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Messageboard Forum Closure
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: June 02, 2010 09:19AM

Just over a year ago we announced a change in the Admin team of this Site. The new sevadaars of Admin felt they could only devote a limited time to maintain the site because of commitments elsewhere. Trying to balance a Gurmat based routine and work life together with this added seva was always going to be difficult.

In one sense this was a blessing in disguise because it meant we needed to prioritise our seva and our lives. Maintaining the message board as previous years was not going to be possible neither did we feel the need to do so.

Infact most of the current sevadaars felt that a constant talkative and repetitive message board would be a hindrance in our Bhagtee Jeevan and felt it did not fit into Tath Gurmat living.

However we all thought there was a need to compile and collect all the useful Gurmat related articles on our Site and maybe add a few more before we could change direction.

Essentially a message board is a base for talk and noticeably talk by the same people. It can become a medium for wasteful talk and negativity, this is something we wanted to avoid. We acknowledge the positives a message board can bring but trying to balance everything is difficult. We have tried to restrict the talk by limiting our input but by confining activity we are in effect going against the role of a message board. You sort of defeat the object of having a message board if you feel there is no need for constant talk. Hence we feel the need to move away from a message board medium.

In reality there are only a few occasions where you may be inspired to write, so what happens when you are not inspired but need to maintain a message board. You will try to go down the road of generating posts/talk just to maintain the forum which leads to devaluing Gurmat, this is not a commodity that should be sold so easily.

We feel we are now at that point where most of our most useful posts have been collected and grouped for reference. In an addition to our collected posts we have bumped up all other useful posts on to our first page.
We have reached our goal and we feel we can not constructively make any real further contribution. So we have come to a decision to close the message board. Something that has reached its usefulness needs to conclude and we feel it has reached that point.

Doing parchar of Gurmat is no easy task, this can only be done if Guru Jee does Kirpa. If one thinks they can do this through intelligence they are only fooling themselves. Real Parchar is done through living Gurmat, this Parchar goes further than any words. Most importantly you need to be able to practice what you preach otherwise your words will be hollow. Trying to give the correct answer and advice when in reality only Guru Jee can give this is virtually an impossible task. The danger of being put on some sort of pedestal because of some knowledge you may have gained is also difficult to control, although we have tried avoiding this by using anonymous user IDs but this is something else we are not comfortable with or like.

Doing parchar, and especially constantly is not an easy thing to do. So therefore those who can carry this out in their Gurmat lives are praise worthy. It’s simply something we feel we can not perform.

We are grateful to our readers who have been very patient and loyal to our site. Even when activity was low on our message board we still felt very heartened to find that we were still getting hits numbering hundreds on posts and even thousands on the most popular posts. This in a sense was the motivation for us to keep going and helped us with the time to create some useful posts where instead we might have been distracted by useless arguments and debate.

We hope this message board has been useful for our readers over the years and we apologise for any of our shortcomings. Tapoban.org will still continue and we hope to create a new layout/site in the near future. The only thing that has changed is the direction, we may still like to share material with our readers occasionally and therefore our new website will be able to provide this medium.

In the mean time this website will only be used for announcements. Admin on tapoban.org will remain the official voice of the Sangat from the Gurdwara no other individual or website should be cited for any views on our behalf.

We know there is a lot of misinformation on Gurdwara Tapoban Sahib out there but despite encountering such negativity from outside we can only thank and be grateful to our readership for their support over the years.

The answers we seek can only truly be answered by Guru Jee so we hope you look in that direction for true help.

We can only hope Guru Jee does Kirpa and does bhala of everyone through the Chardi Kala of Naam.


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