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Additional Baania in Nitnem*
Posted by: ... (IP Logged)
Date: March 25, 2010 05:05PM

gurfateh jio!

pyaaree saadh sangat jee, daas would like to know which baania can be added into daily nitnem..aside from asa di vaar and sukhmani sahib. it would be greatly appreciated if you could also list them in the order they should be read..

for instance shabad hazaarey at amritvela..in between which baanis should this baani be read? after japji sahib or after anand sahib? also, basant kee vaar after rehiraas sahib, rakhiaa ke shabad before keertan sohila..please list more baani.

thank you so much in advance for any replies
waheguroo, bhull chuk maaf karo jee



Re: Additional Baania in Nitnem*
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2010 02:15PM

Daas thinks shabad hazaarey should be read after anand sahib cause at amrit sanchar the chronological order of 5 baniaa is to be followed.

You can take the salok of sri bavan akhri( salok: gurdev mata gurdev pita gurdev swaami parmesara etc...) and read it before doing jap ji sahib and read it again after u finish ur morning nitnem. The same thing can be applied when doing ur evening nitnem.

Morning nitnem:
2.) 5 Baniaa
3.)all these Baanis. There is no order restiction in the following part:

Shabad Hazaarey pats. 5, Shabad Haraarey Pats. 10, Dakhni Oankar, Sidh Gost, Bavan Akhri, Asa Kee vaar, Sukhmani Sahib, Basant Ki vaar, Jaitsri Ki vaar, Ramkali Ki Vaar...

4.) after all this read the salok again (along with *eho salok aad ant parhnaa)


1.)recite the salok
2.) Rehraas
There also no restriction in the order of these banis
3.) Aarti
4.) Basant Ki Vaar
5.) Ramkali Ki Vaar
6.) again the Salok with *eho salok aad ant parhnaa.

* if u look at the Bani Sri Baavan Akhri it starts with this Salok and ends with it but the difference is that at the end it says eho salok aad ant parhnaa so u should read this when closing the nitnem(Evening or Morning).

Sorry for any mistakes.


Re: Additional Baania in Nitnem*
Posted by: ... (IP Logged)
Date: March 28, 2010 01:38PM

wahegurooo thank you so much bhaji/bhenji! much appreciated :)
gurfateh jio


Re: Additional Baania in Nitnem*
Posted by: Akaalee (IP Logged)
Date: March 29, 2010 03:05PM

...... jee,

There is no real rule, neither is there any right or wrong Banee you could recite in your additional nitnem. There are however a few Banees like Asaa Dee Vaar and Sukmanee Sahib which have been traditionally recited by many GurSikhs daily. In addition to these GurSikhs will chose do banee which will be easy to remember because the idea is that these additional Baneea will eventually become Kant. I personally try to do Ramkalee kee Vaar in the evening and the beginning of Akaal Ustat in the mornings, I used to others but now they are not nit.

However I would like to mention that is essential in every GurSikhs Jeevan to have a Sehaj Paath ongoing. This for me this is the dessert, reading different banee daily gives you so much.

So I would suggest you create a balance between your extra Nitnem Banees and your Sehaj Paath to get the most from your Jeevan. You will be restricting yourself if you only do extra Nitnem Banee but no Sehaj Paath.


Re: Additional Baania in Nitnem*
Posted by: ... (IP Logged)
Date: April 01, 2010 04:36AM

thank you for the advice Akaalee jee..may i ask, does lareevaar santhiyaa count as Sehaj Paath?


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