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how and why the misils were started.
Posted by: * (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2010 08:28PM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Is any body can put light on who, how and why misils were started. I know one misil was to protect the Harminder Sahib. I am not clear about others. I think that put us back into cast system which was against Guru sahibs rules.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

Ham paapi bhi gat pawey


Re: how and why the misils were started.
Posted by: 13khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2010 02:35PM

From what I can recall the reason the Misls or Jathas were created was because the Khalsa needed to reorganise itself in to an effective military force. Just before the creation of the Misls the Khalsa was fragmented into many groups, some say there were 65 Jathas and others have said even hundreds.

So it was decided to merge all these Jathas into 11 divisions under the banner of Dal Khalsa. Each was given its own territory to work within.


Re: how and why the misils were started.
Posted by: * (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2010 09:57PM



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