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* Sri Asa Kee Vaar * Understanding how this baani should be performed in keertan..
Posted by: ... (IP Logged)
Date: April 09, 2010 07:36AM

waheguroo jee kaa khalsa waheguroo jee kee fateh!!

pyaari saadh sangat jee, daas is having trouble understanding how to sing this baani in keertan. it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could explain and clear up a few questions :)

1) When doing keertan of asa kee vaar, how does one know where to stop and sing a shabad?
2) can any random shabad be sung or are there set shabads?
3) What is the reason for singing shabads during asa kee vaar? Rather than only singing the actual baani in keertan?
4) Some saloks are sung, so for instance the keertani stops, and someone sitting next to them sings the salok. How does one know which saloks should be sung? Is it all saloks? and what is the reason behind this?

sorry for my ignorance, this is probably just basic information to you all
thank you for your time :)


Re: * Sri Asa Kee Vaar * Understanding how this baani should be performed in keertan..
Posted by: Akaalee (IP Logged)
Date: April 10, 2010 08:52AM

There are no specific shabads that should be sung, but it seems appropriate that those shabads should be sung that are relevant to the theme of the Shabad in Asaa Dee Vaar. There is no real reason why you have to include these extra shabads during Asa Dee Vaar, these are only included to extend the keertan and give extra Laha.

Singing the Salok with or without keertan is up to the individual keertanee and their ability but if possible then all of it should be sung in Keertan again there is no right or wrong rule here.


Re: * Sri Asa Kee Vaar * Understanding how this baani should be performed in keertan..
Posted by: ... (IP Logged)
Date: April 12, 2010 02:14PM

thank you so much!


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