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Re: Radha swami..???? what are they.. Sikh?
Posted by: 00Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 09:43AM

Sidhu bhai. I think having an Akhand Paath at the Gurdwara and being charged a few hundred dollars/pound sterling is a tad excessive! Especially when these paaths are done in small rooms built for the purpose of Akhand Paaths only - what use are they? The only time an Akhand Paath would be useful to me would be if I heard even 1 minute of it - not when I hand over cash and have the knowledge that someone is doing an Akhand Paath for me in some small room that no other sangat can hear either!

You're right about earning a living, in this day and age, especially in the West people need to own a living but a significant proportion of Gurdwara Sahib's are run like businesses. It costs 2000 pounds sterling to have an Anand Karaj done (that's 4000 USD).

Don't waste your time RSSB bashing, you don't need to convince me, I am merely trying to provide you with an objective point of view.


Re: Radha swami..???? what are they.. Sikh?
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: March 19, 2008 05:38AM

1. Of course if you are having an Akahnd Paath done then it is best if you are there to listen to it and gain some updhashe, but if you cannot be there then at least your money that you paytaa will become suffall. Is it not better that your hard earned money is used in akhand paath? It will be used for langar, for parshaad degh, for flowers to adorn Guru Sahib Ji, for ramalla, for services of the patthies. Is this not better then spending it on maybe cinema outings, restaurants etc etc.

2 Funny how it always comes down to Maya. If we set up a venture, we throw money at it, if it does not work out we say “never mind at least we tried,” if our children use the money and waste it we say “never mind yaar, niaanay aa” but god forbid if we ever have to give our hard earned money for an Akaand Paath, then we roll over in agony.

Have you ever noticed if you say you are having Akahnd Paath done the first thing someone will ask is “Why?” as if the only reason to have Akahnd Paath is if you are in dire trouble and need Gurus help. Why not have Akahnd Paath just to celebrate Gurbani, and the dividends here would be immense.

3 So, if the Akahnd Paath requires £500, this is used for langar, lighting , gas etc. Say we are left with £400 split over five pathies, they get £80 each. Are we so tight that we begrudge a paathi £80 for doing paath ?

Ever thought about all the costs that have to be paid out of the mere £500?

4 From the previous posts there seems to be accusations of ridicule and attacks on a sect , and these people seem so defensive in their posts – I see no evidence of attacks or ridicule. There is no nindhya in telling the truth.

And why should Sikhs not stand up and be counted against those who twist and change bani. We look inwards when we do our nitname (sant) but we stand up against lies and false propaganda (sapahi). If these people regard themselves as non-sikh then why do they give naam from shabads from Guru Granth Sahib Ji? And why the secrecy? Is naam so delicate that the mere mention of it will render it inactive? Or is it so exclusive? We need to proclaim Naam from the roof tops so that people can hear and join in.

5 I have no animosity against these people, for they also have the jyote of Akaal Purkh within them, what I do object to is when they twist and change gurbani meanings for their own ends and entrap unsuspecting people, when they say bad things about our Guru.


Re: Radha swami..???? what are they.. Sikh?
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: March 21, 2008 12:50PM

I dont think by blaming our own BABA's at Gurudwaras we are doing any good for community.
Frnd we know the BAbaji at Gurudwara is the Link inbetween us and Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, By blaming them we are bringing disgrace to the community and religion as well.

Im very agree with Bhunda sayings. Dhasham Guru Sri Guru Govind Singh ji had also taught

"Tum ko tumara khoob.. humko humara khoob"

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