakistan) Bhai Darshan Singh had a cotton factory which ran for 6 months during the cold season and shut down during the summer.

Bhai Darshan Singh told us, in his own words, "I used to eat a lot of meat in Fularvaan. When I received amrit at the hands of the NirbaN Keertanee Jatha, the Punj Pyaaray told us that we could not eat any meat, neither halaal nor jhatkaa and no eggs or liqour either. I at that point asked 'I have a very deep-seated habit of eating meat. How will I ever give it up?' The jathedaar of the punj pyaaray, Baoo Mul Singh jee said to me with fervour 'Oh really? From today onwards, for the next month, everyday, wake at 1 AM. Set you clock's alarm. Take a complete bath including your hair and then in a peaceful place, till sunrise, meditate on naam and then do your nitnem. Then go to the gurdvara and do ardaas and then go to work. Follow this program for a month and then see if you still want to eat meat or if even thinking of it disgusts you."

Bhai Darshan Singh submitted completely before the godly order of the Punj Pyaaray and began to live by the new schedule. About a week passed doing naam abhyaas and his mental state totally changed and the khandaa of naam began to go very hard with a lot of power. After 15 days, when he looked within himself, Bhai Darshan Singh could not find any desire to eat meat. And then he made this program ordered by the punj pyaaray permanent for the rest of his life. He would work for six months and the next six months he would spend with Bhai Saahib Randheer Singh jee, going to various smaagams.

Bhai Darshan Singh recounted how once Sree Maan Bhai Saahib jee said "Darshan Singh, enjoy as many smaagams as possible! All these factories are going to be reduced to nothing" Bhai Darshan Singh didn’t' understand what Bhai Saahib meant at the time, but in 1947 at the time of Partition, he had to leave behind his home and factory and move to East Punjab with nothing at all. Only then did Bhai Saahib's words begin to make sense.

Bhai Sahib would in a very loud and thunderous voice roar "Gurroo-VAHi" and because of this, the nickname Gargajj (thunderous roar) began to be attached to his name.

Once, Bhai Saahib and the Jatha were going to Baramoola Kashmir in a bus and with them some English travellers were also going to enjoy the cool weather. Looking at the mountains and beautiful scenery, Gargajj jee felt divine inspiration and let out, with his thundering voice a loud "Gurrooo-VAHI!" The poor English travellers fell off their seats and began to scream "Wolf!!" Seeing the terrified English, the Singhs began to laugh and assured the travellers that this was not the roar of a wolf or bloody thirsty tiger, this was a Singh-tiger who became enchanted by seeing God's creation and then could not help but roar. "So don't be afraid!" They all were stunned and began to stare at Gargajj jee. During keertan smaagams, this thundering could regularly be heard in the background.

Where Bhai Darshan Singh was a great lover of keertan, he also was a very good keertanee and akhand-paathee. For hours on end during ran sabaaees, coloured in divine love, Bhai Darshan Singh would do keertan with no sign of fatigue. The more keertan he would do, the louder he would sing. Remembering his keertan, we recall another soul, Bhai Santokh Singh jee Bairaagee, who after partition moved to Amritsar where he had a small book binding business. Bairagee jee was given this name by Bhai Saahib himself after seeing his vairaag. (Shortly before Vairagee jee's passing away, Bhai Saahib, at the Poh Sudee Smaagam in Narangvaal, had Bairagee jee sit on the vaja beside him and sang the shabad

"ਨਦੀਆਵਾਹਵਿਛੁੰਨਿਆਮੇਲਾਸੰਜੋਗੀਰਾਮ ॥ "

These two (Gargajj and Bairagee jee) were a good pair and would do keertan together all night.

Gargajj jee had much BaaNee memorised and daily read a lot of Sree Guru Granth Saahib. He taught many people how to read from SGGS. Where he had a deep understanding of Gurbanee grammar, he also understood the deep meanings of shabads.

In his final years, Bhai Darshan Singh's legs stopped working and he lost movement below the waist. But despite these physical difficulties, his awareness remained unaffected. For his final two years, he remained lying on a bed and his family served him very well. On his final day, he listened to nitnem and full Sukhmani Saahib from 5 Singhs with absolute concentration. The Singhs, seeing Bhai Darshan Singh's weak body went to the gurdvara and did ardaas for his liberation from the cycle of life and death and distributed degh. Some degh was also brought back for Bhai Darshan Singh. The effect of the ardaas was almost immediate. Bhai Darshan Singh peacefully left this world on March 22 1984 at 11.30am and went to Gurpuree, while his family and the Singhs repeated "Vahiguru" at his bedside. The memory of his naam abhyaas and his passion and enthusiasm for amrit vela will forever be in the hearts of his admirers.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 24, 2009 03:20PM

Dr. Preetam Singh jee AnjaaN, Jalandhar valay
In Soora, July 1999
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org


Dr. Preetam Singh jee was born in the home of Bhai Jasvant Singh jee and Mata Jasbeer Kaur jee on April 24, 1961. Dr. Sahib's father was a leading Singh in the Jalandhar AKJ and Mata jee was also a leading keertanee. So, according to past karma Dr. Sahib was born in a religious atmosphere and from his childhood remained coloured in naam. He would go to smaagams with his mother and father and would pass through the sangat and come to the front and sit beside the keertanee Singhs and be lost. From amongst his two brothers and six sisters, Dr. Sahib was the best in his schooling and studied homeopathic medicine. Along side his difficult medical studies, he also studied Gurmat with full dedication and received training from his parents and other Gursikhs.

Dr. Sahib had a lot of baaNee memorised and besides his nitnem of 5 baaNees, he would recite many others as well. His consciousness was so attuned to shabad that when he'd sing GurbaaNee Keertan, he would be so attached to the meanings of the baaNee that he would be lost in vairaag and divine colours and leave the listeners immersed as well.

Dr. Sahib's heart was always tormented by the rise of bad practices in the Sikh Panth and with his writings, he would speak out against them. He would also encourage his companions to resist these wrong practices as well.

Writing about unnecessary and thoughtless "PramaaN" or examples in keertan Dr. Sahib wrote (sarcastically), "We Jatha Singhs, what need do we have to study GurbaaNee? We've studied from the Divine Court of course and are leaders. The rest of the world is stuck in "churaasee" or reincarnation. Using unsuitable examples (PramaaN) and attaching unsuitable lines from baaNee to our keertan and doing dhunee of Gurmantar at inappropriate places has become our identity." Then Dr. Sahib prays, "Oh God, keep us away from such an identity, and give us such a rebirth that we only consider ourselves capable of judging ourselves and finding our own mistakes. Let us reflect on GurbaaNee Paath, Keertan, GurbaaNee veechaar and Guru-History with such humility but sharp intellect that our identity becomes that of only Naam-loving Ranglay Sajjan."

Dr. Sahib made the lines

" ਪ੍ਰਥਮੇਮਨੁਪਰਬੋਧੈਅਪਨਾਪਾਛੈਅਵਰਰੀਝਾਵੈ ॥ " First, he instructs his own mind, and then, he leads others"

apply to his life completely. He would encourage his companions to look at themselves first and shape their lives according to GurbaaNee. His heart was a spring of faith for GurbaaNee. As a sign of this faith, he wrote a pothee of the 5 baaNees with his own hands and give it to his wife as an amazing gift.

Dr. Sahib was always ready to help the needy. He wouldn't care for his own life when helping others. Once when going to Delhi, someone's house was on fire. In that house a young child was trapped. Dr. Sahib fearlessly went through the flames to pick up the child and bring him out. He became the subject of the child's parents and others blessings.

Bhai Preetam Singh jee AnjaaN wanted to live every part of his life according to GurbaaNee. He didn't just desire this, he always tried to bring it into practice as well. He called himself the most lowly and addressing his wife, he wrote: "I'm bitter, dirty and shameless and all other things, but I've always been afraid to do wrong. Perhaps this fear will one day bring some big change within me and I'll become a good person and then become a good life partner for you. When loving words and baaNee become our life, then the desire to meet in [Barahmaha's] Vaisakh and Jayth's desire to unite will become our fortune. Then I don't know why our luck is so bad. Let's work together and according to Guru Sahib's description of both these months let's have the pangs of love and bring Gursikhi jeevan into this love. Both of our births falling in the month of Vaisakh are no small or insignificant thing. Nor is it just usual. It's important for both of us to understand the meaning of this."

Dr. Sahib would read Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh jee's books with great interest and seeing the example of a great Sikh in these books would try to bring his example into his own life and encourage others to do the same. Being influenced by these books, Dr. Sahib warned about the weakness coming into the practice of Tat Gurmat: "Today, we need a Tat Khalsa which Guru Gobind Singh prepared by giving amrit. We shouldn't try to just administer amrit and increase the number of amritdhaarees, but today we need religious and Naamee Singhs who live practical Gursikhi Jeevans. Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh jee writes in Ranglay Sajjan about amrit sinchaars in those times. What kind of Punj pyaaray and what kind of abhilakhees there were and what kind of lifestyle they should have. Only those Punj Pyaaray who are coloured in GurbaaNee in mind and body can choose worthy candidates who know the value of Amrit. But today in the Sikh Panth and our Akhand Keertanee Jatha, there are changes being made according to individual mindsets, which are bringing a downfall in the Khalsa Panth. Bringing our own changes into the rehit maryada has resulted in apostasy and prevalent drug use in the Sikh youth."

In this way Dr. Sahib always desired the chardee kalaa of the Khalsa Panth and attempted to guard the Tat-Gurmat lifestyle. If we try to write about other examples in his life for this goal, we could write an entire book.

Like puraatan Gursikhs, by being coloured in naam, Dr. Sahib knew that his final days were approaching but didn’t' tell anyone about it. Sometimes though, his words gave hints about this. In a Smaagam at Bastee Sheikh at Jalandhar, he unconsciously said, "I'm going to be wounded in my head. There's little time and so much to do."

Knowing about his final days, Bhai Sahib did not let any weakness or change enter his life. He desired to obey the divine orders only. Some time before, Dr. Sahib's mother had a dream of his dying in a car accident. Instead of saying something else to confuse his mother, he said "Thank Guru Sahib. Maybe Guru Sahib is giving you a signal and preparing you to accept his will."

Finally that time arrived on June 27, 1998. The Sangat of Ludhiana had called him to do keertan at a RaN Sabaaee, and even though he didn't feel like going due to both bodily and mental fatigue, he accepted the orders of the Sangat and left for Ludhiana. Seeing his arrival, the Sangat of Ludhiana was very happy and for 1.25 hours he sang the shabad

" ਮਨਮੇਰੇਸਾਚੇਨਾਮਵਿਟਹੁਬਲਿਜਾਉ ॥ "

and he kept doing svaas svaas Khanda of Naam.

After this, he played joRee (tabla) for some time and enjoyed the bliss of keertan. According to divine will, Dr. Sahib rose at amrit vela 3AM from sangat and taking the blessings of sangat and doing naam hugs with other Singhs, he left with his wife and children. 5KM from Filaur on the road to Goraaiyaa(n), Dr. Sahib's jeep was in an accident and just like his mother's dream, he was injured in his head and left for his place at the Guru's feet. At his final moments, his mind and voice were both repeating Gurmantar which was heard by a guard who stood nearby who then told the Singhs who came to get the body.

Dr. Preetam Singh jee was an amazing NirbaaN Keertanee but was also a very sweet Akhand Paathee. When he read BaaNee, it was like arrows piercing the listeners' hearts. He was a total bundle of good qualities. Whoever did his Sangat, could not help but make an eternal place for him in their hearts.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2009 08:01AM

Gursikh Jeevan: Dr. Kaur Singh jee
By Dr. Niranjan Singh & Bhai Kirpal Singh
In Soora, January 1991
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

Dr. Kaur Singh jee lived a completely Gursikh life with untouchable ethics and values. He was a lover of doing naam abhyaas, reading baaNee and listening to keertan. He at all times had a Sehaj Paath of Sree Guru Granth Saahib going and immediately after concluding one, he would commence another.

Dr. Sahib was born on January 1st, 1900 and left this world on November 11th, 1990.

At the age of 23, Dr. Sahib became a medical officer in Patiala State. From his very first salary he began to take out his dasvandh and he continued this practice till the end of his life. Once, when the Maharaja of Patiala seized Dr. Kaur Singh jee's assets, he could not give his dasvandh for two years but once his financial situation improved, he gave the full account of the missed two years to the Guru. He would also continuously make anonymous donations to various Gursikh causes along with his regular routine of naam, baaNee and keertan

Everyday, Dr. Kaur Singh would rise between 1 and 2AM and then wash his hair with cold water and would never let any day pass without this. Even if he had a fever of 102-103 degrees, he did not skip this rehit. Until 8AM, he would remain immersed in naam and BaaNee. After having his breakfast, he would go to the upper level of his home and read GurbaaNee pothees and sing BaaNee. He used to consider idle talk with family and friends as a waste of time. Dr. Sahib had a very large family with eight sons, three daughters and many grand daughters and grand sons, but he remained free of worldly attachment.

Dr. Kaur Singh had a very deep and unbreakable love with Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee. Bhai Sahib too had limitless love for him and when the two would meet, Bhai Sahib would take him into an embrace and it would seem as if they were friends from even previous lives who had been finally re-united. This love between the two lasted their entire lives. Up to Dr. Sahib's final days, if someone even mentioned Bhai Sahib's name, his every hair would stand on end and his happiness and excitement would know no bounds.

Dr. Kaur Singh received amrit in an amrit sinchaar organized by the NirbaaN Keertanee Jatha and he became so attached to naam and baaNee that he would attend any smaagam within 50 miles of his home. At RaN Sabaaees, he would sit the entire night in complete awareness and would not move even a little.

When Dr. Sahib was young, he was very stubborn and of a hot temper. He would even try to take a stick to his commanding officers. Even the biggest and most influential members of his family would fear him. But after becoming attached to naam and baaNee, he became so soft-hearted and calm that even if he had spoken bitterly to someone 20 years earlier, he would go to beg for forgiveness and would always say, "I am very much in error…."

Dr. Sahib had received the priceless gift of BaaNee in his youth from Gurmukh Pyaaray Sant Attar Singh jee. When he was younger, Dr. Sahib attended a divaan in which Sant jee was doing keertan. The thought came to his mind that it would be nice if he could speak in person to this great Gursikh, but then he thought, with such a huge sangat present, this would not be possible. Then, while doing keertan, a type of miracle occurred. Sant jee was doing keertan and then stopped and while gesturing towards Dr. Sahib asked, "Do you read BaaNee?" Dr. Sahib thought that the motion could not have been towards him since Sant jee did not know him at all. Sant jee, seeing Dr. Sahib's silence, then said "Man with the red turban! Do you read baaNee??"

Seeing the direct reference to himself, Dr. Sahib stood up and replied, "Mahaaraj, I cannot memorise baaNee." Sant jee replied, "Do Sukhmani Sahib paaths, you will memorise a lot of baaNee." Then what? A downpour of blessings followed. He memorised so much baaNee along with his nitnem, including Sukhmani Sahib, both Barahmahas, Baavan Akhree, Akaal Ustat and many others as well.

For every Smaagam, Dr. Sahib would make donations for the langar. Over the years, he gave hundreds of thousands of rupees this way. But he did not let anyone know about how much he gave. If someone in the family asked him this question, he would avoid the question or scold them for asking. These donations were above and beyond his regular dasvandh. He forever remained humble and hidden.
Once, Dr. Sahib sold off some property he had bought near Bathinda for about 1.5 Lakhs. He then said to his close friend Bhai Kirpal Singh, "I'm going to take this money with me after I die." Bhai Kripal Singh replied that this even a small needle could not come with us after death, how would he take such a large sum of money?
A few days later, Dr. Sahib gave a large donation to the langar of the Central Smaagam and then said "I'll take this money with me like this." And he vowed to give the rest of the money for the Guru's work as well.

Dr Sahib was a very deep scholar of baaNee and would always encourage Singhs to do clear and correct paath. Once, Bhai Jeevan Singh jee was doing keertan and afterwards, Dr. Sahib approached him and said "at some places you read baaNee incorrectly." Bhai Jeevan Singh then replied in humility, "Dr. Sahib, when I read baaNee incorrectly, please slap me." Dr. Sahib at that moment grabbed Bhai Sahib's feet and asked for forgiveness.

At first, Dr. Sahib used to say, "When I pass on, call as many Singhs as possible and have a keertan." But a short while before his passing, he began to say "It's alright. It's of no consequence if someone comes or not." It was as if he had received some kind of knowledge. As it happened, when Dr. Sahib passed on, and the bhog was to happen, there were smaagams at many places and very few Singhs could attend. Even Bhai Kirpal Singh whom he considered his own nephew could not attend due to certain complications at home.

So, this beloved of the Guru left for Gurpuree, reading baaNee, meditating on naam, listening to raN sabaaees in one sitting. He was 91 years old.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 27, 2009 12:57PM

Ranglay Sajjan Baba Ram Singh jee
by G. Nahar Singh in Ranglay Sajjan (previously untranslated footnote)
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

Other Information on Baba Jee’s Life

Baba Ram Singh jee was one of those beloved and faithful Singhs who made their time on this earth worthwhile by having unwavering faith in Guru Sahib, the desire to serve, meditating on naam and enduring the hardships of prison. However, he never once concerned himself with his praise or fame. For such gursikhs, these words of the Guru truly apply:

ਕੋਇਨਜਾਨੈਕੋਇਨਮਾਨੈਸੇਪਰਗਟੁਹਰਿਦੁਆਰੇ ॥੩॥

Although Baba jee is no longer in this world, his lifestyle, service of his religion and country and the hardships he faced in prison all warrant that his life story be written and published so that such a gurmukh’s actions can serve as a historical example for the future.

Baba Ram Singh jee was a resident of Phalewal in district Ludhiana. His father’s name was Bhai Sahib Singh. In his early years, Baba Ram Singh helped his father in farming, but at the age of 18, he went to the capital of Jeend State, Sangroor and enlisted in the army. After 15 years of service in the army, Baba jee resigned from his post and returned home. Baba jee was a top player at gatka and was the most advanced in this art. He received a prize of RS 36 and one sword.

Encounter with Jeeonaa Mourh and Eye Witness to the death of Dogar

There was a daring bandit in the Malwa area by the name of Jeeonaa. He was of village Mourh, nearby Sangroor in the state of Jeend. Because he was a resident of Mourh village and because his last name was Mourh, he became famous as Jeeonaa Mourh. His generosity and bravery and other qualities gave rise to many stories in our country. Many poets have written works on Jeeonaa Mourh based upon baseless information; especially regarding the death of Dogar which has been totally misrepresented. Jeeonaa’s short history is that his older brother, Kishanaa was a bandit who was friends with a man named Dogar. Dogar betrayed Kishana to the police and thus Kishana was sent to the famous prison of “Kalaa Paanee” (Black Waters). From the prison, Kishanaa sent his brother Jeeonaa a letter in which he encouraged his brother to take revenge from Dogar. Because of this, Jeeonaa and Kishanaa’s son became bandits. Ordinarily, this would certainly not have been the path they would have chosen.

It is well known amongst the people that Jeeonaa would not harm ordinary citizens. His desire was not to rob but only to kill Dogar and take revenge for his brother. How Dogar was killed was recorded by Baba Ram Singh jee, as he saw what happened in person:

“In the days when Jeeonaa Mourh and other bandits had influence in the Malwa area, an Englishman by the name of Mr. Warburton was the Police General in Patiala. In particular, Mr Warburton had been appointed to capture the well known bandits in the area.

To arrest Jeeonaa, police officers and soldiers from Jeend’s army were sent in parties of ten or fifteen men. Warburton used to stay in a hut by the gate to Mourh village and there was a tight police cordon of the village so Jeeonaa could not attack. Even in the village there was quite a police presence. Regardless of these measures, the people of the village continued to keep contact with Jeeonaa and he used to often come to his home and despite the police presence would spend the entire night and leave in the morning.

That thanedar with whom we were riding was a kind and religious old Sikh with a long white beard. He always had a rosary with him. One day, Dogar came to him and lodged a report that “today Jeeonaa is in the forest and he can be captured if you hurry. I will accompany you.” The thanedar said “We don’t have enough strength and not nearly enough men. Without reinforcements, it isn’t possible to combat him” Dogar was insistent so the thanedar and we, the rest of the party had to go with him to the forest.

Dogar was riding ahead of us and when we reached the specified spot, we saw Jeeonaa, his nephew and another man sitting together. Their horses were grazing at the time. Jeeonaa saw us and then said to his nephew: “What are you looking at now? They have arrived!”

Upon hearing this, the nephew took his gun and fired at Dogar. From our side, horseman had also fired a shot but our guns were useless because we had not cleaned them due to how much we were travelling. Our man’s shot missed but the nephew’s shot hit its target and dispatched Dogar to the hereafter. They fired only one bullet and when they saw Dogar fall, they got on their horses and rode off. The thanedar said to us, “We tried to convince this fool that the time wasn’t right. He wouldn’t listen and now he has lost his life. Go circle into the forest and then go back to Dogar’s village with his body. I’ll go now to the village and file a report with the officers.”

After this, Jeeonaa was captured at the festival of Nainaa Devee and was hung in Hissar Jail. His nephew was also imprisoned.

SatSangat, Meditation and Service of the Panth

After Baba jee returned to his village, he began to farm but maintained this daily discipline: he would get up early in the morning and would enjoy the bliss of reciting hymns and meditation. He was one of Bhai Randheer Singh’s beloved friends. At akhand paaths and samaagams, he would always stay with Bhai Sahib. The arrangements for the langar were always in Baba jee’s control and he would do this service with great love. He would never tire, no matter how many problems arose. He would always serve with a content mind. Although Baba jee’s body was old, he was still very strong and active. His attitude was soft towards all and his personality was calm and sweet. Baba Jee would think long and hard about all matters. His body was short and thin, he had a long beard and his face had the influence of calming others. His words were filled with the nectar of sweetness and love.


After enjoying the benefits of many akhand paaths and keertan samaagams, ten years had passed. Finally that time arrived in which he was to serve the nation and in connection with the Rakab Ganj affair had to endure imprisonment in the final years of his life. In 1910, the question of Gurdwara Rakab Ganj was raised and many American and Canadian Sikhs came back to the country and many were imprisoned. Many were tried in the first, second and third Lahore Conspiracy Cases and were sentenced to death or life imprisonment etc. In this matter, Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee was imprisoned on May 19, 1915 in Nabha and was transferred on June 14 to Ludhiana. Along with Bhai Sahib, many others were also arrested. Baba Ram Singh jee was arrested in July of 1915. First he was kept in the Ludhiana police station but was transferred to Ludhiana jail, where he spent four months. During this time, for a month, he remained ill with an illness of the bowels. Although Baba Ram Singh was extremely ill, he was still kept in his jail cell. It was such a time, then, that there was great subjugation in the prisons. The political prisoners were not taken to hospital even if they were sick. Bhai Randheer Singh’s experience in jail is recorded in the second half of the book Jail Chittiaan .

On October 27, 1915, Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee and Baba jee’s other companions were taken from Ludhiana to Lahore Central Jail and the whole group, numbering about 100 Singhs, were tried in the Second Lahore Trial. Three judges heard the cased and the decision was handed down on March 30, 1916. According to section 121A, Baba jee was sentenced to life imprisonment in Kalaa Paanee and the seizure of all his property. On April 4, 1916, he and his companions were transferred to Montgomery Central Jail. Baba jee was always locked in his cell but he continued to encourage his companions to be strong and steadfast. He endured his imprisonment with great strength. At one point Baba jee became terribly sick with pneumonia, but he survived. Because of his old age, Baba Ram Singh had his sentence commuted to only two years and in the winter of 1918, he was released. At the time of his release, he was not allowed to meet any of his companions.

After Jail

After his imprisonment, Baba jee returned to his village and again began to serve the Panth. He would attend congregations and serve the sangat. When the First Shaheedee Jathaa going to Jaito was fired upon, Baba Jee went to Sree Amritsar to join the Second Shaheedee Jathaa. The Shromani Committee refused to allow him to join the Jatha. To this, Baba Jee said,

“Are you refusing to send me with the Jatha because of my old body? I’m much stronger than many of the youths included. I can run five miles and I can lift 80 Kg. I’ve been to jail and I was never released by asking for forgiveness. I never put a stain on the name of Sikhee. Give me the opportunity to achieve martyrdom! I’ve lived long enough!”

These words were published in the SGPC’s tract “Jaito News.” Baba jee was honoured by the Shromani Committee for his willingness to serve in the Jaito and Guru kaa Baagh agitations.


Baba jee had a great desire to see Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh again. When he heard that Bhai Sahib had come to Lahore Central Jail, in 1930, he was very happy. But fate was such that he could not meet with Bhai Sahib because he was sick with a fever. He remained ill for three or four months and then that day came when the Divine called him for. On June 11, 1930, at the age of 67, at 4:00 AM, Baba jee left for Gurpuree. On June 20, the sangat of Phalewal had an akhand paath in his memory.

Baba jee’s wife, Maaee Prem Kaur was very religious just like her husband and always helped Baba jee in serving the sangat. Three years after Baba jee’s passing, Maee jee also passed away. This couple was a true example of Sikh faith and belief and lived a true life that can serve as an example for all. In the life of a householder, this couple left a great ideal. They had no child however.

Baba jee had been the recipient of a hereditary position in the Village Council but when he received the position, he went to the courts and had it transferred to his nephew. Baba jee’s nature was spiritual and aloof from worldly attachments. The courts also insisted, “Baba, why do you give up your position. Why do you give your lands to your nephew? What will you do if he doesn’t serve you?: Baba jee said that his nephew was going to inherit everything anyway, so why not give it to him while alive? “If my nephew doesn’t serve me, then it will be his decision.” This was the embodiment of love Baba jee was. His memory still moves us, his friends. In Montgomery Central Jail, he had stayed with me.

(Nahar Singh Gyaanee)

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